时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:2013年VOA慢速英语(七)月



AS IT IS 2013-07-19 Survey Says More Deadly Violence Happens Among Civilians 1 Than Soldiers

From VOA Learning English, this is As It Is.

Welcome back. I’m Caty Weaver 2. Today, we tell about a report that shows how people view corruption 3 in their countries. The report suggests many feel it is increasingly common.

But, we start the show with another report about light weapons and violence around the world.

Small Arms Survey

A new report finds that only a small percentage of violent deaths are a direct result of war. The report is called the Small Arms Survey 2013. It says hundreds of thousands of people die every year because of armed violence in places other than conflict areas. Christopher Cruise has the story.

News media report daily on people killed by machine gun fire, shelling or other weapons in conflicts such as Syria, Mali and Afghanistan.

But the new report says these deaths represent only 10 percent of a yearly average of 526,000 violent deaths between 2004 and 2009. Ninety percent of those killed are dying because of everyday dangers far from battlefields.

The Small Arms Survey is an independent research project at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. Its report explores many sides of armed violence, including organized crime activity, land disputes and conflict and community violence.

The report notes civilians hold about 75 percent of the estimated 875 million guns and other firearms owned worldwide. It says firearms are responsible for 42 to 62 percent of all deadly violence. And it says for each person killed this way, three others survive with gunshot injuries.

Anna Alvazzi del Frate is research director for the Small Arms Survey. She says guns and violent households are a deadly combination.

“Our findings highlight that the risk of intimate partner violence with firearms is higher in countries with high levels of firearm violence in general, highlighting a culture of violence that spreads across different types of violence. And the risk is increased by the presence of guns in the home, including work-related guns. Although most gun owners are men, the majority of victims of domestic violence are females.”

Studies in several countries have shown that between 40 and 70 percent of female murder victims are killed by a sexual partner. The report finds organized crime murders decreased by about 45 percent from 2007 to 2010. It suggests the rate may be dropping because organized crime is moving increasingly into legal markets.

The Small Arms Survey finds that land disputes lead to much of the violence in Africa. It says deaths from these conflicts stretch from tens to thousands of people, sometimes over long periods.

The report says the United States was the leading exporter of small arms and light weapons in 2010. That year, the country was also at the top of the list of arms importers. The report says there was about 4.4 billion dollars worth of legal trade in small arms in 2010. However, unofficial estimates are double that amount.

I'm Christopher Cruise.

Corruption Survey

A non-profit group says corruption is thought to be on the rise in many countries, and trust in government is weakening worldwide. Transparency International turned to more than 114,000 people in 107 countries for their thoughts on the issue. Jim Tedder 4 has more on the findings.

The Global Corruption Barometer 5 2013 is not a pretty picture. Transparency International says, for example, that bribery 7 was common in some countries. A bribe 6 is something given to a person in a position of power for special treatment. 

Robert Barrington is Executive Director of Transparency International-United Kingdom.

“In terms of bribe paying, there are a couple of countries where three in four people say they have had to pay bribes 8 in the past year. That’s Sierra Leone and Liberia.”                       

The report found that more than half of those who were questioned believed corruption and bribery had increased in the past two years.

“Ultimately, our target has to be policymakers, because leadership from the top is critical in this. And when you look at the countries that have improved, perhaps Georgia and Rwanda compared to past surveys, it’s generally been politically driven governments that want to do something about corruption that’s made the change.”            

Bertrand de Speville leads an anti-corruption group that has advised more than 50 governments. He says that too often the early push by new leaders to fight corruption weakens over time.

“This is a strategy that’s going to apply to the whole country and to everybody in it. It suddenly dawns on him that that might affect colleagues, friends, political allies, family, maybe even himself. And time and again, I’ve seen the political will die while you’re talking to him.”

In India in 2011, social activist 9 Anna Hazare gained worldwide fame after leading a hunger strike against corruption. He described the reasons for his protest.

“I want the poor to get justice and to see the money given back that has been lost to corruption.”

Hundreds of supporters joined him in the protest, and the government agreed to offer anti-corruption legislation. But the resulting Lokpal Bill has not been passed.

Anti-corruption expert Bertrand de Speville says it is poor people who suffer most, and bribery must be tackled at every level.

