时间:2019-02-06 作者:英语课 分类:阅读空间


   What is the most valuable skill a person can have for their entire life?

  获得15.1k好评的答案@Abhishek Padmasale
  The ability to express your thoughts.
  Seriously, I believe this is something most of us lack. It's extremely 1 important for a person to learn to put into words, what he thinks. It makes a relationship last. It creates an impression on the person you're talking to. It gives you a chance to explore what others think about your ideas. It lets you answer questions on Quora in a way other people understand.
  Although I'm no expert, I can say that you can always develop this skill simply by learning 2 to talk without fear. Talk to a stranger, a fellow passenger on a train or your child-hood crush 3, they won't mind (I'm not sure about your crush, though). That way, you'll be forced to express your thoughts as clearly as possible. And that's exactly how you learn the art of expressing yourself and your ideas!
  So, go out, talk to someone. Unleash 4 your mind. Express yourself!
  获得5.7k好评的答案@Jon Mixon
  The ability to tell a good story - If most people are honest, the people who they remember most in their lives are people who could tell them a great story. You are going to meet a lot of people in an average lifetime 5 and while you'll forget most of them, you'll always remember the good storytellers.
  获得4.3k好评的答案@Abhinav Krishna
  The skill is to motivate 6 oneself constantly 7 and to never lose track 8 of one's goals and to work constantly towards them. Mastering oneself is the key to achieving one's dreams and the only way one can master oneself is through self-discipline.
  获得3.4k好评的答案@Shruti Chopade
  The ability to accept.
  Accept that life can't always be the way you want.
  Accept that everyone in the world can't behave the way you want them to.
  Accept that you can't keep everyone happy.
  Accept that unrealistic goals can never be achieved.
  Accept that you can't change things which are not in your hands.
  Accept that worrying won't do any good.
  Accept that your happiness lies in your hands.
  If we accept these, life will be much simpler.

  • The film is extremely good,I just cannot miss it.这部电影太精彩了,我非看不可。
  • The old man was extremely difficult to get along with.这个老人极难相与。
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
  • This machine is made to crush the rock into powder.这台机器是用来把石头压成碎末的。
  • You can't crush so many people into the classroom.不能让这么多人挤进教室。
  • They hope to create allies to unleash against diseases,pests,and invasive species.他们希望创造出一些新群体来对付疾病、害虫和一些有侵害性的物种。
  • Changing water levels now at times unleash a miasma of disease from exposed sewage.如今,大坝不时地改变水位,从暴露的污水释放出了疾病瘴气。
  • He wrote many books during his lifetime.他一生著作甚多。
  • During his lifetime his work was never published.他的作品在他的有生之年从未出版过。
  • You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.你首先得激发孩子的学习兴趣,然后再去教他们。
  • Use the salary tool to motivate and manage the workers.利用薪资工具对员工进行激励和管理。
  • The two countries have been warring constantly for years.这两国多年来一直交战。
  • We should constantly urge ourselves on to study hard.我们要经常鞭策自己努力学习。
  • The new race track is nearly six miles in extent.这条新跑道将近六英里长。
  • The police are on his track.警察在跟踪他。
标签: 技能