时间:2018-12-28 作者:英语课 分类:大家说英语


 January 13 1月13日

Read it! 读读看!
Alex lent his Chinese yo-yo to Jim. 亚力克斯把他的扯铃借给吉姆,
Jim shows it to Susie. 吉姆拿给苏希看。
Rob is terrific 1 with the yo-yo. 罗柏玩扯铃玩得非常好,
He can do tricks. 他会耍把戏,
Maybe he can show Susie a couple. 说不定他可以耍几招给苏希看。
Jim shows Susie a video. 吉姆给苏希看一部影片,
A kid is playing with a Chinese yo-yo. 一个小孩玩着扯铃。
He's very confident and can do cool tricks. 他非常有自信,而且能够耍出很酷的把戏。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Jim. What's that thing on the desk? 嗨,吉姆。你桌上那个东西是什么?
This thing? This is a yo-yo. 这个东西吗? 这是溜溜球。
No. I know that's a yo-yo. 不是,我知道那是溜溜球。
What's the other thing? 另外一件东西是什么?
That's a Chinese yo-yo. 那是扯铃,
Alex lent it to me. 亚力克斯借我的。
I'm going to show it to my son. 我要拿给我儿子看。
How does it work? 那东西怎么玩?
Well, you wrap the string around this part. 这个嘛,你用绳子缠绕这个部位,
Then you pull these two sticks ... 接着拉动这两根棍子…
... and the yo-yo falls on the floor. …然后扯铃就掉在地上。
Conversation B 会话B
Alex can spin it pretty well. 亚力克斯很会让它转,
But Rob is terrific! He can do tricks. 可是罗柏更厉害! 他会耍把戏。
Like what? 什么样的把戏?
He can throw it up in the air and catch it again on the string. 他可以把扯铃抛上空中,再用绳子接住。
Wow. I'd like to see that. 哇,我想看。
Ask Rob to show you a couple of tricks. 妳可以请罗柏耍几招给妳看。
Maybe he can teach them to me, too. 说不定他也可以教我,
I'd like to try playing with it. 我想试着玩看看。
Maybe he would. Ask him! 说不定他会喔, 问他吧!
Conversation C 会话C
Susie, come and look at my computer. 苏希,来看我的计算机。
Why? 为什么?
I found a video of a little kid playing with a Chinese yo-yo. 我找到一个小孩玩扯铃的影片,
You should see it! 妳应该看看!
OK, let's see it. 好,来看看吧。
Wow, he is really good. 哇,他真的很厉害。
Now watch this. He puts more than one yo-yo on the string. 接着看这个, 他在绳子放上不只一个扯铃。
He's got four spinning! 他转动了四个扯铃!
He's really confident! 他非常有自信!
More confident than I'll ever be with a yo-yo! 我玩溜溜球永远都没办法这么有自信!

1 terrific
  • The game was terrific.那场比赛棒极了。
  • Darren drove at a terrific speed.达伦以惊人的速度驾车。
标签: 大家说英语