时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:王迈迈英语AB级考试讲解


[00:01.11]王迈迈英语A级考试全真模拟试卷与详解 Test Thirteen
[00:03.46]Part I Listening Comprehension
[00:09.21]This part is to test your listening ability.
[00:11.88]It consists of 3 sections.
[00:14.65]Section A
[00:16.40]This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues.
[00:20.58]There are 5 recorded dialogues in it.
[00:23.37]After each dialogue, there is a recorded question.
[00:26.70]Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once.
[00:30.74]When you hear a question,
[00:32.33]you should decide on the correct answer
[00:33.82]from the 4 choices marked A), B), C), D)
[00:38.27]given in your test paper.
[00:40.16]Then you should mark the corresponding 1 letter on the Answer Sheet
[00:43.48]with a single line through the center.
[00:46.56]1. M: The student's English pub 2 is having a party on Saturday night,
[00:51.61]can you come?
[00:52.55]W: I'd like to, but I work at a restaurant on weekends.
[00:56.48]Q: Why can't the woman go to the party?
[01:14.93]2. M: I wish I could see George here.
[01:18.48]W: He's planning to come,
[01:19.92]but a moment ago his wife called
[01:21.68]to say that he had to take his father to the hospital.
[01:25.39]Q: Who's ill?
[01:42.54]3. W: I'd like to change this blue tablecloth 3
[01:45.90]that I bought last week to the red one.
[01:48.05]M: Let me see. The red one is $10, and the blue one was $12.65.
[01:54.64]Q: How much money should the clerk return to the woman?
[02:14.49]4. W: Jack 4, did you hear about the second-hand 5 car that Mike bought?
[02:20.04]M: Yes, and Tom said that they got a very good deal on it.
[02:24.30]Q: What do we learn from this conversation?
[02:43.35]5. M: If I were you I'd live in the city
[02:46.76]instead of going to work by train.
[02:48.82]W: But the countryside is so beautiful in spring and fall.
[02:53.00]Q: Where does the woman prefer to live?
[03:11.49]Section B
[03:13.28]This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations.
[03:17.50]There are 2 recorded conversations in it.
[03:20.35]After each conversation, there is a recorded questions.
[03:23.93]Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times.
[03:28.52]When you hear a question,
[03:29.89]you should decide on the correct answer
[03:31.96]from the 4 choices marked A), B),C), and D)
[03:36.20]given in your test paper.
[03:38.24]Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet
[03:41.59]with a single line through the center.
[03:44.75]Conversation 1
[03:46.64]M: Can I take your order, please?
[03:48.91]M: Yes, A Maxi Quarter ponders 6 for me, please. With chips. 
[03:52.35]W: Anything else, sir?
[03:54.28]M: A banana long coat, I think.
[03:56.22]W: What would you like to drink with your meal?
[03:58.29]M: Can I have a beer?
[03:59.64]W: I'm sorry sir; we are not licensed 7 to sell alcohol 8.
[04:03.34]M: A cold milk then, please.
[04:04.92]W: Ok, sir, please wait a minute.
[04:08.47]Questions 6-7 are based on the conversation you've just heard. 
[04:13.52]6. Where does this conversation most probably taken place?
[04:34.70]7. What sort of drink does the man want?
[04:53.76]M: Can I take your order, please?
[04:55.72]M: Yes, A Maxi Quarter ponders for me, please. With chips. 
[04:59.56]W: Anything else, sir?
[05:01.02]M: A banana long coat, I think.
[05:03.05]W: What would you like to drink with your meal?
[05:05.12]M: Can I have a beer?
[05:06.48]W: I'm sorry sir; we are not licensed to sell alcohol.
[05:10.18]M: A cold milk then, please.
[05:11.65]W: Ok, sir, please wait a minute.
[05:15.54]Questions 6-7 are based on the conversation you've just heard. 
[05:20.53]6. Where does this conversation most probably taken place?
[05:41.42]7. What sort of drink does the man want?
[06:00.41]Conversation 2
[06:03.55]M: Good morning. This is Mary Brown of IMA Computers.
