时间:2018-12-25 作者:英语课 分类:英语流行口语


[00:04.44]   谈论报刊杂志

[00:08.88]What's the most popular paper circulating in the community?


[00:18.63]A:What's the most popular paper circulating in the community?


[00:24.19]B:Atlanta Daily.


[00:27.53]A:Oh,thank you.I want one.


[00:31.79]B:Here you are.


[00:35.27]Do you know the circulation of the magazine?


[00:40.23]A:Do you know the circulation of this magazine?


[00:48.38]B:You mean this month?


[00:52.24]A:Oh,yes,how's it?


[00:56.01]B:Over 2 million.


[00:59.56]It's the top magazine in...


[01:06.61]A:I want to subscribe 1 to The New York Times.


[01:11.58]How do you feel about it?


[01:15.02]B:It's one of the top papers in America.


[01:19.28]A:Yes,It's supposed to be outstanding.


[01:24.24]Who finances the magazine?


[01:31.22]A:Who finances the magazine?


[01:35.48]B:I don't know exactly.


[01:39.32]I only hear it's financed by a famous film star.


[01:44.67]A:Does it have a large circulation?


[01:48.93]B:Yes,so it really doesn't matter who offers the money.


[01:54.29]The paper itself is profitable.


[01:58.36]How do these local papers manage financially?


[02:07.90]A:How do these local papers manage financially?


[02:12.94]B:Mainly from ads,a small portion from taxes and charities.


[02:19.28]A:Don't you think it's a bit chancy?


[02:23.36]B:Not at all.Many people like the ads.


[02:27.91]Don't you think...?


[02:33.34]Don't you think all of the money goes to the ads and we have nothing to read


[02:40.71]B:But newspapers do get some extra income by offering space for ads.


[02:47.05]A:Extra income.They can get rich with sheer ads.


[02:53.32]...is a must.


[02:59.67]A:Can I help you?


[03:03.04]Mm,I just need something about business news.Can you recommend some?


[03:09.49]A:The Times is a must.


[03:13.57]B:Thank you.I'll have one.


[03:17.93]I advise you to...


[03:23.28]A:An idea about killing 2 time on a train?


[03:28.43]B:I advise you to read Playboy.You can get a lot from it.


[03:34.67]A:But there's quite a lot of rumors 3 about it.


[03:39.53]B:That's why it's interesting.


[03:43.48]As far as...is concerned,it's worth reading.


[03:53.74]A:Would you please tell me about the Fortune magazine?


[03:58.71]B:It was chosen as the most popular magazine of the year.


[04:04.56]A:Do you like it personally?


[04:08.22]B:As far as the language is concerned,it's worth reading.


[04:14.38]How would you comment on the paper?


[04:21.22]A:How would you comment on the paper?


[04:25.77]B:The paper editorials always stick to the quick.


[04:31.33]A:Don't you think it's a bit conservative?


[04:35.57]B:After all,I'm somewhat conservative.


[04:40.29]How can they always manage to...?


[04:47.16]A:How can they always manage to get inside stories?


[04:52.13]B:They've got a professional staff.


[04:56.57]A:Professionals for what?


[05:00.23]B:For approaching the top secrets and the top personnel.


[05:05.58]It's famous for...


[05:12.66]A:When was the newspaper first issued?


[05:17.20]B:In 1914.


[05:20.76]A:The year of world War I.


[05:24.83]B:Yes,and it's famous for military reports.


[05:30.29]They were the first to jump on...


[05:37.84]A:May I know why you are so keen on this paper?


[05:43.51]B:Because they always have startling inside stories to reveal.


[05:49.68]A:For example?


[05:52.91]B:They were the first to jump on the Watergate scandal.


[05:58.37]Is the news in the paper reliable?


[06:06.03]A:Is the news in the paper reliable?


[06:10.57]B:Yes,it's usually truthful 4 and accurate.


[06:15.64]A:How about its editorials?


[06:19.77]Very often I don't agree with the stand but I still read it carefully.


[06:26.22]That's all propaganda.


[06:32.18]A:How do you comment on the financial section?


[06:36.93]You can always find trade surplus,and you know all that positive staff.


[06:44.19]According to them,everything is going smoothly 5.


[06:49.47]A:You mean...?


[06:52.40]B:That's all propaganda.


[06:56.47]You always find a ready ear for hearsay 6.


[07:03.44]A:Do you really believe what they say?


[07:07.89]B:I don't believe it at all.


[07:11.73]A:But what makes it so popular?


[07:15.59]B:You always find a ready ear for hearsay.


[07:20.56]The magazine's stand is very hard to locate.


[07:30.59]A:The magazine's stand is very hard to locate.


[07:35.42]B:You'll have to read between lines.


[07:39.78]A:Why is it so obscure?


[07:43.54]B:Maybe they can't afford to confront their sponsors openly.


[07:49.60]It's an out and out fabrication.


[07:56.66]A:How do you comment on the whole section about Princess Diana's affairs?


[08:03.11]B:I hope it's an out and out fabrication.


[08:07.47]A:But it's true.


[08:10.84]B:How do you know?


1 subscribe
  • I heartily subscribe to that sentiment.我十分赞同那个观点。
  • The magazine is trying to get more readers to subscribe.该杂志正大力发展新订户。
2 killing
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
3 rumors
n.传闻( rumor的名词复数 );[古]名誉;咕哝;[古]喧嚷v.传闻( rumor的第三人称单数 );[古]名誉;咕哝;[古]喧嚷
  • Rumors have it that the school was burned down. 有谣言说学校给烧掉了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Rumors of a revolt were afloat. 叛变的谣言四起。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 truthful
  • You can count on him for a truthful report of the accident.你放心,他会对事故作出如实的报告的。
  • I don't think you are being entirely truthful.我认为你并没全讲真话。
5 smoothly
  • The workmen are very cooperative,so the work goes on smoothly.工人们十分合作,所以工作进展顺利。
  • Just change one or two words and the sentence will read smoothly.这句话只要动一两个字就顺了。
6 hearsay
  • They started to piece the story together from hearsay.他们开始根据传闻把事情的经过一点点拼湊起来。
  • You are only supposing this on hearsay.You have no proof.你只是根据传闻想像而已,并没有证据。
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New York State
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