时间:2018-12-01 作者:英语课 分类:VOA慢速英语1500基础单词例句

hair [the fine material that grows from the skin, especially from the head]
She has long brown hair.

half [one of two equal parts of something]
She had some soup and half a sandwich for lunch.

halt [(1) to cause to come to a stop; (2) to stop]
He halted the group of marching men. (1)
The marching men halted. (2)

hang [(1) to place something so the highest part is supported and the lower part is not; (2) to kill by hanging]
Please hang your coat next to the door. (1)
The court ordered the killer 1 to die by hanging. (2)

happen [(1) to become a fact or event; (2) to take place]
The accident happened over there. (1)
He saw it happen. (2)

happy [(1) pleased; (2) satisfied; (3) feeling good; (4) not sad]
She was happy that he called. (1)
He was happy with the solution to the problem. (2)
His dog seemed happy to be outside. (3)
She looked happy for the first time since the accident. (4)

hard [(1) not easily cut or broken; (2) solid; (3) difficult to do or understand; (4) needing much effort or force]
A diamond is very hard. (1)
That hard door is made of oak wood. (2)
Legal papers written by a lawyer usually are hard to understand. (3)
Digging a well is hard work. (4)

harm [(1) to injure; (2) to damage; (3) damage; (4) hurt]
The dog did not harm me. (1)
Do not harm my son's good name. (2)
What harm did he do by speaking to me? (3)
The labor 2 strike caused much harm to the business. (4)

harvest [(1) to gather crops; (2) the crop after it is gathered]
Farmers harvest their crops in autumn. (1)
The grain harvest was the largest in years. (2)

hat [a head cover]
You hair looks like you just took off your hat.

hate [(1) to have strong emotions against; (2) to consider as an enemy; (3) opposite love]
He hated to make mistakes. (1)
The woman hated her former husband. (2)
He said he did not hate her, but he also said he did not love her either. (3)

have [(1) to possess; (2) to own; (3) to hold]
I have only three dollars left. (1)
He had that car for a long time. (2)
I had the ball in my hand, and I dropped it. (3)

he [the boy or man who is being spoken about]
He is my father.

head [(1) to lead; (2) to command; (3) leader; (4) chief; (5) the top part of something; (6) the highest position]
He heads the new office. (1)
The general heads allied 4 military forces in Europe. (2)
That man is head of Jimmy's Boy Scout 5 group. (3)
She is the head lawyer on this case. (4)
The stream begins flowing at the head of this valley. (5)
That old man was head of his country many years ago. (6)

headquarters [(1) the center from which orders are given; (2) the main offices of a business or organization]
The headquarters for United States naval 6 forces in the Atlantic area is at Norfolk, Virginia. (1)
The headquarters of our company is near Seattle. (2)

heal [(1) to return to good health; (2) to cure; (3) to become well]
The medical center treats many sick people and heals some of them. (1)
A bone marrow 7 transplant healed his cancer. (2)
He is completely healed. (3)

health [(1) the general condition of the body and mind; (2) the condition of being free from sickness or disease]
Health is a major concern in many countries. (1)
The woman says she is in good health now. (2)

hear [(1) to receive sound through the ears; (2) to receive news about]
Can you hear me if I talk softly? (1)
I heard that you have a new job. (2)

heat [(1) to make hot or warm; (2) great warmth; (3) that which is produced by burning fuel; (4) energy from the sun]
She is heating some water for tea. (1)
He became sick because of the desert heat. (2)
Can you feel the heat from the fire? (3)
They use the sun's heat to help warm their home. (4)

heavy [(1) having much weight; (2) not easy to lift; (3) of great amount or force]
The doctor told him he is too heavy. (1)
She needed help to lift the heavy box. (2)
Heavy voting was reported in many parts of the country. (3)

helicopter [a machine without wings that can fly up or down or remain in one place above the ground]
Helicopters rescued many flood victims.

help [(1) to give support; (2) to assist; (3) to make easier; (4) support; (5) aid]
The company helped him to complete his university studies. (1)
He helped her to put on her coat. (2)
Will you help me prepare for the test tomorrow? (3)
She needs your help to succeed. (4)
What kind of help can you provide for the refugees? (5)

here [in, to or at this place]
Please come here now.

hero [a person honored for being brave or wise]
She said her brother was a hero in the war.

