时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-阳光清洗


  [00:02.82]Yeah sure. Put them down over there. 可以 放在那吧

[00:07.30]This is great, but you guys don't want to consider getting out there and try to marketing 1 yourself? 这很好 不过你们 不打算出去推销一下自己吗?

[00:13.06]Marketing ourself? - Like funeral home, - 推销自己? - 例如去殡仪馆

[00:14.82]Property managers. 找物业管理啊

[00:18.42]If you get into insurance companies, They will throw you tons of work. 如果你们去保险公司  他们会给你们成堆的活干

[00:22.02]Really? Insurance companies? 真的? 保险公司?

[00:25.14]This is a really good idea. 这个主意不错

[00:26.82]Are you guys have BBP right? - A BB what? - 你们有BBP的对吧? - BB啥?

[00:30.94]A BBP certification? BBP 血源性病原体证明?

[00:34.26]No, I don't. 我没有

[00:42.94]I could sign you up For the next seminar, if you like. 我可以帮你登记参加下次的研讨会  要是你想去的话

[00:46.18]Yeah, I'd like. - 好啊 我很乐意 - 谢谢

[00:46.50]You are welcome. Rose from 'Sunshine Cleaning', you gotta love that. 别客气 阳光清洁公司的Rose  这名儿多好听哇

[00:58.82]Sorry. 对不起

[01:02.74]I think you'll gonna like this car. 我想你们会喜欢这辆车的

[01:07.50]The girls have done their own business. They're doing crime scene and trauma 2 cleanup. 姑娘们自己创业啦 她们做犯罪现场和创伤清洁的

[01:12.26]It is a real gross industry. - Sounds kinda Gorey. - 挺恶心的行业 - 听起来好狗血

[01:14.94]That can be, can be. 有时候吧

[01:17.26]We are gonna be taking some contaminated material to the incinerator, 我们要把污染物送到焚化炉

[01:18.50]So we need gonna some space in the back. 所以车后面最好有点空间

[01:21.62]There you go. - How much is it? - 就这辆吧 - 多少钱?

[01:24.30]It costs $ 1999.00 1999块

[01:28.02]Any room to count down on that? 还能不能再便宜点?

[01:29.98]That is the ground floor,  I'm probably gonna lose money on this one. 已经是最低价了  我说不定还要赔钱呢

[01:33.70]I just want to make room for some new products. - We can pay cash. - 我只是想早点清货 - 我们可以付现金

[01:39.10]We have some cash. We have some cash we can put down. 我们有现金 我们有一些现金

[01:40.94]Cash is good. - What about all this rust 3? - 现金倒是好东西 - 这些锈迹怎么办?

[01:43.66]That's character. - That's bullshit. - 个性嘛 - 扯淡

[01:45.78]We were just in the Motor Market in Loomis, They had a Chevy G SERIES? 我们刚才去过卢米斯市的汽车市场  他们有辆雪佛兰的G系列

[01:51.02]For $ 1900.00. - With power steering 4? - 只卖1900块 - 有动力方向盘吗?   - 有啊

[01:56.86]What is this? - It's a radio station. - 这是什么? - 那是个对讲机

[01:58.22]What you do with that is you push down on that thing and held that other thing down. 你只需要按下那个  然后把旁边的按住

[02:02.06]And it makes your voice got up to the air in radio waves. 它就能够让你的声音在电波中传播

[02:05.46]Right into the heaven. - The heaven? - 一直到天堂 - 天堂?

[02:10.06]How about a test drive? 要不要试驾一下?

[02:14.14]There you go. 给你

[03:28.14]I HOPE YOU CAN MAKE IT, CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU, PAULA 希望您能前来 期待与你会面 Paula

[03:33.94]BABY SHOWER. 迎婴洗礼

[04:13.26]OH what you think i don't know? You maybe a hot shit in high school, but what are you now? 你以为我不知道吗? 你高中的时候 或许很牛逼 但你现在是啥?

[04:23.18]Nothing. 啥也不是

[04:35.34]Okay, you got $ 20 to buy for three pizzas. 你有20块钱 去买三块批萨

[04:37.62]Each pizza will cost three dollars. No, let's say five dollars. 每块披萨3块钱 不 就5块钱吧

[04:43.02]You've got a coupon 5 for two dollar off. 你有优惠券 能减两块钱

[04:50.14]The delivery boy shows up, He is a friend from school, 送外卖的来了  他是你学校里的朋友

[04:52.62]He is very very poor? So you give him five dollars for tip. 他很穷  所以你给了他五块钱的小费

[04:55.30]What do you end up with? 你剩下多少钱?

[04:57.94]Okay, you have two dollars left, and spent 18. 还剩下2块钱 花了18块

1 marketing
  • They are developing marketing network.他们正在发展销售网络。
  • He often goes marketing.他经常去市场做生意。
2 trauma
  • Counselling is helping him work through this trauma.心理辅导正帮助他面对痛苦。
  • The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.恐惧症可能源于童年时期的创伤。
3 rust
  • She scraped the rust off the kitchen knife.她擦掉了菜刀上的锈。
  • The rain will rust the iron roof.雨水会使铁皮屋顶生锈。
4 steering
  • He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration. 他沮丧地用手打了几下方向盘。
  • Steering according to the wind, he also framed his words more amicably. 他真会看风使舵,口吻也马上变得温和了。
5 coupon
  • The coupon can be used once only.此优惠券只限使用一次。
  • I have a coupon for ten pence off a packet of soap.我有一张优惠券买一盒肥皂可以便宜十便士。