[06:07.65]M: Hello. What can I do for you?
[06:09.78]W: I'd like to order some computer monitors.
[06:12.38]M: Yes. Which ones?
[06:13.96]W: The order number is C106
[06:16.43]M: How many do you need?
[06:17.77]W: Three hundred, please.
[06:19.07]M: One moment... Yes, we can supply them.
[06:22.09]W: Could you send them by July 21st, please?
[06:25.47]M: Certainly.
[06:26.33]W: Good, thanks.
[06:28.08]M: Thank you. Good-bye.
[06:31.59]Questions 8-10 are based on the conversation you've just heard. 
[06:37.38]8. What does the woman want to do?
[06:55.74]9. How many computer monitors does the woman need?
[07:15.54]10. What is the man's supply?
[07:33.86]M: Good morning. This is Mary Brown of IMA Computers.
[07:37.67]M: Hello. What can I do for you?
[07:40.00]W: I'd like to order some computer monitors.
[07:42.60]M: Yes. Which ones?
[07:44.23]W: The order number is C106
[07:46.69]M: How many do you need?
[07:48.11]W: Three hundred, please.
[07:49.39]M: One moment... Yes, we can supply them.
[07:52.43]W: Could you send them by July 21st, please?
[07:55.82]M: Certainly.
[07:56.70]W: Good, thanks.
[07:58.42]M: Thank you. Good-bye.
[08:01.88]Questions 8-10 are based on the conversation you've just heard. 
[08:07.67]8. What does the woman want to do?
[08:25.99]9. How many computer monitors does the woman need?
[08:45.80]10. What is the man's supply?
[09:04.16]Section C
[09:06.07]This section is to test your ability to comprehend 9 short passages.
[09:10.86]You will hear a recorded passage.
[09:13.27]After that you will hear five questions.
[09:15.95]Both the passage and questions will be read two times.
[09:20.40]When you hear a question,
[09:21.80]you should complete the answer
[09:23.35]with a word or a short phrase 10 (in no more than 3 words).
[09:28.50]The questions and incomplete 11 answers are printed on your test paper.
[09:32.64]You should write your answer on the Answer Sheet correspondingly 12.
[09:36.33]Now the passage will begin.
[09:39.25]Miss Yang from China worked
[09:40.79]as a secretary in a Canadian company.
[09:43.46]She became friendly with one of the Canadian secretaries,
[09:46.64]a woman named Cathy Lane 13.
[09:49.28]The two usually ate lunch together and Yang often asked Cathy
[09:53.15]for advice on problems she faced about Canadian society.
[09:57.69]Cathy gave her a lot of advice
[09:59.48]and helped her move from one apartment to another.
[10:02.51]Yang visited Cathy several times at home
[10:05.46]but she did not invite Cathy to her apartment,
[10:08.40]because she shared it with four other people.
[10:11.09]If they did not see each other over the weekend,
[10:13.65]they usually talked on the telephone.
[10:16.08]However, recently something seemed to be going wrong.
[10:19.75]Cathy seemed to be getting impatient 14.
[10:22.19]She started going out by herself at lunchtime
[10:24.82]instead of eating with Yang,
[10:26.52]and she seemed unwilling 15 to answer questions.
[10:29.40]Yang was puzzled 16.
[10:30.61]She couldn't imagine what the problem was.
[10:36.69]11. What is Cathy's job?
[10:54.81]12. Where did Cathy come from?
[11:12.78]13. Why didn't Miss Yang invite Cathy to her apartment?
[11:32.34]14. What did Yang and Cathy Lane usually do at weekends?
[11:52.37]15. What was Cathy's attitude towards Yang recently?
[12:11.94]Miss Yang from China worked
[12:13.55]as a secretary in a Canadian company.
[12:16.19]She became friendly with one of the Canadian secretaries,
[12:19.43]a woman named Cathy Lane.
[12:21.90]The two usually ate lunch together and Yang often asked Cathy
[12:25.88]for advice on problems she faced about Canadian society.
