时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:英语趣味课堂

Jana: Peter, you're from South Africa, right?
Peter: That's right, yeah.
Jana: I heard there's a lot of beautiful mountains that are famous for hikes. Is that true?
Peter: That's true, yeah. Actually, I've been hiking since I was in elementary school really because there's so much, there are so many hikes to go on. The area that I grew up is actually quite close to the Drakensberg which is a famous mountain range in South Africa and it runs almost the whole length of the country and there are so many hikes, camping spots, places that you could go to and the hikes that you can go on for like a day, or two days, a week, ten days, a month if you want to. Really so much so I used to go most, I guess most holidays, or twice or three times a year even go hiking.
Jana: That sounds great. Is it safe? Are there any dangerous animals like snakes?
Peter: I guess, hmm I guess I'd have to say yes to that but in all my years of hiking, I have, I have seen many snakes but I've never been bitten or even felt in danger. Like once or twice maybe but South Africa is like also famous for its many poisonous snakes and there are quite a few things that you'd rather avoid but I guess, especially in the Drakensberg, the altitude for the mountains it's quite high so not many dangerous animals live at high altitude if I can put it that way. So it's really, it's really kind of, yeah, it's not dangerous I would say. Like obviously 1 you have to take care and, you know, go during times of the year that is less, that you are less likely to get caught in a snowstorm 2 or get snowed in or freeze to death or something but I think if you take adequate 3 preparation there shouldn't be any problem and it's really gorgeously 4 beautiful.
Jana: It sounds really nice. Is it easy to get to? Do you need a car to get around?
Peter: Yes. Mostly you should, you should, you need a car and in some places you'd even need a...
Jana: Helicopter?
Peter: No. I guess you could go with a helicopter but like if you have something like a Land Rover or a Land Cruiser or a four by four vehicle of some kind then you could get even into more beautiful places and more far away distant places that I would recommend even more. There are really so many places you can go to.
Jana: It sounds really great. I'll ask you again. Hopefully one day I will get a chance to visit South Africa.
Peter: Yes, you should, you should go I say. Do you like hiking?
Jana: I do but I hardly ever go, you know, as you get so busy with your daily life and I like the idea of hiking but I hardly ever go, do any sort of outdoor activity but yeah I guess it's a good thing to do during holidays.
Peter: Hmm.
Jana: Yeah, when I was a kid we often went to the mountains with my parents so we would go for walks, short hikes, that kind of thing.
Peter: OK.
Jana: But yeah then one just gets a bit busy with the daily life so I kind of forgot.
Peter: Yeah, life really has a way to get away with one, it really goes fast.

Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
mountain range
The Drakensberg is a famous mountain range in South Africa.
A 'mountain range' is a series of connected mountains that are formed in sort of a line. Notice the following:
The town is basically 5 built on the side of a mountain range.
It takes a long time to drive from one side of the country to the other, because you have to pass over some mountain ranges.
in all my years
In all my years of hiking, I never been bitten.
'In all my years' means the whole time that you have been doing a particular activity, from the first time that you did it until now. Notice the following:
In all his years of teaching 6, he has never had a student who is this difficult.
In all my years of baking, this recipe has never failed.
feel in danger
I've never been bitten or even felt in danger.
If you 'feel in danger,' you think or expect that something bad is going to happen to you. Notice the following:
When I go to the markets with him, I never feel in danger.
Did you ever feel in danger when you were traveling?
put it that way
Not many dangerous animals live at high altitude if I can put it that way.
You can use the phrase 'put it that way' to show that you are describing something in a way you think the listener will understand or identify. Notice the following:
I don't like it when you put it that way. That's not at all what the situation is like.
Well, when you put it that way, I can see your point.
If you take adequate preparation there shouldn't be any problem
'Adequate' preparation is what is necessary or sufficient 7 for whatever your intentions are. Notice the following:
Your experience is more than adequate for this position.

1 obviously
  • Obviously they were putting him to a severe test.显然他们是在给他以严峻的考验。
  • Obviously he was lying.显然他是在撒谎。
2 snowstorm
  • After several weeks of travel,snowstorm hit us first.我们旅行了几个星期,初次碰上了暴风雪。
  • A severe snowstorm blocked up railroads.一场暴风雪使铁路中断。
3 adequate
  • Though a bit too old,he is still adequate to the work.虽然他年纪大了点,却仍能胜任这项工作。
  • I hope you will prove adequate to the job.我希望你证明能胜位这项工作。
4 gorgeously
  • The princess was gorgeously dressed. 公主穿得漂亮极了。 来自互联网
  • The girl is gorgeously dressed. 这个女孩打扮得花枝招展。 来自互联网
5 basically
  • His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本上健康。
  • Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。
6 teaching
  • We all agree in adopting the new teaching method. 我们一致同意采取新的教学方法。
  • He created a new system of teaching foreign languages.他创造了一种新的外语教学体系。
7 sufficient
  • His income is sufficient for his needs.他的收入能满足他的需要。
  • Have you had sufficient?你吃饱了没有?
a blind alley
adapter configuration profile
an essential prerequisite
astronomical test
attack time
Bridgett's line
cabassous unicinctuss
came to a standstill
capital turnover period
card punched unit
closed daylight
consular immunities
core group
curing ingredient
dead cut
dere kirai
detail parts
dewatering setup
disastrous wave
doctor of traditional Chinese medicine
Erica cinerea
erythroplasia of vulva
family Caesalpiniaceae
fluctuating par
gas-tight sealed cell
girder guard rail
glossodoris rufomarginata
Golden Acres
humid pleurisy
hunger osteomyelitis
if anything should occur...
insurable risks
iron filing mortar
laser visa
left-hand twine
magpie goose
majority owner
marginal propensity to withdraw
Menger, Karl
middle filling machine
multiposition lathe
Peano arithmetic
place dependence upon
pulsed power technology
quality measurement
real functions
reserve for contingencies
retardation plate,retardation sheet
round-type oil tank
sawyer beetle
shadow test
solar photovoltaic conversion efficiency
stock trader
Sumatran mite fever
systems house
tachometer drive gear
tandem energy
theorem on regular set
Tunica muscularis pharyngis
turn over the grain to dry
two-step photoionization
universal joint sleeve
upper pond
water level gage
water-film cyclone
Wilbarger County