时间:2018-12-19 作者:英语课 分类:环球英语 Spotlight


   Voice 1

  Welcome to Spotlight 1. I’m Nick Page.
  Voice 2
  And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand no matter where in the world they live.
  Voice 1
  Yawning 3. It is something that people everywhere do. It is a simple motion 4. Open your mouth extremely 5 wide. Pull air into your mouth. Your lungs expand to fill with fresh air. The muscles 6 near your stomach pull in. Your whole body feels a good stretch. Then you blow the rest of the air out.
  Voice 2
  As you were listening, did you just yawn 2? That is another interesting thing about yawning. It is contagious 7. That is, when a person sees another person yawning, she may yawn too. Yawns 8 seem to move from person to person. In fact, we may only need to HEAR or SEE the word yawn to begin yawning.
  Voice 1
  But why do we yawn? Is there a reason? Why is yawning contagious? These are some of the questions we aim to answer in today’s program. Today’s Spotlight is on yawning.
  Voice 2
  Scientists all over the world have tried to understand why people yawn. Andrew Gallup is a behavioral biologist 9 at Princeton University. He studies how a person’s behavior and body are linked. He told Sciencenews.org:
  Voice 3
  “Every single day, every person on the planet 10 yawns. But we have no idea why we do it.”
  Voice 1
  A yawn seems like a simple thing. We do not even think about yawning when we do it. It is an involuntary action. People do not choose to yawn. It is a natural reaction of the body. But yawning is really very complex 11. It involves many parts of a person’s body. Yawning has a physical effect on our bodies. Studies have shown that yawning increases a person’s heart rate. His heart beats faster. Yawning increases the flow of blood in a person’s body.
  Voice 2
  Scientists do have some theories about why people yawn. Some of the theories are social theories. One social theory about yawning is a very simple one. People yawn when they are tired or bored - that is, when they are not interested in what is going on around them. But many people yawn even if they are not tired. For example, even Olympic athletes may yawn when they are getting ready to compete. People do yawn when they are tired. But this cannot be the only reason why people yawn.
  Voice 1
  Some scientists believe people yawn because our bodies have changed to do that through history. They say ancient people learned 12 to yawn over many years. People may have begun yawning as a way to quickly communicate with other people around them. For example, imagine you are a person living many thousands of years ago. Imagine you saw a dangerous animal, like a lion or tiger. If you made a sound, the animal might hear you. But, if you open your mouth wide into a yawn, you can communicate your message quietly. However, this theory does not really explain why people yawn. If yawns communicate danger, why do we yawn when we are tired?
  Voice 2
  Other theories say people yawn for a particular physical purpose. For example, maybe yawning helps a person’s body to get more oxygen. Oxygen is one important gas in air. When we breathe, we pull oxygen into our lungs. It is necessary to make our bodies work. Could yawning mean a person is trying to get more oxygen?
  Voice 1
  Robert Provine is also an expert on yawning. He led an experiment in 1987 to test this theory. He tested the theory on a group of college students. He wanted to discover if students yawned 13 more when there was less oxygen.
  Voice 2
  Provine observed the students while they breathed different kinds of air. But it did not matter how much oxygen was in the air. Students all yawned at the same rate. He believes that yawning does not have anything to do with breathing. People do not yawn to get more oxygen.
  Voice 1
  A more recent theory about yawning suggests people yawn to keep their brains cool. Andrew Gallup led a study to test this theory. Gallup studied 80 people in the winter, and 80 in the summer. He found that people were more likely to yawn in the summer than in the winter. He believes this is because it is more difficult for a person’s brain to stay cool in the summer. A cooler brain can work better. So, when it is hot, a person’s body begins a yawn. The yawn pulls in air to cool the brain.
  Voice 2
  Is this the real reason people yawn? No one really knows for sure. People have been asking this question for thousands of years!
