AS IT IS 2014-09-13 Thailand Media Pressured Under Military Rule 泰国军事统治下的媒体压力大 The Thai military moved quickly after the ouster of the civilian government. The military ordered news industry officials and editors to attend m

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Jack the Ripper Finally Caught, Maybe 开膛手杰克终于被抓住了,也许 After more than a century, one of worlds most infamous killers is finally caught. Maybe. Perhaps. A British writer says he has uncovered the true identity of Jack the Ripp

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AS IT IS 2014-09-13 Dreadnoughtus: A Giant Among Dinosaurs Dreadnoughtus:最巨大的恐龙之一 The dinosaur lay undiscovered for perhaps 77 million years after it died. Then, in 2005, an American scientist found some of its fossilized remains in t

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AS IT IS 2014-09-16 Women Use Twitter to Support Jihad The tweets show pictures of baby cats, nice shoes and bloody battlefields. The so-called Umm network produces the tweets. They claim to be foreign female jihadists on Twitter. Many Arabic people

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Containing Ebola: Window of Opportunity Closing 控制埃博拉机会之窗要关闭 From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report. A top health expert warns that the whole world needs to help deal with what he calls the first Ebola epidemic t

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AS IT IS 2014-09-15 UNICEF: Violence Against Children Is Widespread 联合国儿童基金会称:针对儿童的暴力非常普遍 The United Nations Childrens agency, UNICEF, says violence against children is widespread around the world. The UN agenc

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AS IT IS 2014-09-15 Scotland's Independence Vote Is Too Close to Call 苏格兰独立公投:苏独公投在即 民调难分胜负 The people of Scotland will vote Sept. 18 on whether to stay in the United Kingdom with England, Wales and Northern Irel

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Are You Losing It? 你正在失去它吗? I'm Susan Clark with the Special English program Words and Their Stories. Tom Smith is the best hitter on his company's baseball team. For weeks during the playing season, Tom hit a home run in every game the

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Groups Call for Law to Protect Internet Privacy 非政府组织呼吁立法保护网络隐私 The Internet Governance Forum took place last week in Istanbul, Turkey. The United Nations provided support to the yearly conference. Delegates expressed co

发表于:2019-01-12 / 阅读(38) / 评论(0) 分类 2014年VOA慢速英语(九)月

Video Highlights Domestic Abuse Issue Twenty-five percent of American women will experience domestic violence, that is, physical abuse by a partner. Most cases are never reported to police. But recently such violence was captured on video tape. The N

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AS IT IS 2014-09-14 Israel Accused of Forcing Asylum Seekers Back to Africa 人权组织指责以色列强迫数千寻求庇护者返乡 An international human rights group has accused Israels government of forcing thousands of African asylum seekers

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Ariana Grande Album Is No 'Problem' Im Caty Weaver. The first three albums on Billboard magazines Top 200 best-selling albums list this week represent three major music styles. The young singer Ariana Grande tops the list with her new pop record My E

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CIA: Islamic State Group Has More Fighters than Thought 情报局称伊斯兰国组织兵力之多超乎想像 From VOA Learning English, this is In The News. The United States says the Islamic State militant group has at least two times as many figh

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AS IT IS 2014-09-15 In Kenya, Cities and Towns Are Growing Quickly 肯尼亚的城镇和城市均迅速发展 Kenyas towns and cities are growing quickly. Experts estimate at least 100,000 people move to the capital Nairobi every year from rural area

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New Beer Made From Old Bone 利用鲸鱼化石骨骼酿造啤酒 The United States is currently experiencing a beer making movement. Many beer drinkers these days are no longer happy with mainstream beer sold in every store, on every street. They wan

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AS IT IS 2014-09-27 Afghan Presidential Candidates Agree to Share Power 阿富汗总统候选人同意分享权力 This week Afghanistan ended months of dispute over the country's presidential election. The United States helped negotiate a power-shar

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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 无头骑士的传说 Today's story is called The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. It is about something strange that happened long ago in a valley called Sleepy Hollow. It was written by Washington Irving. The story is told by Do

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Lincoln Struggles to Keep Kentucky, Missouri in the Union 林肯正在努力让肯塔基州和密苏里州联盟 his is The Making of a Nation, with VOA Learning English. Im Kelly Jean Kelly. And Im Christopher Cruise. By the end of May 1861, 11 slav

发表于:2019-01-12 / 阅读(34) / 评论(0) 分类 2014年VOA慢速英语(九)月

US Is Hopeful for Nuclear Deal with Iran Wendy Sherman, the chief U.S. negotiator at nuclear talks with Iran, says she is hopeful for a final deal. Ms. Sherman spoke to VOA on Thursday. She said she believed the negotiators are making progress. But,

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AS IT IS 2014-09-26 Boko Haram Threatening Schools in Cameroon 博科圣地威胁喀麦隆学校 From VOA Learning English, this is the Education Report. The school year has begun in Cameroon. But thousands of students and teachers are fleeing their

发表于:2019-01-12 / 阅读(26) / 评论(0) 分类 2014年VOA慢速英语(九)月