时间:2019-02-26 作者:英语课 分类:老外最常用的英文短语


   Don't try to ... 不要尝试做某事

  Don't try to tell me you don't have it. 别告诉我,你身上没有。
  Don't try to apologize 1 right now. 现在不要向我道歉。
  It's too late. Please try not to think about it. 已经晚了。请不要再想这件事了。
  Teresa and I are going on a first date. 特蕾萨和我今天是第一次约会。
  Don't try to kiss her when the date finishes. 在约会结束的时候不要想着去亲她。

  • You must apologize to her for having kept her waiting.让她等了这么久,你应该为此向她表示歉意。
  • I must apologize for calling so late.我真是抱歉这么晚了才打电话给你。
标签: 英文短语