  Voice 1
  But there is another mystery about yawning. Why is yawning so contagious? Doctor Catriona Morrison is a psychologist 14. She studies human behaviour. And she teaches at the University of Leeds. She told the BBC 15:
  Voice 4
  “Contagious yawning is a very interesting behaviour. You do not need to see the yawn. You do not even need to hear the yawn. You can just read about it or think about it and it gets you going.”
  Voice 2
  Doctor Morrison led a team of researchers to investigate 16 contagious yawning. Researchers used students for their experiment. Each student sat in a room with a secret researcher. The secret researcher yawned often. Researchers observed if the students yawned too - and how many times. After ten minutes, each student took a short test. In the test, the student tried to identify the feelings of another person. Doctor Morrison’s team discovered that the students who yawned were more likely to also understand another person’s feelings. This is the idea of empathy - being able to understand the way another person feels. Doctor Morrison told the BBC:
  Voice 4
  “We believe that contagious yawning shows empathy. It shows that a person can understand another person’s body and mind.”
  Voice 2
  Yawning is not very contagious for every person. People who have trouble feeling empathy will not yawn contagiously 17. And children do not experience contagious yawning until about age four. This is about the age when children develop the ability to feel empathy.
  Voice 1
  The link between yawning and empathy is solid 18. Scientists have also taken pictures of people’s brains. These pictures show areas that are active when a person is reacting 19 to yawning. The same areas are active when a person is thinking about another person’s feelings.
  Voice 2
  Yawning is just one of the amazing and strange things our bodies do. We may never know why people yawn, or why yawning is contagious. But one thing is sure. Many people think of a yawn as something rude. So if you must yawn, make sure you cover your mouth while you do it!
  Voice 1
  The writer and producer of this program was Liz Waid. The voices you heard were from the United 20 Kingdom and the United States. All quotes 21 were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at www.radioenglish.net. This program is called, ‘Why Do I Yawn?’
  Voice 2
  You can also leave your comments on our website. And find us on Facebook - just search for Spotlight Radio. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.
  *Some of the music in this program came from Podington Bear*

1 spotlight
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 yawn
  • He got up with a stretch and a yawn.他站起来伸伸懒腰,打个呵欠。
  • Her yawn suggests that she is sleepy.她打哈欠表示她很困了。
3 yawning
n.打呵欠adj.张着大嘴的,打哈欠的v.打呵欠( yawn的现在分词 );张开,裂开
  • Yawning is often contagious. 打哈欠常易于感染。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • I felt so sleepy I couldn' t stop yawning. 我感到很困,止不住地打呵欠。 来自辞典例句
4 motion
  • She could feel the rolling motion of the ship under her feet.她能感觉到脚下船在晃动。
  • Don't open the door while the train is in motion.列车运行时,请勿打开车门。
5 extremely
  • The film is extremely good,I just cannot miss it.这部电影太精彩了,我非看不可。
  • The old man was extremely difficult to get along with.这个老人极难相与。
6 muscles
n.肌肉( muscle的名词复数 );(操纵他人的)力量;权力;肌肉组织
  • I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles. 我必须活动活动使肌肉放松些。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Gosh! My muscles is going to ache all over tomorrow. 哎呀!明天我全身肌肉都会痛了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 contagious
  • It's a highly contagious infection.这种病极易传染。
  • He's got a contagious laugh.他的笑富有感染力。
8 yawns
n.乏味或枯燥的事物( yawn的名词复数 )v.打呵欠( yawn的第三人称单数 );张开,裂开
