时间:2018-12-16 作者:英语课 分类:英语口语教程(Oral Workshop)--初级



Lesson 6 

                                            Text A 

                             How to Make Everybody Happy 

   Peter's uncle lived in the country. Once Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved. Peter was surprised, and said, "Uncle George, you know everybody here. Where did you meet them all?" 

   "I don't know all these people , " said his uncle.

   "Then why do you wave to them?" asked Peter.

   "Well, Peter," answered his uncle, "when I wave to someone and he knows me, he is pleased. He continues his journey 1 with a happier heart. But when I wave to someone and he doesn't know me, he is surprised and says to himself `Who is that man? Why did he wave to me?' So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So I make everybody happy. "  

Text B 

What Wonld You Like to Do Tonight? 

   Mary's cousins, Fay and Rosemary, are still at her house. The girls want to go to the movies. They look in the newspaper to see what time the movie starts. After seeing the movie, they go to an ice cream parlor 2 and order their favorite desserts.

    MARY: Girls , what would you like to do tonight?

ROSEMARY: Do you ever go to the movies?

    MARY: Of course. I often go to the movies.

ROSEMARY: Well, let's go to the movies.

    MARY: There's a good movie near here: "Summer in Maine"

     FAY: Fine. I heard it's a very good movie.

RosEMARY: Let's find out what time it starts.

    MARY: Let's look at the newspaper. Movie programs are usually on page nine.

     FAY: Here it is. "Summer in Maine " starts at 8 o'clock. 

                                  Questions on Text B 

7.Read the following conversation once. Underline 3 the key words while reading 4 and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words. 

Fred: If I won the Pools, I'd go round the world. 

Bert: Would you? I wouldn.'t. 

Fred: What would you do? 

Bert: Oh, I don't know. I'd buy a big house with a garden for my wife and kids, I suppose. But it's difficult to imagine having a lot of money. 

Fred: One thing's certain. If I had a lot of money, I wouldn't work any more. 

Bert: Wouldn't you? What would you do with all that spare time? 

Fred: As I said, I'd go round the world. 

Bect: What would you do after that? 

Fred: Oh, I don't know. It'd take me a long time to go round the world.  

Bert: It doesn't sound very exciting.  

Fred: Anyway, we haven't won the Pools, and we're not likely 5 to win them. So there isn't much point in talking about it, is there?  

Bert: I'd be happy if I got a rise.  

Fred: And my wife would be happy if I hought her a mink 6 coat. 

Bert: Well , I'm not likely to get a rise and you haven't the money for a mink coat, so let's come down to earth and have another drink.  

Fred: What'll you have?  

Bert: I'll have a pint 7 of the best. 

Fred: I'd have a Scotch 8 if I were you. We deserve 9 it. 

Bert: All right. Make it a double, will you?

1 journey
  • She will give up this journey.她将放弃这次旅行。
  • The journey home was great fun.回家的旅程非常有趣。
2 parlor
  • She was lying on a small settee in the parlor.她躺在客厅的一张小长椅上。
  • Is there a pizza parlor in the neighborhood?附近有没有比萨店?
3 underline
  • Underline all the sentences you do not know.在你不懂的所有句子下面划一条线。
  • Please underline the noun clauses in the passage.请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。
4 reading
  • Children learn reading and writing at school.孩子们在学校学习阅读和写作。
  • He finds pleasure in reading.他从阅读中得到乐趣。
5 likely
  • Look at the sky.It's most likely going to rain.瞧!这天多半要下雨。
  • It's so cloudy and cold that it's likely to snow.天气又阴又冷,大半要下雪。
6 mink
  • She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.她穿着一身蓝色的套装和一件貂皮大衣。
  • He started a mink ranch and made a fortune in five years. 他开了个水貂养殖场,五年之内就赚了不少钱。
7 pint
  • I'll have a pint of beer and a packet of crisps, please.我要一品脱啤酒和一袋炸马铃薯片。
  • In the old days you could get a pint of beer for a shilling.从前,花一先令就可以买到一品脱啤酒。
8 scotch
  • Facts will eventually scotch these rumours.这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破。
  • Italy was full of fine views and virtually empty of Scotch whiskey.意大利多的是美景,真正缺的是苏格兰威士忌。
9 deserve
vt.应受,值得;vi. 应受报答,值得受赏
  • You really deserve a good beating,you naughty boy.你这个调皮孩子真该打。
  • I do not deserve all the praises bestowed upon me.我不配得到这些赞扬。
标签: 英语口语 初级
.exe files
achieve one's object
area source
astronomical atlas
bacteriocinogenic facter
baculentulus hohuanshanensis
bladder puncture
cardiochiles laevifossa
changing gear
citrus sinensis osbeck var. sekkan hay.
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coordinate line of curvature
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genus Malaclemys
genus Pulex
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local moraine
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on a good wicket
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total heating value
Trinity low water mark
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TV in a window
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unfair labor practice strike
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vertical layer radiographic x-ray apparatus
Viburnum L.
voting rule
weathertight ramp
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