音标:['læðә. 'lɑ:ðә] ;
n. 肥皂泡
vt. 涂以肥皂泡
n. a workman who puts up laths
n. the foam resulting from excessive sweating (as on a horse)
v. form a lather
词型变化:过去式 : lathered ; 过去分词 : lathered ; 名词复数形式 : lathers ; 第三人称单数 : lathers ; 现在分词 : lathering



  1. This soap raises no lather at all.这种肥皂不起泡沫。
  2. He put some lather on his chin, and then began to shave.他在下巴上涂了些肥皂泡沫,然后开始刮脸。
  3. He worked himself into a lather.他干得大汗淋漓。
  4. The boss always gets in a lather during stocktaking time.每当存货盘点时,老板总是心神不定。
  1. Soap will not lather in sea-water.肥皂在海水里不起泡沫。
  2. He commences to lather his face again, and then to hone his razor.他又开始抹肥皂,接着磨起剃刀来。


  • in a lather非常激动
  • lather booster增泡器
  • lather end point泡沫终点
  • creamy lather似乳油泡沫
  • lather volume泡沫体积
  • lather value泡沫值
  • lather oil纺织用组合油...


  • His hands were gently rubbing the shampoo into a rich lather.

    出自:E. Pizzey
  • Uncle Peter..drove to the hospital, making trip after trip until the old horse was lathered.

    出自:M. Mitchell
  • Roy would snarl..his jaws lathering.

    出自:A. Miller

[00:00.00]say [00:02.45]讲述;说明 [00:04.90]see [00:05.94]看见;看到 [00:06.98]save [00:07.97]救;挽救 [00:08.96]school [00:09.95]学校 [00:10.94]sweet [00:12.22]甜的 [00:13.50]student [00:14.63]学生 [00:15.77]sorry [00:17.05]感到

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