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US Lawmakers Pledge to Help Investigate Attacks Deborah Tate Washington 11 Sep 2001 23:39 UTC U.S. lawmakers are vowing to provide the resources necessary to 1)investigate the terrorist attacks in New

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安理会谴责恐怖主义 Security Council Condemns Terrorism Breck Ardery United Nations 12 Sep 2001 20:44 UTC In an unusual show of 1)solidarity, the 15 members of the United Nations Security Coun

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> 联合国撤出在阿富汗的工作人员 UN Withdrawing Workers from Afghanistan Lisa Schlein Geneva 12 Sep 2001 15:17 UTC The United Nations is pulling its foreign aid workers out of Afghanistan i

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俄罗斯表示支持美国 Russians Express Support for US Irris Makler Moscow 12 Sep 2001 13:28 UTC Following the attacks on New York and Washington, Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for

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恐怖袭击可能会削弱投资者信心 Terror Attack Could Weaken Investor Confidence Elaine Johanson New York 12 Sep 2001 20:45 UTC Wall Street remains 1)shrouded in uncertainty, one day after th

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联合国呼吁增加对非洲的经济援助 UNCTD Calls for Doubling of Africa Aid Michael Drudge London 12 Sep 2001 19:57 UTC The United Nations has called for a major 1)infusion of aid money to Af

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纽约市搜寻和救援工作仍在继续 Search and Rescue Efforts Continue in New York City Barbara Schoetzau New York 12 Sep 2001 20:39 UTC A 1)massive search effort continues at the New York site

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美国国会誓言将对恐怖行动进行报复 US Congress Vows Retribution David Swan Capitol Hill 12 Sep 2001 The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have returned to work after Tuesday's ter

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救援人员搜寻世界贸易中心废墟下的幸存者 Rescuers Search Trade Center Wreckage Jim Malone Newark, New Jersey 12 Sep 2001 13:43 UTC The day after the worst terrorist attack in U.S. his

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令人惊骇的恐怖袭击 The Horror of New York City's Attacks Jim Malone Newark, New Jersey 12 Sep 2001 00:41 UTC The twin attacks on the twin towers came without warning and just minutes 1)apart.

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美国和北约可能实施相互安全协议 US, NATO May Invoke Mutual Security Agreement David Gollust State Department 12 Sep 2001 The United States is talking with NATO allies about possibly 1)in

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> 99 日本要求美国移交强奸案嫌疑人 Japan Demands Turning Over of Rape Suspect Amy Bickers Tokyo 3 Jul 2001 08:21 UTC Japan is demanding that U.S. military 1)authorities turn over an airman

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98 以色列将继续打击嫌疑恐怖分子 Israel to Continue Targeting Suspected Terrorists Meredith Buel Jerusalem 3 Jul 2001 14:31 UTC Israel has decided to continue supporting a cease-fire with

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97 人权组织谴责巴基斯坦选举不公 Human Rights Group Criticizes Pakistani Election Jon Tkach Islamabad 3 Jul 2001 16:08 UTC A human rights group in Pakistan is criticizing Monday's 1)munic

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96 希拉克与普京就美国导弹防御体系进行讨论 Chirac, Putin Discuss US Missile Defense Rebecca Santana Moscow 3 Jul 2001 02:23 UTC French President Jacques Chirac has met with Russian P

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95 北爱尔兰共和军延迟裁军 Disarmament Report Finds IRA Slow to Surrender Weapons Laurie Kassman London 2 Jul 2001 18:43 UTC Northern Ireland has been 1)plunged into political crisis followi

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