音标:[stiә] ; 柯林斯词典等级:2 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 引导, 驾驶, 航行, 控制
vi. 驾驶, 掌舵, 行驶
n. 驾驶指示, 劝告
v. direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
v. direct (oneself) somewhere
词型变化:过去式 : steered ; 现在分词 : steering ; 过去分词 : steered ; 第三人称单数 : steers ; 名词复数形式 : steers



  1. Sometimes an oar is used to steer a boat.有时桨用以操纵小舟。
  2. He steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.他熟练地驾驶着汽车穿过狭窄的街道。
  3. People used to steer by the stars.过去人们常常参照星星的方位来驾驶。
  4. The old man settled himself to steer.老人坐定下来掌舵。
  5. He steered me to a table and sat me down in a chair.他把我领到一张桌子前,让我在椅子上坐下。


  1. The car steered north.汽车朝北驶去。
  2. This car steers easily.这部车子易于驾驶。
  3. We must steer by those horses.我们要小心地绕过那些马。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. She steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.她熟练地驾驶着汽车穿过狭窄的街道。
  2. He steered the boat carefully between the rocks.他小心翼翼地驾船在礁石之间经过。
  3. He steered me to a table and sat me down in a chair.他把我领到一张桌子边,让我在一张椅子上坐下。


steer clear of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    〈非正〉绕开; 躲避 guide a ship to avoid sth; avoid sb/sthsteer clear of sb/sth

    The ship carefully steered clear of the coral reefs.


    You should steer clear of all that foggy talk in your speech.


    I'd steer clear of him for a while, he's in a really bad mood at the moment.


    Don't steer clear of us; nobody is going to hurt you.


steer for (v.+prep.)
    驾驶(车、船)驶向(某处) direct a car or a ship towards sthsteer for sth

    Steer for the shore, boys!


    The ship steered for the open seas.


    We turned the car round and steered for home.


    steer sth for sth

    Try to steer the boat for the harbour.


steer into (v.+prep.)
    说服(某人)做… persuade sb into action or doing sthsteer into sth

    It took Mary weeks learning how to steer into the garage.


    steer sth into sth

    The fool steered the boat into the harbour wall and broke the beams!


    steer sb into sth

    He tried to steer her into the bedroom, but she understood his intentions and refused to move.


    steer sb into sth/v-ing

    It's no use trying to steer the boy into a course of action that suits you.


    Father tried to steer Jim into becoming a musician.


steer out (v.+adv.)
    驶出 drive outsteer out of sth

    The freighter steered out of Santiage Bay that evening.


steer through1 (v.+adv.)
    指导(某人)通过或渡过 guide sb so as to pass sthDon't worry about the difficulties of selling the house, our lawyer will steer you through.不用担心卖房的困难,咱们的律师会帮你办好的。
steer through2 (v.+prep.)
    指导(某人)通过 guide sb so as to pass sthsteer sb through sth

    Students need someone to steer them through the mass of courses offered to them, to choose the best ones for their needs.


steer to〔towards〕 (v.+prep.)
    把…导向 guide sb/sth in the direction of action or doing sthShe steered the conversation towards more general topics.她把谈话引向更为一般性的话题。


用作动词 (v.)
  • steer one's course to向…驶去
  • steer the handle掌舵,驾驶
  • steer clear避开
  • steer north向北行驶
  • steer well很好驾驶
  • steer badly不好驾驶
  • steer carefully小心地驾驶
  • steer cautiously谨慎地驾驶
  • steer deftly灵巧地驾驶
  • steer easily容易驾驶
  • steer skillfully熟练地驾驶
  • steer unerringly不出错地驾驶
  • steer away避开
  • steer for向…前进
  • steer in沉浸于,埋头于
  • steer into a port驶入海港
  • steer clear of rocks避开暗礁
  • steer through获得通过


  • Bulls will generally be heavier than steers.

    出自:Farmers Weekly
  • The public must give a clear steer..as to which route the [police] service should follow.

  • Two skilful helmsmen on the poop to steer.

    出自:W. Falconer
  • The man who steers a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

    出自:R. MacNeil
  • That inner compass we require to steer our life.


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