时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:英语趣味课堂

Katia: Hey, Alex.
Alex: Hi, Katia.
Katia: Listen, I just have a question. What do you like doing during the weekends?
Alex: During the weekends? Well usually I like mountain biking. That's one of my hobbies so whenever I've got time and the weather is fine, I like taking my bike and going somewhere. Sometimes I go far and sometimes not that far but I like doing that.
Katia: That is so cool. Do you usually go alone?
Alex: Well whenever I have friends or I have someone to go with I try to go but most of the times I go alone, yeah.
Katia: That's cool. What about during the mornings or in the evenings, what do you do?
Alex: Well if I can get out, go somewhere with my friends, I always try to go drinking or I try to go have dinner or something. Usually when I'm at home, I try to get together with my family. My mom likes cooking and likes having everybody over so sometimes my cousins come, my grandparents too, so that's one of the things I do when I'm home. When I'm not then I try to meet my friends. Sometimes I invite my friends over, I cook for them, nothing more.
Katia: What about Saturday night? Do you go to a restaurant or to a bar?
Alex: Yeah, I love going to restaurants and bars but I really don't enjoy going to discos 1 or clubs. I don't know, I'm not such a big fan of that. I like going downtown like, yeah, meeting my friends, going to bars, talking.
Katia: So you don't like crowded places or loud music?
Alex: It's really not about crowded places or loud music, it's more that I enjoy being with my friends and I enjoy being able to talk and to say things and when I go to those places, you know like there are so many people that you don't really get to talk to people, I don't know. I don't enjoy that much.
Katia: During the weekends do you usually or sometimes go out of town or on a trip?
Alex: I do. I do and I love going to places but that's really when the weather is nice and I've got some time. If the weather is not so nice then I'd rather just stay home because I kind of like resting. Usually during the weeks I'm kind of busy but if the weather is nice and I've got time and I can go with friends or something, I do that. I don't enjoy going somewhere in the weekends just by myself.
Katia: Nice.

Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
Whenever I have someone to go with, I try to go there.
'Whenever,' used like this, can be replaced with 'when.' It is talking about an indefinite 2 time when conditions are a particular way. Notice the following:
I want to eat whenever I want.
Whenever I want to go on a picnic, it always rains.
invite ... over
Sometimes I invite my friends over.
When you 'invite someone over,' you ask them to come to your house. Notice the following:
They are always inviting 3 people over to watch sports games.
Why don't you invite some of your friends over for dinner?
nothing more
I cook for them, nothing more.
You can use the phrase 4 'nothing more' when you have no additional 5 information to give. Notice the following:
We have some eggs and milk in the refrigerator and nothing more.
I do nothing more than walk for 20 minutes every day and I stay in shape.
crowded places
So you don't like crowded places or loud music?
'Crowded places' are places with a lot of people. Notice the following:
There are so many crowded places in the city that it's sometimes nice to get away for a while.
Crowded places make him very nervous.
I'd rather just stay home because I like resting.
When you 'rest,' you do something relaxing to recuperate 6 your body. Notice the following:
Resting is one of the best things you can do when you are sick.
I'm a little tired, so I'm going to be resting for a while.

1 discos
  • I love to dance to his music in the discos. 在迪斯科舞厅我爱听他的音乐跳舞。 来自休闲英语会话
  • Movie theaters, bars and discos have also been shut. 电影院,酒吧和迪斯科舞厅也已关闭。
2 indefinite
  • The store will be closed for an indefinite period.这家商店将无限期关闭。
  • He gave me an indefinite answer.他给了我一个含糊其辞的答复。
3 inviting
  • An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。
  • The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.这间厨房的味道温暖诱人,使人感到亲切温馨。
4 phrase
  • The phrase was caught on and immediately became popular.这个短语被采用后很快就流行了。
  • That's exactly the phrase I was looking for.这就是我一直找的那个短语。
5 additional
  • It is necessary to set down these additional rules.有必要制定这些补充规则。
  • I think we can fit in an additional room.我想我们可以再加建一间房子。
6 recuperate
  • Stay in the hospital for a few more days to recuperate.再住院几天,好好地恢复。
  • He went to the country to recuperate.他去乡下养病去了。