[12:30.61]Cathy gave her a lot of advice
[12:32.48]and helped her move from one apartment to another.
[12:35.28]Yang visited Cathy several times at home
[12:38.45]but she did not invite Cathy to her apartment,
[12:41.14]because she shared it with four other people.
[12:43.64]If they did not see each other over the weekend,
[12:46.45]they usually talked on the telephone.
[12:48.86]However, recently something seemed to be going wrong.
[12:52.55]Cathy seemed to be getting impatient.
[12:55.01]She started going out by herself at lunchtime
[12:57.55]instead of eating with Yang,
[12:59.26]and she seemed unwilling to answer questions.
[13:02.17]Yang was puzzled.
[13:03.43]She couldn't imagine what the problem was.
[13:09.38]11. What is Cathy's job?
[13:27.56]12. Where did Cathy come from?
[13:45.67]13. Why didn't Miss Yang invite Cathy to her apartment?
[14:05.33]14. What did Yang and Cathy Lane usually do at weekends?
[14:25.41]15. What was Cathy's attitude towards Yang recently?

1 corresponding
  • We shall take the corresponding measures.我们将采取相应措施。
  • Finally,some corresponding advices are put forword based on the above experiments.最后提出了几个相应的建议。
2 pub
  • He is the landlord of this pub.他是这家酒店的店主。
  • They saw that four large men marched into the pub.他们看到四个彪形大汉走进了酒吧。
3 tablecloth
  • He sat there ruminating and picking at the tablecloth.他坐在那儿沉思,轻轻地抚弄着桌布。
  • She smoothed down a wrinkled tablecloth.她把起皱的桌布熨平了。
4 jack
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
5 second-hand
  • I got this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop.我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书。
  • They will put all these second-hand goods up for sale.他们将把这些旧货全部公开出售。
6 ponders
考虑( ponder的第三人称单数 ); 深思熟虑; 沉思; 琢磨
  • Young Sandy, shaken, ponders the implications as the curtain falls. 幕布落下,惊呆的小桑迪思忖着女巫们到底在暗示什么。
  • This article proposed several ponders on the campus art education. 本文就校园艺术教育提出了几点思考。
7 licensed
  • The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US. 这种新药尚未在美国获得许可。
  • Is that gun licensed? 那支枪有持枪执照吗?
8 alcohol
  • The law forbids shops to sell alcohol to minors.法律禁止商店向未成年者出售含酒精的饮料。
  • The alcohol is industrial.这些酒精是供工业用的。
9 comprehend
  • I did not comprehend his meaning.我不理解他的意思。
  • If you can use a word correctly and effectively,you comprehend it.你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字,你就了解它了。
10 phrase
  • The phrase was caught on and immediately became popular.这个短语被采用后很快就流行了。
  • That's exactly the phrase I was looking for.这就是我一直找的那个短语。
11 incomplete
  • The building was left incomplete.那座楼没有完工就停下来了。
  • His novel was incomplete when he died.他死的时候他的小说没有写完。
12 correspondingly
  • Correspondingly, any complete electrochemical cell can be separated into two hypothetical half-cells. 同样,任一完整的化学电池也可分为两个假设的半电池。
  • If the outflow falls the average duration of unemployment will correspondingly rise. 若流出人数下降,则失业的平均持续期将相应上升。
13 lane
  • There is a shop at the end of this lane.这条胡同的顶头有一家商店。
  • The champion is running in lane five.冠军跑在第五跑道上。
14 impatient
  • He was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back.他是那样急躁,我简直拉不住他。
  • With an impatient gesture he thrust the food away from him.他不耐烦地把吃的东西猛地推开。
15 unwilling
  • The natives were unwilling to be bent by colonial power.土著居民不愿受殖民势力的摆布。
  • His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise.他那吝啬的雇主不肯给他加薪。
16 puzzled
  • The student was puzzled about what to do next.这个学生对下一步做什么伤透了脑筋。
  • I was somewhat puzzled at his unwillingness to help.他不愿意帮忙让我有点困惑。
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