  • His yawns suggested he was either tired or bored. 他呵欠连天说明他不是疲倦,就是厌倦。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • When I attended his lecture, I always tried hard to strangle yawns. 我上他的课时,总是竭力地制止自己打呵欠。 来自辞典例句
9 biologist
  • The biologist advanced a new theory of life.这位生物学家提出了一个有关生命的新学说。
  • This is that biologist having rescued her life.这就是救了她生命的那个生物学家。
10 planet
  • Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun. 海王星是离太阳最远的行星。
  • Rubbish, however, is only part of the problem of polluting our planet. 然而, 垃圾只是我们这个星球的污染问题的一个方面。
11 complex
  • What he said was too complex for me to understand.他说的太复杂了,我无法了解。
  • Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law.正义是复杂的法律机器的一部分。
12 learned
  • He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。
  • In this little village,he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。
13 yawned
v.打呵欠( yawn的过去式和过去分词 );张开,裂开
  • She yawned and looked pointedly at her watch. 她打了个哈欠,又刻意地看了看手表。
  • John yawned and scratched his chin. 约翰打个哈欠,挠挠下巴。
14 psychologist
  • Dr.Sinclair is a child psychologist.辛克莱博士是一位儿童心理学专家。
  • Psychologist is expert who studies at psychology.心理学家是研究心理学的专家。
15 BBC
abbr.(=British Broadcasting Corporation)英国广播公司
  • She works for the BBC.她为英国广播公司工作。
  • The BBC was founded in 1922.英国广播公司建于1922年。
16 investigate
  • Police investigate the cause of car accident.警察调查车祸的原因。
  • The government of the United States began at once to investigate the case.美国政府立即开始调查此案。
17 contagiously
  • The book is unpretentious; it can present names without dropping them, and the tone is contagiously warm. 这本书写得朴实无华,它提了几个名字,但又没有滥用来抬高自己,而且书的语气热情洋溢。
  • She was contagiously bubbly. 她快乐而富有感染力。
18 solid
adj.固体的,结实的,可靠的,实心的;n.固体,实心;adv. 一致地
  • Water may change from a liquid to a solid.水可以由液体变为固体。
  • I know that James is a solid type of person.我知道詹姆斯是个可信赖的人。
19 reacting
  • The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes. 法律对变化中的观念常常反应迟缓。
  • The water was reacting with the ferrous iron in the tank. 水与水箱中的铁质产生化学反应。
20 united
  • The whole nation is closely united.全国人民紧密团结。
  • The two men were united by community of interests.共同的利益使两个人结合在一起。
v.引用,援引( quote的第三人称单数 );报价;引述;为(股票、黄金或外汇)报价
  • He quotes a few verses from Tennyson in his paper. 他在论文中引用了英国诗人丁尼生的几行诗句。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He quotes (from) the Bible to support his beliefs. 他引用圣经来支持自己的信念。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
age last birthday
algebraic congruence
Amoss' sign
brilliant cloth blue iiif
butyl furoate
cafeteria package
Camellia multibracteata
centgener plan
chroma modulation
climatic effect
compensated voltage control
consistency of bayes estimation
consumer sale disclosure statement
Correen Hills
crossed-spring balance
Dimocarpus longan
diploite (anorthite)
double circles
el kala (la calle)
escort duty
facsimile converter
flexible barrier material
foot fetish
fork loader
Frensnel rhomb
gantry crane with traversing jib crane
Gebe, Pulau
genus Theobroma
heat treat condition
honey mushroom
Ibiapaba, Sa.da
individual drawing
information storage technology
infrared image converter
ink distribution
inquire response
interest-bearing capital
international rules football
interosseous muscles
kamienna gora
L. N.
line clamp
Manipa, Pulau
metapenaeopsis lamellata
MIG welding (metal inert gas arc welding)
Mycobacterium rhusiopathiae
non skid device
nondepreciable property
operational fund
paranoia erotica
Peter Ustinov
podalic versions
primary sex organ
prominence magnetic field
protective switchgear
reference woman
Riske Creek
Septobasidium apiculatum
shield(ing) wall
shoot a film
sleeve wire
source compartment
symbolic information table
tank therapy
teacher bird
time-optimal steering
true anomalies
tumo(u)r nursing
vertical incident solar rays
with half a heart
zauschneria californicas