音标:[smel] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 味道, 气味, 嗅觉, 嗅, 臭味, 气息
vt. 闻, 探出, 察觉, 发出...的气味
vi. 嗅, 散发气味, 发臭
n. the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form
n. the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents
n. the act of perceiving the odor of something
v. inhale the odor of; perceive by the olfactory sense
词型变化:名词复数形式 : smells ; 过去式 : smelled ; 第三人称单数 : smells ; 现在分词 : smelling ; 过去分词 : smelt



  1. The strong smell made me throw up.这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
  2. The cheese was emitting a strong smell.干酪散发出强烈的气味。
  3. Dogs have a keen sense of smell.狗的嗅觉很灵敏。
  4. Hydrogen has no colour, no taste and no smell.氢气无色、无味、无嗅。
  1. Specially-trained dogs can smell out drugs.受过特殊训练的狗能嗅出毒品。
  2. I could smell that the milk was not fresh.我闻得出牛奶不新鲜。
  3. The flowers smell sweet.花朵散发芳香。
  4. The fish has begun to smell.这鱼已经发臭了.
  5. The reporter began to smell a good story.那记者意识到要有精彩的报道材料。


  1. Dogs have a marvellous sense of smell.狗有非常灵敏的嗅觉。
  2. The dogs can find drugs by smell.这些狗能嗅出毒品来。
  3. Taste and smell are closely connected.味觉和嗅觉是密切相关的。
  4. People have five senses:sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.人有5种感官:视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉。
  5. Bananas have their own characteristic smell.香蕉有其特有的香味。
  6. A delicious mouthwatering smell drifted from the kitchen.一种使人垂涎的香味自厨房飘来。
  7. Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth.薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕的泥土的香味。
  8. The faint sweet smell of flowers lay in the air.花的芳香在空气中飘溢。
  9. The evening air was sweet with the smell of honeysuckle.傍晚的空气中充满金银花的香味。
  10. That smell of freshly baked bread carries me back!新烤面包的气味使我忆起往事!
  11. The smell of the paint will pass off in a few days.油漆味几天后就会消失。
  12. The fire was out, but even so, the smell of smoke was strong.火是熄灭了,但尽管如此,烟味还是很浓。
  13. The smell made him sick.这气味使他感到恶心。
  14. A putrid smell drove us from the room.一股腐臭的气味迫使我们离开这房间。
  15. The liquid gives an unpleasant smell.这种液体发出难闻的气味。
  16. I detect a strange smell.我闻到了一股怪味。
  17. Have a smell of this wine, does it smell all right?闻闻这酒,没问题吧?
  18. Have a smell of this egg and tell me if it's bad.闻闻这个蛋,告诉我坏没坏。
  19. One smell of the rotten meat was enough.这腐烂的肉闻一下就够受了。
  1. Can a bee smell?蜜蜂有嗅觉吗?
  2. I have a cold,I cannot smell.我感冒了,闻不出味道来。
  3. The egg smells.这蛋有臭味。
  4. The room smelt as if it had not been cleaned recently.这房子有一股好像最近有一阵子没打扫过的气味。
  5. The meat smells as if it is bad.这肉闻起来好像坏了。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. It smells sweet.它有香味。
  2. The chestnuts smell so nice.这栗子闻起来真香啊!
  3. The egg smells bad.这个蛋气味不好了。
  4. The milk smells sour.牛奶闻起来酸了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Just smell these sweet flowers!请闻闻这些芬芳的花朵!
  2. The bear stopped and smelled the ball, then ate it.熊停下来嗅那个球状物,然后把它吃下去了。
  3. Can you smell anything?你闻到什么气味吗?
  4. I am sure I smell gas.我肯定闻到了煤气味。
  5. He smelled the meat carefully to see if it is fresh.他仔细嗅肉看它是否新鲜。
  6. He smelled a strange smell.他闻到一股怪味。
  7. She was smelling the flowers.她在闻花儿。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. I can smell burning.我闻到什么东西烧焦的味道。
  1. I could smell that the milk wasn't fresh.我可以闻得出这牛奶不新鲜。
  2. My horse can always smell when rain is coming.我的马凭嗅觉总是知道何时下雨。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing
  1. Do you smell anything burning?你闻到有什么东西烧焦的气味吗?
  2. Coming into the kitchen,I smelt something burning.走进厨房,我便闻到有东西烧焦了。
  3. I could smell trouble coming, so I left.我可以觉察到要有麻烦,所以我离开了。


smell at (v.+prep.)
    闻,嗅 put the nose to sth so as to smell sb/sth in order to find sth outsmell at sb/sth

    The dog smelt at the stranger for a minute but did not recognize him.


    The dog smelled at his shoes.


smell of (v.+prep.)
    带有某种令人不快的迹象 strongly suggest sth rather unpleasantDon't listen to him. His ideas smell of dishonesty.不要听他的,他的主意听上去不诚实。
smell out (v.+adv.)
    发现 discover sth by noticing certain signsThe teacher smelt out the culprit by the ink on his fingers.教师根据手指上的墨水发现了罪犯。


用作名词 (n.)
  • bear the smell受得了这种气味
  • give off a smell散发一种气味
  • give out a smell散发一种气味
  • have a smell有一种气味
  • stand the smell受得了这种气味
  • take a smell闻一闻
  • agreeable smell好闻的气味
  • bad smell坏气味
  • burnt smell焦味
  • disagreeable smell难闻的气味
  • musty smell霉味
  • nice smell香味
  • sick smell令人作呕的气味
  • slight smell有点味
  • strong smell浓烈的气味
  • sweet smell香味,芳香
  • track by smell凭嗅觉追踪
  • sense of smell嗅觉
  • smell of…的气味
  • smell of cooking烧饭做菜的香味
  • smell of gas煤气味
用作动词 (v.)
  • smell a rabbit闻到有兔子的味道
  • smell gas闻到煤气味
  • smell the ball嗅那个球状物
  • smell the delicious odour闻到了香喷喷的味道
  • smell these sweet flowers闻闻这些芬芳的花朵
  • smell heavily难闻
  • smell offensively难闻
  • smell potently气味很烈
  • smell sweetly闻起来很香
  • smell about到处嗅,到处打听消息
  • smell out嗅出,凭嗅觉发现,察觉
  • smell out a secret察觉秘密
  • smell out a thief(狗)靠其嗅觉找到贼
  • smell round到处嗅,到处打听消息
  • smell up使充满臭味
  • smell up the whole apartment气味充满整套房间
  • smell at对着…闻
  • smell at a bottle对着瓶子闻一闻
  • smell at a flower闻一朵花
  • smell of散发出…气味,有…气味
  • smell of fish有鱼腥味
  • smell of paint有油漆味
  • smell with noses用鼻子闻


  • Lorrydrivers brought in a smell of sweat and petrol.

    出自:I. Fleming
  • An in-house bakery wafts..irresistible fresh bread smells around.

  • I could smell spirits on his breath.

    出自:J. G. Cozzens
  • We can..smell the warm fragrance of Taiwanese spices flowing from the kitchen.

    出自:Japan Times

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