hide [(1) to prevent from being seen or found; (2) to make secret]
He hid me in his closet until his mother left. (1)
Did she hide her political beliefs from you too? (2)

high [(1) tall; (2) far up; (3) far above the ground; (4) important; (5) above others]
That tree is high enough for a tree house. (1)
There is a house high up on the mountain. (2)
The helicopter flew high above the ground. (3)
The Supreme 8 Court is often called the high court. (4)
He is a high official in the federal government. (5)

hijack 9 [to seize or take control of a vehicle by force]
The prisoners hijacked 10 a car in their escape attempt.

hill [a small mountain]
The boys climbed that hill and went down the other side.

history [(1) the written record or description of past events; (2) the study of the past]
She is writing a history of her family. (1)
How many years have you studied American history? (2)

hit [(1) to strike; (2) to touch with force]
Don't hit me. (1)
Her head hit the floor when she fell. (2)

hold [(1) to carry or support, usually in the hands or arms; (2) to keep in one position; (3) to keep as a prisoner; (4) to contain; (5) to possess; (6) to occupy; (7) to organize and be involved in]
He held a cup of water to her mouth. (1)
The woman with the camera said, "Hold your head up while I take your picture." (2)
The police held the suspect for questioning. (3)
This cup holds eight ounces of liquid. (4)
The businessman held a lot of stock in his company. (5)
She holds the office of mayor. (6)
The two sides hold talks this week. (7)

hole [(1) an opening; (2) a torn or broken place in something]
The little animal ran into a hole in the ground. (1)
The boy had torn a hole in his shirt. (2)

holiday [(1) a day when one does not work; (2) a day on which no work is done to honor or remember a person or event]
He plans to go to Europe for a two-week holiday. (1)
They decided 11 to watch the fireworks in Washington on the Independence Day holiday, July 4th. (2)

holy [greatly honored in religion]
Christians 12 follow the beliefs expressed in the Holy Bible.

home [(1) the building where a person lives, especially with family; (2) the place where one was born or comes from; (3) the area or country where one lives]
The White House has been the President's home for eight years. (1)
Her home is New York City. (2)
He says he will return to his home in Texas when he retires. (3)

honest [(1) truthful 13; (2) able to be trusted]
You can believe what he tells you because he is an honest man. (1)
He says he is an honest person, but I do not trust him. (2)

honor [(1) to obey; (2) to show strong, good feelings for; (3) an award; (4) an act of giving special recognition]
She will honor her promises. (1)
We honor our parents many times during the year, not just on Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day. (2)
The Sergeant 14 was given America's highest award for bravery, the Medal of Honor. (3)
He received many honors for his efforts to help others. (4)

hope [(1) to expect; (2) to believe there is a good chance that something will happen as wanted; (3) to want something to happen]
We hope she will arrive tomorrow. (1)
The doctor said he hopes the treatment will work as expected. (2)
I hope for good weather this weekend. (3)

horrible [(1) causing great fear; (2) terrible]
Fighting a war with weapons that spread deadly diseases is a horrible idea. (1)
Two people died in the horrible traffic accident. (2)

horse [a large animal often used for racing 15, riding or farm work]
Do you enjoy riding horses?

hospital [a place where sick or injured people are given medical care]
She was treated at the hospital after falling off her horse.

hostage [a person captured and held as a guarantee that a demand or promise will be honored]
Police freed the hostages held by the terrorists.

hostile [(1) ready to fight; (2) ready for war]
He spoke 3 words of peace but his eyes were hostile. (1)
Hostile forces were at the border, ready to invade. (2)

hot [having or feeling great heat or a high temperature]
The hot coffee burned my mouth.

hotel [a building with rooms, and often food, for travelers]
This hotel has good service.

hour [(1) a measure of time; (2) sixty minutes]
The two old friends talked for hours. (1)
He worked for four hours and thirty minutes on Saturday. (2)

house [(1) a building in which people live; (2) a country's parliament or lawmaking group]
I need to paint the outside of my house. (1)
Republican legislators control the House of Representatives. (2)

how [(1) in what way; (2) to what amount]
John does not know how to get to my house. (1)
How much money do you need? (2)

however [(1) yet; (2) but]
She said she would be late; however, she arrived on time. (1)
His leg was broken; however, that did not stop him from escaping. (2)

huge [(1) very big; (2) of great size]
The new employee made a huge mistake. (1)
We climbed that huge mountain. (2)

human [of or about people]
Workers found human bones buried under the old building.

