时间:2018-12-17 作者:英语课 分类:北京仁爱英语八年级下


Unit 3

[00:03.08]Amazing Animals.

[00:06.71]Pets in north AmericaHow many people in Canada and the U.S. have pets?

[00:14.65]More than half!Jenny:What does"more than half"mean?

[00:21.42]You know what"half" means."More than half" is bigger than half.

[00:29.36]You can look up"more" in the dictionaryat the end of your Student Book.

[00:36.44]What kinds of animals do people keep as pets?





[00:52.09]rodents 1


[00:57.70]reptiles 2

[01:00.55]In North America,

[01:03.82]dogs and cats are the most popular pets.

[01:08.86]There are more cats than dogs,but more people have dogs than cats.Why?

[01:16.80]Because many people have more than one cat.

[01:21.66]There are about fifty-nine million pet cats in North America,

[01:27.72]and about fifty-three million pet dogs.Many people have pet birds.

[01:35.79]Some people teach their pet birds to talk.

[01:40.44]Budgies and parrots are good at learning 3 to talk.

[01:45.72]Mice and hamsters are rodents.So are guinea pigs.

[01:52.67]Rodents like to chew things.Keep these petsin cages!

[01:59.20]What kinds of reptiles do people have for pets?Some people have snakes.

[02:06.85]Some people have lizards 4.Some people have turtles.

[02:13.02]What do you need to do to look after a pet?

[02:17.48]Feed your pet.Give it water.Keep its house clean.

[02:24.54]Play with your pet.It needs exercise.

[02:29.50]Remember to take your dog for a walk.Give your pet lots of love.

[02:36.73]Doctors think that pets help to keep people happy and healthy.

[02:42.66]People with pets live longer!Protecting AnimalsMany pet dogs wear a collar.

[02:54.45]People put a leash 5 on the collar to take dogs for a walk.

[03:00.79]Usually the collar has a tag 6,too.The tag shows the dog's name and address.

[03:09.13]The tag helps people find their dog if it gets lost.

[03:15.00]Sometimes scientists put collars on wild animals,

[03:21.06]but these collars are different from pet collars.

[03:26.03]These collars send a radio signalto tell scientists where the animals are.

[03:34.80]This is one way for scientists to learn more about different kinds of animals.

[03:42.25]Sometimes scientists and zoos work together.

[03:47.71]They work together to keep animals safe in the wild.

[03:53.27]Zoos and scientists are helping 7 to make nature parks.

[03:59.15]What is a nature park?A nature park is a big place in the wild.

[04:06.31]It is there to protect animals.

[04:10.36]All kinds of animals live there.

[04:14.80]Scientists go to nature parks to learn about animals.

[04:20.65]People can't build houses or hurt animals in a nature park.

[04:27.10]The world's biggest nature park is in Greenland.

[04:32.27]The second biggest nature park is the Chang Tang Reserve in Tibet.

[04:38.62]Greenland is northeast of Canada.

[04:43.30]Tibet is in western China.


[04:50.80]The giraffe is the world's largest animal.

[04:55.86]The giraffe's neck is 3.5 metres long. How is a giraffe like a person?

[05:04.01]A giraffe has the same number of neck bones as you do.

[05:09.47]People and giraffes both have seven neck bones.

[05:15.25]The Best ZoosThere are about 1100 zoos in the world today.

[05:23.68]More than 5500 different kinds of birds and animals live in zoos.

[05:31.13]More than 800 million people visit zoos every year.

[05:36.90]Danny:That's a lot of people!

[05:40.56]I hope zoos help teach all those people about animals!

[05:46.31]Jenny:Me,too,Danny! When we know about animals,we can protect them.

[05:53.46]Brian:Have you visited a zoo?

[05:56.94]Was it a good zoo?Ask yourself these question.

[06:02.68]Did you learn anything from your visit to the zoo?

[06:08.14]The best zoos teach people about animals.

[06:13.60]Scientists learn at these zoos,too.Were the cages clean?

[06:20.47]Did the animals look clean and healthy?Good zoos look after their animals.

[06:27.92]Were the cages big?Zoo animals are not pets.They need lots of space.

[06:36.38]They need to run around and play.

[06:41.06]Did the animals have somewhere to hide?Animals like to have open space.

[06:48.82]But sometimes they like to hide.

[06:53.54]Sometimes animals want to go away from people.

[06:58.98]Was there more than one of each kind of animal?

[07:04.02]Most animals like to be with other animals of the same kind.

[07:10.08]They like to have friends.They want to have families.

[07:15.54]If there is only one of each kind of animal,they can't have babies.

[07:22.38]Is the zoo helping to protect animals in the wild?

[07:28.76]The best zoos are working to keep all animals safe and healthy.


[07:38.76]What is the biggest snake?The python is the longest snake.

[07:45.53]It grows more than six metres long.Pythons live in Asia.

[07:52.16]They anaconda is the heaviest snake.

[07:56.71]One anaconda weighs as much as two pythons.Anacondas live in South America.


[08:08.91]How loud can a lion roar 8?Very loud!

[08:14.58]You can hear a lion roar from nine kilometres away.

[08:20.64]The Grizzly 9 BearStanding on hind 10 legs Stretching to the sky

[08:28.58]Claws spread wide Mouth open and teeth bared

[08:35.42]A roar erupting from its mouth

[08:40.28]The black wild eyes glaring 11 fiercely at your face

[08:47.26]The brown glistening 12 fur Shining in the sun

[08:52.61]Ready to kill--adapted from a poem by Anthony Millan,

[09:00.06]Grade EightBrain:Grizzly bears can grow to 2.5 metres.

