时间:2018-12-25 作者:英语课 分类:原版英语对话1000个


Todd: So, Rina, now you are Lebanese (Mm-hm) and you grew up in a very small Canadian town.

Rina: Oh, yes.

Todd: So you really have two cultures. What's it like growing up with two cultures?

Rina: In the beginning it was very hard. My dad was very strict. I wasn't allowed to work. I had to fight to have my first job at 19.

Todd: Wow. At 19.

Rina: At 19. I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend. I had to fight for that one two, and I had my first boyfriend at 18. Wasn't allowed to go out. First high school dance was grade 11. So, I hated it in the beginning. I was, but now I appreciate it and I know where my parents were coming from.

Todd: So, it this the standard Lebanese family type culture where daughters are not allowed to work?

Rina: Ah, yeah, my dad had basically 1 believed that if I went out and worked I would, you know, be hit on by guys. It just wasn't a place for his daughter, and typically before, yeah, women don't work. They stay home. They took care of the kids. They, you know, it was a typical patriarchal society and my dad was very, very strict, and I spent a lot of my childhood pushing away my culture because of that.

Todd: And how do you feel about your culture now?

Rina: I'm very, very proud of it. I love it. It's nice to be different and I'm glad I get that chance to do that. Um, the only thing, when I was in Lebanon, it was hard as well because people didn't see me as Canadian, and they didn't see me as Lebanese You know I was, a lot of people didn't talk to me because of it. I went there and a lot of people shunned 2 me basically, so.

Todd: So even though you had no language barrier 3 at all cause you speak Lebanese?

Rina: Yep, yep, no, they basically, you know they were mad at me because I was too Canadian, or they were mad at me that I wasn't enough Canadian, and like, it was just, you know, insane 4.

Todd: That's pretty tough.

Rina: Yeah, well, they have their, they have their image of what you know, what Western society is like from movies and, you know, because you know I have my tattoos 5, they thought I was just basically Satin's spawn,and because I wasn't running around like a tramp 6, they thought well, "What is she is doing? What is she supposed to?" it was just the worst of both world's really.

Todd: Ah, that's terrible.

Rina: Yeah, so because, they do, they have, and actually I have to specify 7 this: I was in a village. Like, both of my parents are from villages

Todd: Oh, I see.

Rina: In Beirut, it's different, but when I was in the villages, where I stayed the majority of the time, it was like that, but I got, I made my little older ladies love me, but they were talking to me at the end, having coffee with me while I smoked my cigarettes, yep, yep.

Todd: Oh, that's good to hear.


1 basically
  • His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本上健康。
  • Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。
2 shunned
v.避开,回避,避免( shun的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She was shunned by her family when she remarried. 她再婚后家里人都躲着她。
  • He was a shy man who shunned all publicity. 他是个怕羞的人,总是避开一切引人注目的活动。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 barrier
  • You must show your ticket at the barrier.你在关卡处必须出示许可证。
  • The driver jumped a horse over a barrier.骑手骑马跳过障碍。
4 insane
  • Insane people are sometimes dangerous.精神病人有时非常危险。
  • The letter made her insane with jealousy.那封信使她妒忌得发疯。
5 tattoos
n.文身( tattoo的名词复数 );归营鼓;军队夜间表演操;连续有节奏的敲击声v.刺青,文身( tattoo的第三人称单数 );连续有节奏地敲击;作连续有节奏的敲击
  • His arms were covered in tattoos. 他的胳膊上刺满了花纹。
  • His arms were covered in tattoos. 他的双臂刺满了纹身。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 tramp
  • She wants to go for a tramp in the country.她想去乡间远足。
  • A tramp came to the door and asked for food.一个流浪汉来到门前讨饭吃。
7 specify
  • We should specify a time and a place for the meeting.我们应指定会议的时间和地点。
  • Please specify what you will do.请你详述一下你将做什么。
announcement message
array representation
assignment of lease
black music
broaden the power of enterprises to make their own decisions
burst pin detecting
chigo bugaku (japan)
cluster-type dkiamond dressing tool
cold as a marble
collaborative divorce
combustion spiral
concrete block anchorage
cut buddies
dental stone
displaced volume
final return
freight steam locomotive
glass-house climate
Heterostemma wallichii
high efficiency turbine
high school
hygienic demography
immediate manoeuvre
imsplex member
incentive programs
independent action
index cards
indirect encoding microinstruction
Lama guanicoe
latency hiding
location diffusion
lubricating press
Malleomyces mallei
manual alphabet
meteorological airplane
multi-grid method
National Congress of Parents and Teachers
nest of spring
no specific hours or fixed intermittent hour
open flow
ovarian fossa
procedure linkage
ptosis of upper lid
random quantity
remote batch processing system
Sabrazes test
satellite office
secret language message
shaft encoder
shaft material
slot driller
soil extractant
split pea
subcarrier demodulator
take picture
to deal with a case
tractor industry
transformer effect
Trebbia, Fiume
tsusnima current
unissued (capital) stock
warming channel for dispelling cold
wave path
Weber-Cockayne syndrome
well logs