音标:[.әuvә'θrәun] ;
v cause the downfall of; of rulers
v rule against



  1. In areas where all the necessary conditions for its establishment and persistence are not fulfilled, Red political power is in danger of being overthrown by the enemy.在为建立和坚持红色政权所必须的各种条件尚不完备的地方,便有被敌人推倒的危险。
  2. Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the glory of the Babylonians' pride, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah.巴比伦素来为列国的荣耀,为迦勒底人所矜夸的华美,必像神所倾覆的所多玛蛾摩拉一样。

Wk 01 (1 January 1979) Khmer Rouge Is Overthrown In CambodiaThis Week in HistoryAfter nearly 4 years in power, the regime led by Pol Pot is brought down. In 1979, the Communist Khmer Rouge government was overthrown by Vietnamese forces. Pol Pot's reg

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AZUZ: And China is where U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was yesterday. During a week-long trip to Asia that he is taking, Secretary Geithner stopped over in Beijing and meet with his Chinese counterpart. One issue they were expected to talk

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CANBERRA, June 27 (Xinhua) -- Kevin Rudd has been sworn in as prime minister of Australia on Thursday following his victory in a ruling Labor party caucus ballot the evening before. Governor-General Quentin Bryce, acting on the advice from the solici

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英伦新女声Ellie Goulding - Lights Ellie Goulding的新单Lights强劲来袭~有人说她是英国的Ke$ha,有人说她是英版绵羊音~但是毫无疑问的是Ellie是今年英国新女声中最有潜力最有特色的一个,电子民谣+流

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Ellie Goulding的新单Lights强劲来袭~有人说她是英国的Ke$ha,有人说她是英版绵羊音~但是毫无疑问的是Ellie是今年英国新女声中最有潜力最有特色的一个,电子民谣+流行的路线让Ellie的音乐有着别样

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