[09:06.90]They can weigh 400 kilograms!

[09:11.37]That's big!Danny:Yes,and grizzly bears are fierce,too!Yikes!

[09:19.62]Jenny:Grizzly bears are fierce when they are mad, Danny.

[09:25.08]But did you know that grizzly bears mostly eat vegetables?

[09:31.35]April Fools' DayDanny:Do you know why I always wear a hat?

[09:39.21]It's because it's stuck!I can't take it off!Just joking!

[09:47.47]Look at the date! April Fools'!April Fools' Day is a time for jokes.

[09:56.30]Be careful or you might be an April fool--someone who is tricked on this day.

[10:04.55]Danny:A fool makes lots of mistakes.

[10:09.80]A fool is foolish!When is April Fools' Day?

[10:17.35]April Fools' Day is the first day of the month of April.

[10:23.60]What happens on this day?

[10:27.54]On April Fools' Day, people like to play jokes on each other.

[10:33.89]April Fools' jokes are fun.When you play a joke on someone,

[10:40.84]you laugh and they laugh,too.Don't play jokes that make other people sad or mad!

[10:49.59]And at noon,stop playing jokes.Everyone stops playing jokes at noon!

[10:57.32]When you "tell" a joke,you have fun with words.The words are funny.

[11:04.69]When you "play" a joke,you have fun by tricking someone.

[11:11.95]You make the person do or think something funny.

[11:17.69]How did April Fools's Day begin?Nobody knows for sure how the day began.

[11:26.94]We know that April first was New Year's Day for ancient Romans and Hindus.

[11:35.28]We also know that people around the world

[11:39.74]have played jokes on April Fools' Day for hundreds of years.

[11:46.40]Some people say April Fools' Day began in France in 1564.

[11:54.06]That year,the king of France made January first New Year's Day.

[12:01.50]But many people wanted to keep the old date for New Year's:April first.

[12:09.26]These people kept celebrating New Year's on the old date.

[12:15.43]They were the first"April fools."Romans come from the city of Rome in Italy.

[12:23.97]Italy is a country in Europe.Hindus come from India,a country in Asia.


1 rodents
n.啮齿目动物( rodent的名词复数 )
  • Rodents carry diseases and are generally regarded as pests. 啮齿目动物传播疾病,常被当作害虫对待。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Some wild rodents in Africa also harbor the virus. 在非洲,有些野生啮齿动物也是储毒者。 来自辞典例句
2 reptiles
n.爬行动物,爬虫( reptile的名词复数 )
  • Snakes and crocodiles are both reptiles. 蛇和鳄鱼都是爬行动物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Birds, reptiles and insects come from eggs. 鸟类、爬虫及昆虫是卵生的。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
3 learning
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
4 lizards
n.蜥蜴( lizard的名词复数 )
  • Nothing lives in Pompeii except crickets and beetles and lizards. 在庞培城里除了蟋蟀、甲壳虫和蜥蜴外,没有别的生物。 来自辞典例句
  • Can lizards reproduce their tails? 蜥蜴的尾巴断了以后能再生吗? 来自辞典例句
5 leash
  • I reached for the leash,but the dog got in between.我伸手去拿系狗绳,但被狗挡住了路。
  • The dog strains at the leash,eager to be off.狗拼命地扯拉皮带,想挣脱开去。
6 tag
  • Please tag your baggage.请在你的行李上贴上标签了。
  • The clerk attached a price tag to each article.店员给每一件商品系上标价签。
7 helping
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
8 roar
  • He began to roar when I took the chocolate away. 当我把巧克力拿走时,他大哭起来。
  • The machines roar incessantly during the hours of daylight.机器在白天隆隆地响个不停。
9 grizzly
  • This grizzly liked people.这只灰熊却喜欢人。
  • Grizzly bears are not generally social creatures.一般说来,灰熊不是社交型动物。
10 hind
  • The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs.这种动物能够用后肢站立。
  • Don't hind her in her studies.不要在学业上扯她后腿。
11 glaring
  • At the examination he made several glaring blunders,and that did for him. 他在考试中出了几个大错,这下就完了。
  • The report contained some glaring errors. 报告中有些大错误。
12 glistening
adj.闪耀的,反光的v.湿物闪耀,闪亮( glisten的现在分词 )
  • Her eyes were glistening with tears. 她眼里闪着晶莹的泪花。
  • Her eyes were glistening with tears. 她眼睛中的泪水闪着柔和的光。 来自《用法词典》
admitting office
aloo chaat
Bad Nauheim
balancing box
Bradford 2,William
bronze backed bearing
caulastrea tumida
cave pearl
Christie's International PLC
company-wide bargaining
Dictyospermum scaberrimum
electric air circulator
entrance guard
estimability of parameter
external bus
flight engineers
Foramen cecum
formative voltage
Franklin Roosevelt
genus daceloes
Gosper islands
graft pancreatitis
gyrator filter
hand over foreign exchange
high-precision computation
indirect barter
inorganic thin film
iteration factor
Japanese National Railways
large object
Lobus sinister
lowozerite (lovozerite)
lymph node permeability factor
Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius
molecular optical rotation
multistage extraction
national association of broadcast employees and technicians
nature therapy
nodal period
oriental migratory locust
palette of narmer
pathologic physiology
population council
Ramaria flaccida
resonance wavelength
reticular lamina
semen collection
semi centrifugal type
semi-portal crane
sex assault
squeezed orange
Super Seven
the long run
total compensation
transfer coil
transformer coupling
urban sewage
waste water irrigation
Welch bound