“Small incidents of corruption can have disastrous 10 consequences. You only have to think of the fields of security or public health to realize the truth of that. One small bribe can have disastrous consequences.”

But, he says efforts by international organizations like the World Bank to advise on ways for fighting corruption have had little effect.

“Given the amount of resources that have been devoted 11 to the problem, in my view it is little short of scandalous. I don’t believe it’s that difficult. And indeed places like Hong Kong and Singapore have demonstrated that it’s not that difficult.”                     

Transparency International says at least some individuals appear willing to fight corruption. More than half of those questioned in the survey said they would be willing to report an incident of bribery.

I’m Jim Tedder.

And that’s As It Is for today. I’m Caty Weaver. Thanks for tuning 12 in.

1 civilians
平民,百姓( civilian的名词复数 ); 老百姓
  • the bloody massacre of innocent civilians 对无辜平民的血腥屠杀
  • At least 300 civilians are unaccounted for after the bombing raids. 遭轰炸袭击之后,至少有300名平民下落不明。
2 weaver
  • She was a fast weaver and the cloth was very good.她织布织得很快,而且布的质量很好。
  • The eager weaver did not notice my confusion.热心的纺织工人没有注意到我的狼狈相。
3 corruption
  • The people asked the government to hit out against corruption and theft.人民要求政府严惩贪污盗窃。
  • The old man reviled against corruption.那老人痛斥了贪污舞弊。
4 tedder
  • Jim Tedder has more. 吉姆?特德将给我们做更多的介绍。 来自互联网
  • Jim Tedder tells us more. 吉姆?泰德给我们带来更详细的报道。 来自互联网
5 barometer
  • The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.气压表表明气压在继续下降。
  • The arrow on the barometer was pointing to"stormy".气压计上的箭头指向“有暴风雨”。
6 bribe
  • He tried to bribe the policeman not to arrest him.他企图贿赂警察不逮捕他。
  • He resolutely refused their bribe.他坚决不接受他们的贿赂。
7 bribery
  • FBI found out that the senator committed bribery.美国联邦调查局查明这个参议员有受贿行为。
  • He was charged with bribery.他被指控受贿。
8 bribes
n.贿赂( bribe的名词复数 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂v.贿赂( bribe的第三人称单数 );向(某人)行贿,贿赂
  • It was alleged that he had taken bribes while in office. 他被指称在任时收受贿赂。
  • corrupt officials accepting bribes 接受贿赂的贪官污吏
9 activist
  • He's been a trade union activist for many years.多年来他一直是工会的积极分子。
  • He is a social activist in our factory.他是我厂的社会活动积极分子。
10 disastrous
  • The heavy rainstorm caused a disastrous flood.暴雨成灾。
  • Her investment had disastrous consequences.She lost everything she owned.她的投资结果很惨,血本无归。
11 devoted
  • He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland.他为祖国的教育事业贡献了一生。
  • We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.我们对这个题目进行了长时间的充分讨论。
12 tuning
n.调谐,调整,调音v.调音( tune的现在分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • They are tuning up a plane on the flight line. 他们正在机场的飞机跑道上调试一架飞机。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The orchestra are tuning up. 管弦乐队在定弦。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
aging error
asynchronous speed
balanced sheet
Barcol indenter
bare as the back of one's hand
be covered with shame
bottle cage
central neuron
claude e. shannons
cloud shadow
collar cloth
combinatorial electrochemistry
competitive intermediate market
concentrated constant
correction of ectropion
current margin control
data-set organization
distributed data network
doppler resolution
dummy block
estate in abeyance
false lights
filterscan tube
flash signal
flat grafting
fulling capacity
general anaesthesias
Grevenmacher, Dist.de
haemangiectatic hypertrophy
highwire walker
iodine stabilized laser
jet pierce drill
ketorolac tromethamines
Krasnodarskiy Kray
liquid air subcooler
mate killer (siegel 1953)
offset value
on-line interface
one-side galvanized steel
paralytic spinal pollomyelitis
phase specificity
pins funebris kom.
placenta labyrinthica
rabbit test
rap musics
real angle
runny gluten
self-contained program loader
Sitka spruce
squash method
stand at ease
stuffed dummy
therapeutic' sera
upper cover plate
vapo(u)r-pressure thermometer
warning agent
water scavengine agent
without offence