US Marks 14th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks 美国周五纪念9-11恐怖袭击14周年 The United States is marking the 14th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. U.S. officials and many other Americans attended observances Friday to rem

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AS IT IS 2015-09-12 Rare Giant Panda Celebrates Her Birthday 大熊猫白云在加州动物园庆祝其24岁生日 Giant panda Bai Yun celebrated her 24th birthday this week at the San Diego Zoo in California, where she has lived since 1996. Her care

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Everyday Grammar: Tag Questions Are Easy, Arent They? Have you ever been in a conversation and wanted to check your understanding? That is the time to use a tag question in English. A tag question is a short question added to a statement. The tag inc

发表于:2019-01-12 / 阅读(65) / 评论(0) 分类 2015年VOA慢速英语(九)月

New iPhones, Watches, TVs, Big iPads Offer Better Selfies 苹果发布iphone 6s、6s plus、apple watch、ipad Apple announced new products and upgrades Wednesday. Apple Watch Tim Cook, chief executive of Apple, reported that 97 percent of customers

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US Senate Democrats Vote to Protect Iran Nuclear Deal 美国参议院民主党人投票支持伊朗核协议 In the News The United States Senate has blocked a resolution to reject the agreement between world powers and Iran. The Senate action is a m

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AS IT IS 2015-09-11 Murder Could Hurt Nepal's Tourism Efforts 谋杀美国志愿者或损害尼泊尔旅游业 Four months after a deadly earthquake, Nepal is struggling to revive mountain and trekking tourism. Now, however, the murder of an American

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AS IT IS 2015-09-11 Vietnam Seeks to Expand Its Economy 越南寻求扩大其经济规模 China is Vietnams biggest trading partner. However, the two countries are competitors in international trade. Now, Vietnam is taking steps to deal with Chinas s

发表于:2019-01-12 / 阅读(62) / 评论(0) 分类 2015年VOA慢速英语(九)月

Scientists Predict Wet Winter for Dry American West 科学家预测湿润冬季或缓解美国西部干旱状况 Much of the western United States is suffering from extreme drought conditions. U.S. officials are blaming the lack of rainfall and snow

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AS IT IS 2015-09-13 Pope Francis to Make Historic Trip to US His visit in September will be another first for the popular pope. Even though Francis is the first American pope, born and raised in South America, he has not yet been to this America the

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Sam Smith To Sing for New James Bond 'Spectre' 《007:幽灵党》主题曲将由英歌手萨姆-史密斯演唱 When it comes to a James Bond movie, we all have been taught that there are at least two things it must have. One is a 007 British secret

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AS IT IS 2015-09-13 Father Serra: Saint to Some, Unworthy to Others 塞拉神父是圣徒还是罪人 Pope Francis is making final preparations for his visit to the United States. During the trip, the Pope will officially recognize an 18th century re

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AS IT IS 2015-09-13 A Dog's Sniffer Could Be Your Best Friend in Disaster When devastating earthquakes hit Haiti, Japan and Nepal, rescue dogs were among the first to arrive. American search-and-rescue teams and their specially trained dogs also help

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Woman Not Diabetic After Cell Transplant 妇女接受干细胞移植手术治愈糖尿病 A diabetic woman no longer needs to take daily medicine after she received a stem cell transplant. The daily insulin injection had helped control the amount of

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Issues Collide Over Europes Migrant Crisis 欧洲移民危机引发问题 Europes migrant crisis has brought the situation of hundreds of thousands of people fleeing conflict or seeking a better life to the worlds attention. The migration has put pre

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AS IT IS 2015-09-14 Living in a Shipping Container 集装箱改装成新住宅 Many people do not earn enough money to buy a house in the San Francisco Bay area. Housing prices in northern California can be very high. So, some young people have begun

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AS IT IS 2015-09-17 Afghan Refugee Wins UN Award for Teaching Aqeela Asifi, who fled to Pakistan as a young woman, has spent her life teaching other Afghan refugees. For her efforts, Ms. Asifi, who is 49, has won the 2015 UNHCR Nansen Refugee award.

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AS IT IS 2015-09-17 Xi's Visit to Come Amid Tensions in US-China Relations U.S. and Chinese officials have been meeting to discuss difficult issues in preparation for the first official state visit by Chinese leader Xi Jinping to Washington next week

发表于:2019-01-12 / 阅读(47) / 评论(0) 分类 2015年VOA慢速英语(九)月

In Combating Obesity, a 12-Year-Old Leads by Example From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Lifestyle report. The number of overweight children in the U.S. is growing. That is the reason the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundatio

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Serbia Says it Cannot Care for More Migrants 塞尔维亚称已无法接收更多移民 Serbia says it is unable to deal with the large number of foreign migrants gathered along its border with Hungary. The Serbian statement came after Hungarian work

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AS IT IS 2015-09-16 Maryland County Overturns English-Only Law 马里兰县推翻惟英语法律 More than half of all American states have laws making English the official language. In a few areas, state laws require some government documents to be

发表于:2019-01-12 / 阅读(116) / 评论(0) 分类 2015年VOA慢速英语(九)月