音标:[gɑ:'di:njә] ;
n. 栀子
n. any of various shrubs and small trees of the genus Gardenia having large fragrant white or yellow flowers
词型变化:名词复数形式 : gardenias



  1. On muggy summer night, gardenia brought about memories in the South.闷热的夏夜,栀子花带来关于南方的回忆。
  2. The writer alwalys received a gardenia every day in summer from child to adult.作者从小到大每到夏天每天都会收到一支栀子花。
  3. The stability of gardenia red pigment was studied in this essay.本文对栀子红色素的稳定性做了研究。

Gardenia in blossom 栀子花开(英文版) 演唱者:达瓦卓玛 Gardenia in blossom 栀子花开 So beautiful so white 多麼美丽 多麼洁白 We'll be apart in such sweet season 於这个可爱的季节 我们将会分离 don't be so shy flow

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畅想17岁的青春 17-year-old sky, a little blue, large flowers big flowers of white clouds floating in the air, failed to cover the sun shine bright.The sky looked so good but sometimes confused, sometimes lost in wait to be able to

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