n. 民众, 劳动阶层
n the common people generally
n the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field
n (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent
n an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people)
n (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches) the celebration of the Eucharist
n a body of matter without definite shape
n the common people generally
n the property of something that is great in magnitude
n a musical setting for a Mass
n a sequence of prayers constituting the Christian Eucharistic rite
n a shot in billiards made by hitting the cue ball with the cue held nearly vertically; the cue ball spins around another ball before hitting the object ball
v join together into a mass or collect or form a mass
词型变化:名词复数形式 : massess



  1. Our policy must be made known to the broad masses.我们的政策必须让广大民众都知道。
  2. She enjoyed high prestige among the masses.她在群众中享有很高威信。


  • masse[台球]立杆击球...
  • mass大量
  • the masses大众
  • preselected masses预选质量数
  • unbalanced masses不均衡质量

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