abbr. 澳大利亚科技协会联盟
n abstaining from food
v abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons
v abstain from eating



  1. I like fast music.我喜欢节奏快的音乐。
  2. The star was whipped into a fast car and driven off.那个明星迅速上了一辆汽车疾驶而去。
  3. The post is fast in the ground.那柱子牢牢地埋在地里.
  4. He led a fast life.他过着放荡的生活。
  1. He ran fast enough to catch the thief.他跑得飞快,足以抓住那小偷。
  2. Bind the rope fast lest it should come loose.把绳子绑牢,免得它松脱。
  3. He is living too fast for his health.他现在的生活过于放荡,于健康不利。
  4. The boat was stuck fast in the mud.那船深深地陷在泥里.
  1. The priest had only water and bread during his three week fast.牧师在三个星期的斋戒期间只进食水和面包。
  2. So the meal that breaks your fast should be healthy and wholesome.因此解除禁食的这一餐应该是健康有益的。
  1. They have to fast from dawn to dusk.他们一整天都得禁食。
  2. Before the medical exam, you must fast.在体检之前,你必须禁食。


用作定语~+ n.
  1. The fast game of tennis soon exhausted the two players.快速度的网球比赛使两位选手很快就筋疲力尽了。
  2. They went by fast train.他们搭快车走的。
  3. He was such a fast talker that nobody could understand him.他讲话很快,没有人能听懂。
  4. She was a fast weaver and the cloth was very good.她织布织得很快,而且布的质量很好。
  5. He is my fast friend.他是我的忠实朋友。
  6. Gradually they became fast friends.他们渐渐成为好朋友。
  7. We dyed the cloth with a fast colour.我们用一种不褪色的染料染这种衣服。
n. +~
  1. The label says this shirt is colour fast.标签上说明,这种衬衫不易褪色。
  2. It is five minutes fast.快3分钟。
  3. My watch is three hours fast.我的表快了3个小时。
  1. Is the window fast?窗子关紧了吗?
  2. The roots of the tree are fast in the ground.这棵树的根牢牢地扎在地下。
  3. The colours are bright and fast.这些颜色鲜艳而且不易褪色。
  4. The colours aren't fast, so be careful when you wash these towels.这些颜色容易褪掉,所以洗毛巾时要小心一点。
  5. If the colours are fast, you can wash the shirt in hot water.如果这件衬衫不掉色,你就可以用热水洗。
  6. I'm early—my watch must be fast.我来早了——准是我的表快了。
  1. He was running so fast that he couldn't stop himself.他跑得太快了,一下子停不下来。
  2. The coach directed them to run faster.教练指导他们跑快一些。
  3. He whipped the horse to make it go faster.他用鞭打马使它跑得更快。
  4. My father is rather elderly now and can't walk very fast.我父亲现在上了年纪,没法走得更快。
  5. The train was now going faster and faster.火车现在速度越来越快。
  6. Driving very fast on a rainy night is not consistent with safety.雨夜开快车不安全。
  7. I couldn't go any faster, even though the car behind was gaining on us.尽管后面的汽车越来越逼近我们,我也没法开得更快了。
  8. A car needs a lot of power to go fast.汽车高速行驶需要很大动力。
  9. He went on talking for a long time, but he spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said.他滔滔不绝地讲了半天,但是他说话太快,我们没有几个知道他在说什么。
  10. Don't speak so fast.不要说得那么快。
  11. She works very fast,I can't keep pace with her.她工作很快,我的速度跟不上。
  12. Children learn faster than adults.孩子比成人学得快。
  13. His boots were frozen fast to his feet and would not come off.他的靴子跟脚牢牢地冻在一起,脱不下来了。
  14. He lugged the horse right up to the tree and tied it fast to its trunk.他使劲把马一直拉到树跟前,把它牢牢地拴在树干上。
  15. The boy was fast asleep before the bedtime story was finished.这个男孩没等临睡前的故事讲完就睡熟了。
  16. It rained thick and fast.雨下得又密又急。
  17. It was raining fast.当时正下大雨。


hold fast to
    坚持(某种思想或原则等) continue to believe in (an idea, a principle, etc.)


用作形容词 (adj.)
  • fast bus疾驶的公共汽车
  • fast car疾驶的小汽车
  • fast colour经久不变的颜色
  • fast food快餐食品
  • fast friend可靠的朋友
  • fast grip紧紧抓住
  • fast highway快车道
  • fast life放荡的生活
  • fast lunch快餐
  • fast music节奏快的音乐
  • fast reading快速阅读
  • fast river水流急的河
  • fast rules严格的规则
  • fast train快车
  • fast trip短期旅行
  • fast troop快速部队
  • fast way捷径
  • fast woman放荡的女人
  • fast worker动作快的工人


  • She kept the yearly fast and went to the synagogue.

    出自:H. Segal
  • A remarkably fast sleeper.

    出自:R. Macaulay
  • The girl sat very insecurely, clinging fast.

    出自:D. H. Lawrence

But the book also reinforced his tendency to embrace extreme diets, which included purges, fasts, or eating only one or two foods, such as carrots or apples, for weeks on end. 但这本书也进一步将他推向了极端的饮食习惯,包括催吐、

发表于:2019-01-22 / 阅读(37) / 评论(0) 分类 乔布斯传