humor [the ability to understand, enjoy or express what makes people laugh]
He liked her because she had an unusual sense of humor.

hunger [the need for food]
Hunger is one of the world's biggest problems.

hunt [(1) to search for animals to capture or kill them; (2) to seek; (3) to try to find]
The men with guns were hunting birds. (1)
We hunted for a way out of the valley. (2)
The negotiators hunted for a solution to the problem. (3)

hurry [to do or go fast]
If you hurry, you can catch the bus.

hurt [to cause pain, injury or damage]
The runner hurt his leg just before the big race.

husband [a man who is married]
Have you met Jan's husband?

1 killer
  • Heart attacks have become Britain's No.1 killer disease.心脏病已成为英国的头号致命疾病。
  • The bulk of the evidence points to him as her killer.大量证据证明是他杀死她的。
2 labor
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
3 spoke
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
4 allied
  • Britain was allied with the United States many times in history.历史上英国曾多次与美国结盟。
  • Allied forces sustained heavy losses in the first few weeks of the campaign.同盟国在最初几周内遭受了巨大的损失。
5 scout
  • He was mistaken for an enemy scout and badly wounded.他被误认为是敌人的侦察兵,受了重伤。
  • The scout made a stealthy approach to the enemy position.侦察兵偷偷地靠近敌军阵地。
6 naval
  • He took part in a great naval battle.他参加了一次大海战。
  • The harbour is an important naval base.该港是一个重要的海军基地。
7 marrow
  • It was so cold that he felt frozen to the marrow. 天气太冷了,他感到寒冷刺骨。
  • He was tired to the marrow of his bones.他真是累得筋疲力尽了。
8 supreme
  • It was the supreme moment in his life.那是他一生中最重要的时刻。
  • He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送交最高法院。
9 hijack
  • Most countries refuse to give sanctuary to people who hijack aeroplanes.大多数国家拒绝对劫机者提供庇护。
  • The hijack take place just after the plane take off.劫持是飞机刚起飞后发生的。
10 hijacked
劫持( hijack的过去式和过去分词 ); 绑架; 拦路抢劫; 操纵(会议等,以推销自己的意图)
  • The plane was hijacked by two armed men on a flight from London to Rome. 飞机在从伦敦飞往罗马途中遭到两名持械男子劫持。
  • The plane was hijacked soon after it took off. 那架飞机起飞后不久被劫持了。
11 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
12 Christians
n.基督教徒( Christian的名词复数 )
  • Christians of all denominations attended the conference. 基督教所有教派的人都出席了这次会议。
  • His novel about Jesus caused a furore among Christians. 他关于耶稣的小说激起了基督教徒的公愤。
13 truthful
  • You can count on him for a truthful report of the accident.你放心,他会对事故作出如实的报告的。
  • I don't think you are being entirely truthful.我认为你并没全讲真话。
14 sergeant
  • His elder brother is a sergeant.他哥哥是个警官。
  • How many stripes are there on the sleeve of a sergeant?陆军中士的袖子上有多少条纹?
15 racing
  • I was watching the racing on television last night.昨晚我在电视上看赛马。
  • The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead.两个赛车手伺机竞相领先。
a house of call
accredited agent
acre foot
Alexander City
androgenic hair
anesthesia complication
assisted operation
automize, automise
bacterial fructan
bed viscosity
breathalyzer test
calculus index
cell taxonomy
clad lining
comparative biology
Dixon's test method
Doppler shift attenuation method
Drosera spathulata
elaborative faculty
electrorefined copper
engine with supercharger
ESR spectrum
extended-surface exchanger
face bend
fixed-bed-type milling machine
fluoride fiber laser
footplate man
genus Engelmannia
grating space
industrial turbine set
insulated foam coating
latched-in contact
localization functor
locomotive department
lung fields
m. hyoglossus
maximum rotor capacity
minimum steady speed
mixed polyester
pirated software
pollution concentration
polyhalogen-benzoic acid
prior-check button
rang the knell of
reload batch
retractable blower
satin de bruges
send the hat round
single-sideband transmission
skew bevel
the Palaeocene
thunderstorm with duststorm or sandstorm
total internal reflections
uneven load
unibus system
ventilating system
vigna unguiculatas
wood engraving material
worm and gear