音标:['pivәtiŋ] ;
[计] 选主元
[医] 柱样嵌体, 定桩法, 牙冠定着术
v turn on a pivot
词型变化:名词复数形式 : pivotings



  1. First get the feeling of pivoting.首先要获得绕轴旋转的感觉。
  2. This short-arc coupled with the low pendulum effect achieved by pivoting the disc through a point near its center of gravity assures rapid closure.绕轴旋转的阀瓣的重力中心距轴心较短,因此这种短弧的钟摆效应也比较小,从而确保能够迅速关闭。

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With so much career advice floating around the interwebs, some of it is bound to be poor. Luckily we here at Levo don't just trust the haphazardly doled-out opinions of self-appointed leadership experts and other dubious characters. We go straight to

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