时间:2018-12-16 作者:英语课 分类:VOA标准英语2008年(六月)


By Mandy Clark
10 June 2008

Afghanistan's women are venturing out and embracing new opportunities that were once strictly 1 forbidden under the rule of the ultra-religious Taliban. Seven years after the Taliban were ousted 2, over two million women and girls have access to education and women are getting into business - in roles previously 3 unheard of, such as running a clothing shop, a beauty parlor 4 or even a gym. But, as Mandy Clark reports from Kabul some of these women say that until stability and security are established, they may have to give up their newfound freedom until they feel it is safer to do business.

Afghan women browse 5 a clothing store in Kandahar, Afghanistan, 15 May 2008

Fashion designer, Bakht Nazira discusses the details of her latest design with one of her seamstresses. She has been running her own store in this side street of downtown Kabul for six years and she employs 40 women.

"I'm proud because all my women employees were jobless now they work from home. It is a good chance for them to have an opportunity to work and also and our designs are improving, day by day," she said.

Under the Taliban women were barred from employment. Women entrepreneur were unthinkable and though the regime is gone, Nazira says things are still not easy. Remnants of the Taliban have threatened to attack women-owned stores, scaring off some of her customers.

"It is better, but not easier than before. We have so many difficulties and problems but we are coping, we hope all these problems will be solved," she added.

Other businesswomen understand those concerns all too well. Fareeda Ali is one of them. She opened a gym for women-only in 2005, but Taliban sympathizers threatened to hurt her family members if her gym remained open. She felt she had to close it down. Now she has to rent a man's gym for an hour a day so women can use it.

The women here did not want to be identified. Women exercising was forbidden under the Taliban and is still considered taboo 6 in Afghanistan's traditional society. Fareeda Ali does not think she'll run her own business again.

"It would be nice but I don't think that I could open another women's gym," said Ali.

Under the ultra-religious rule of the Taliban even wearing make-up was forbidden, women who wore nail polish risked having their fingers cut off. It was during this time that Asafa Barya fled to Pakistan. She returned when the Taliban fell and says it's her calling to help women feel beautiful again.

"During Taliban times, beauty parlors 7 had to go underground and do their work secretly," said Barya. "By doing this job, I'm serving my sisters."

Afghan women wait for customers as they try to sell vegetables at the market in Kabul, Afghanistan, 26 Apr 2008

Women's lives have improved, but they still remain restrictive. Most women do not venture outside without wearing the long, flowing bright blue cloak, the burqa. But, women and girls can now go to school and they can work.

These young women have returned home to Afghanistan after spending years in Pakistan and Iran as refugees. They are now being taught how to sew to improve their chances of employment.

Their teacher Arab Gul sees these skills as their path to independence.

"Some of these girls can be good tailors after six months learning this vocational training. When they go to home, they can start a small business or they can sell their clothes at the bazaar 8, providing a small income for themselves," said Arab.

World leaders and development experts have repeatedly said that Afghanistan's women must be part of the process of rebuilding their country and that without greater rights and opportunities for women, a modern democracy will have little chance of taking hold. So far the results are mixed with some definite gains, but also many remaining hurdles 9 and dangers. And, Afghanistan's newest entrepreneurs say security and peace are crucial.

Some women entrepreneurs worry about future business prospects 10, but Bakht Nazira remains 11 undaunted and talks of expanding her business abroad. She already has contracts with two American companies to sell jewelry 12 and scarves and wants to do more.

"I'm really interested in exporting to other countries. This is a chance to improve the business and get more work for my employees," said Nazira.

And Bakht Nazira says she hopes that acceptance from abroad may help her own people see her as a business first, a woman second.

1 strictly
  • His doctor is dieting him strictly.他的医生严格规定他的饮食。
  • The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence.客人严格按照地位高低就座。
2 ousted
驱逐( oust的过去式和过去分词 ); 革职; 罢黜; 剥夺
  • He was ousted as chairman. 他的主席职务被革除了。
  • He may be ousted by a military takeover. 他可能在一场军事接管中被赶下台。
3 previously
  • The bicycle tyre blew out at a previously damaged point.自行车胎在以前损坏过的地方又爆开了。
  • Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么。
4 parlor
  • She was lying on a small settee in the parlor.她躺在客厅的一张小长椅上。
  • Is there a pizza parlor in the neighborhood?附近有没有比萨店?
5 browse
  • I had a browse through the books on her shelf.我浏览了一下她书架上的书。
  • It is a good idea to browse through it first.最好先通篇浏览一遍。
6 taboo
  • The rude words are taboo in ordinary conversation.这些粗野的字眼在日常谈话中是禁忌的。
  • Is there a taboo against sex before marriage in your society?在你们的社会里,婚前的性行为犯禁吗?
7 parlors
客厅( parlor的名词复数 ); 起居室; (旅馆中的)休息室; (通常用来构成合成词)店
  • It had been a firm specializing in funeral parlors and parking lots. 它曾经是一个专门经营殡仪馆和停车场的公司。
  • I walked, my eyes focused into the endless succession of barbershops, beauty parlors, confectioneries. 我走着,眼睛注视着那看不到头的、鳞次栉比的理发店、美容院、糖果店。
8 bazaar
  • Chickens,goats and rabbits were offered for barter at the bazaar.在集市上,鸡、山羊和兔子被摆出来作物物交换之用。
  • We bargained for a beautiful rug in the bazaar.我们在集市通过讨价还价买到了一条很漂亮的地毯。
9 hurdles
n.障碍( hurdle的名词复数 );跳栏;(供人或马跳跃的)栏架;跨栏赛
  • In starting a new company, many hurdles must be crossed. 刚开办一个公司时,必须克服许多障碍。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • There are several hurdles to be got over in this project. 在这项工程中有一些困难要克服。 来自辞典例句
10 prospects
  • There is a mood of pessimism in the company about future job prospects. 公司中有一种对工作前景悲观的情绪。
  • They are less sanguine about the company's long-term prospects. 他们对公司的远景不那么乐观。
11 remains
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
12 jewelry
  • The burglars walked off with all my jewelry.夜盗偷走了我的全部珠宝。
  • Jewelry and lace are mostly feminine belongings.珠宝和花边多数是女性用品。
andromeda polifolia l.
authorized institution
bite wound
blackboard structure
blue printing machine
braking resistor
brush kangaroos
burn-up stretch-out
business english
centrifugal turbo-compressor
chroma blanking circuit
code frame
counter down
D. C.
decomposing Chinese character to component
deep down
deficit power
direct contact desulfurization
empirical survival function
energy source composition
esr (electron spin resonance)
fixed block architecture device
fuel ratio
hard as iron
hard pseudocartilage
heat potential difference
Hong Ngu
incidence of a disease
infinite state automation
international organization for standardization (iso)
international textural grade
inverse density dependence
lake port
laser fire control system
multi-valued displacement
navicula scutiformis
off with someone's head
opposed balance compressor
pendulum module
pronunciation guide
report priority
runway portable tower
secret communication system
servomechanism tester
simple leaf with a pair of stipules at the base
skidding road
step-up gear
stratus clouds
stunt casting
throw fresh light on
true solids
two-lane highway
ulmus thomasiis
virtual lower bound
web attached storage
white lead
Widal's syndrome
wire line bit