时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:欢乐美语



Today on TUNING 2 IN THE U.S.A., we’re at the Stewarts’ home in Riverdale, New York. The mail has just arrived. And in the mail is a cassette 3 tape from Richard Stewart. Richard and his friend Andreas Pappas have sent a recorded message about their travels across the country. As Robbie and Grandpa play the tape, Grandpa remembers his travel adventures when he was a young man. And then Grandpa surprises Robbie with an idea for a new adventure.


Robbie: Grandpa, the mail’s here! We got another cassette tape from Richard.

Grandpa: Great! Let’s play the tape, where is this one from?

Robbie: Let’s see. [He puts the tape in the cassette recorder and turns it on.]

Richard’s voice: Hello, everybody. This is Richard --out West. Say “hello,” Andreas.

Andreas’s voice: Hello, everybody.

Richard’s voice: We’re having a great time. I’ve taken hundreds of photographs.

Andreas’s voice: And I’ve recorded all kinds of music.

Richard’s voice: We’re looking forward to seeing Grandpa in Denver next week. Right now, we’re in Texas, at a small Baptist church.

Andreas’s voice: In a few minutes, we’re going to hear some gospel music.

Richard” voice: Oops 4! The church service is starting. I’ll tell you more after we go hear the music. Good-bye for now.

[The tape stops.]

Grandpa: It sounds like they are having a fine time!

Robbie: And Richard’s looking forward to seeing you out there next week. You’ll have a great time, I’m sure. [He thinks.] Colorado. I’ve never been there.

Grandpa: Denver. The Rocky 5 Mountains. I remember when I went west as a young man. That was in 1938.

Robbie: What did you find out there?

Grandpa: I found a job with the U.S. Forrest Service.

Robbie: What kind of job was it?

Grandpa: I helped fight forest fires.

Ro: Boy! Life was more exciting in the old days.

Gr: Oh, I don’t know. You can find adventure anywhere.

Ro: Not in Riverdale, New York. The most exciting thing around here is the monkey house at the zoo.

Gr: Hello. North American Airlines? I have a reservation 6 for Saturday on flight number 240 to Denver, Colorado. My name is Malcolm Stewart.

Ro: [He whispers 7.] What are you doing, Grandpa?

Gr: Shh! Yes, ma’am, that’s right… I would like to reserve 8 a second seat on the flight. It’s for my grandson, Robbie Stewart.

Ro: [whispering] I don’t believe it!

Gr: Tourist class, please… Thank you… Good-bye. [He hangs up the phone.]

Robbie: Grandpa, I… I can’t just fly off to Denver all of a sudden 9.

Gr: You only live once, boy. Well, do you want to come with me?

Ro: I sure do, Grandpa.

Introduction to act II

This time on Tuning in the U.S.A., Robbie and Grandpa are flying to Denver, Colorado, to meet Richard Stewart. They are thirty-five thousand feet in the air, looking down on the beauty of the fields below. They see the Great Plains of the central United 10 States, and Grandpa remembers his trip across America fifty years ago. He shares his memories with Robbie.

Act II

Announcer 11: [He speaks on the loudspeaker 12 at the airport.] Last call. Flight 240 to Denver, Colorado, now boarding, Gate 13.

Grandpa: C’mon, Robbie. That’s our flight! Hurry up!

Robbie: Let me carry your travel bag, Grandpa.

Gr: Excuse me, sir. Where is gate 13?

Man: Gate 30? Sure. Go down this corridor-

Gr: No, no. Thirteen. Gate thirteen.

Man: Oh, I thought you said thirty. Gate 13 is right over there.

Grandpa: Thanks. C’mon, Robbie. [to an attendant 13] Is this the flight to Denver?

Attendant: Yes it is. May I see your tickets, please?

Gr: Here they are.

At: You can go right through that door. Have a nice flight. [later that afternoon. Grandpa and Robbie are in the airplane.]

Ro: Look down there, Grandpa. It looks like they’ve planted corn across the whole country. It’s so beautiful. Look at those squares of color.

Gr: Uh-huh. I guess we’re over Iowa or South Dakota. I hitchhiked through there back in 1938.

Ro: You hitchhiked all the way to Colorado?

Gr: Yeah. People did that a lot back then. I probable 14 slept in that field over there and caught catfish 15 from that river. Have you ever had roasted 16 corn and catfish for breakfast?

Ro: No, I can’t say that I have. How long did it take to get to Denver?

Gr: Oh, a couple of weeks. I don’t remember, exactly.

Robbie: Why so long? Didn’t cars stop and pick you up?

Gr: Oh, they stopped. But there weren’t so many cars in those days. And people took more time to do things.

Ro: Now we can fly and see half the country in a couple of hours.

