音标:['mʌstәd] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级;
n. 芥末, 芥菜, 强烈的兴趣
[医] 芥子; 芥属植物
n. any of several cruciferous plants of the genus Brassica
n. pungent powder or paste prepared from ground mustard seeds
n. leaves eaten as cooked greens
词型变化:名词复数形式 : mustards



  1. This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard.这肉里应该加些盐和芥末。
  2. He put some mustard into the dish.他向菜里放了些芥末。
  3. In France, mustard seeds are soaked and then grinded to a paste.在法国,芥菜籽被浸透,然后再磨成浆糊状。
  4. We always eat mustard greens at this time of year to symbolize a long life.每年此时我们总是吃芥菜,代表长命百岁。


  1. Pepper and mustard are hot.辣椒和芥末是辣的。
  2. Give me a pot of mustard jar.给我一罐芥末酱。


  • mustard powder芥未粉
  • mustard gas芥子气
  • mustard plaster芥子膏
  • mustard and cress拌生菜用小芥叶...
  • Dijon mustard法国第戎市芥茉糊...
  • cut the mustard符合要求(达到标准)...
  • mustard essence芥末香精
  • mustard seed芥菜籽
  • sulfur mustard硫芥子气
  • treacle mustard糖芥
  • brown mustard黑芥
  • mustard pot芥末瓶
  • cabbage mustard芥蓝
  • potherb mustard雪里蕻
  • nitrogen mustard氮芥
  • mustard oil芥子油,芥菜油...
  • white mustard白芥
  • mustard leaf芥菜
  • mustard poultice芥子泥罨
  • black mustard黑芥


  • The Russians and the East Germans are mustard on the theory of numbers.

    出自:Daily Express

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