音标:['mәutәwei] ; 柯林斯词典等级:2 级;
n. 高速公路
n a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic
词型变化:名词复数形式 : motorways



  1. Warning notices were strung out along the motorway.高速公路上隔一段距离就有一个示警牌。
  2. The police said he'd been speeding on the motorway.警察说他在高速公路上违章超速行驶。
  3. We should leave the motorway at the next interchange.我们应该在下一个立体交叉道驶离高速公路。


  • motorway traffic公路交通


  • A motorway differs from all other types of road in that it has no crossroads, no traffic lights, no pedestrian crossings.sssss attrib.: J. Mann

    出自:Radio Times,ssss

highway 指的是连接城乡间的公路、交通要道等,不要按字面意思将其理解为高速公路;英语中表示高速公路要用freeway(美),expressway(美),motorway(英)等。 highway的用例 He was charged with obstructing the

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