Gr: Oh, I don’t know about that. If you really want to see America, you have to walk down the back roads. Take a bath in the rivers.

Ro: Sleep under the trees?

Grandpa: You’re getting the idea.

Ro: Maybe someday I’ll take a trip like that. I could write a book about it.

Gr: Great idea!

At: Excuse me. Would you gentlemen like some lunch now?

Ro: I’d like some roasted corn and catfish, please.

Gr: Me, too!

At: We just gave away the last of our catfish. How about some chicken?

Gr: [He laughs.] Well, I guess that’ll be just fine.

1 introduction
  • The introduction tells you how to use the book.引言告诉你怎样使用这本书。
  • A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview.凭一封介绍信准保会接待你。
2 tuning
n.调谐,调整,调音v.调音( tune的现在分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • They are tuning up a plane on the flight line. 他们正在机场的飞机跑道上调试一架飞机。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The orchestra are tuning up. 管弦乐队在定弦。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
3 cassette
  • He inserted a cassette into the machine.他把一盒录像带放入机器。
  • And let's not forget our cassette player and some tapes.还别忘了带上我们的卡式录音机和一些录音带。
4 oops
int.哎哟( 表示惊讶;沮丧;狼狈;轻度道歉等)
  • Oops!I'm on the wrong plane!糟糕!我上错飞机了!
  • Oops!I nearly dropped my cup of tea!哎呀!我险些儿把自己的一杯茶掉到地上!
5 rocky
  • She drives carefully up the rocky lane.她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。
  • There is only one port along this rocky coast.这个多岩石的海岸只有一个港口。
6 reservation
  • The instruction should be carried out without any reservation.应当不折不扣地执行这个指示。
  • I accept your statement without reservation.我完全相信你的话。
7 whispers
v.低声说( whisper的第三人称单数 );私语;小声说;私下说
  • We spoke in whispers for fear that we might wake the baby. 我们轻声说话,以免吵醒婴儿。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard. 他们低声耳语惟恐被人听见。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
8 reserve
  • We'll reserve the ticket for you till tomorrow noon.票为您保留到明天中午。
  • This area was once a wildlife reserve.该地区曾是一个野生动物保护区。
9 sudden
  • All of a sudden he turned about and saw me.他突然转过身来看见了我。
  • The horse was badly frightened by the sudden noise.那匹马被突然而来的嘈杂声吓坏了。
10 united
  • The whole nation is closely united.全国人民紧密团结。
  • The two men were united by community of interests.共同的利益使两个人结合在一起。
11 announcer
  • The radio announcer said it was nine o'clock.电台播音员报时9点整。
  • The announcer tells the listeners what programme comes next.广播员告诉听众下一个是什么节目。
12 loudspeaker
  • The loudspeaker's stopped working.扩音器不响了。
  • There is a loudspeaker in a radio.收音机里有个喇叭。
13 attendant
  • She was interrupted by the entrance of an attendant.服务员进来,打断了她的话。
  • We met the officer attendant on the general.我们见到了随从将军的副官。
14 probable
  • It is probable to finish the job before dark.天黑之前有可能完成这项工作。
  • It is hardly probable that he will succeed.他不会成功。
15 catfish
  • Huge catfish are skinned and dressed by hand.用手剥去巨鲇的皮并剖洗干净。
  • We gigged for catfish off the pier.我们在码头以鱼叉叉鲶鱼。
16 roasted
  • I love the delightful odour of freshly roasted coffee beans. 我喜欢新烘咖啡豆的清香气味。
  • They roasted his new book. 他们狠狠地挖苦他的新书。
accounting model
auger machine
ballast bilge water treatment system
ballet jooss
bomb one's way
Bonndorf im Schwarzwald
breaking up with
chaperone machanism
colo(u)r fastness to ozone in the atmosphere
contour plane
direct-type recorder
directed tree matrix
discrete logarithm
elastica interna
epiphyseal fracture
family phyllocladaceaes
gate-turn-off thyristor (gto)
Golgi cell
good time Charley
handicapped people
have something to do
JDBC driver
Karoso, Tg.
marked point process
master skew tape
metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor memory
mobility modeling
nematic alignment
Newton-Cotes formulas
nominal diameter
non liquets
outlet guide
photo-type traveling wave tube
power dive
pro formula pinellia
ptychanthus striatus
Qogir Feng (Chogori, Mt.)
rocker-bar heating furnace
rotating synchronous exciter
sal soda
screw flange coupling
see something at a glance
set up as
SIO Recommendation
stroboscope polarimeter
structure morphism
subsea oilfield reactor
The best is often times the enemy of the good.
thousand's place
throttled back
TOD (theoretical oxygen demand)
true vampire bat
two-terminal pair network
urban study area
Vardar (Axios)
wandering of the poles