时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:王迈迈英语AB级考试讲解


[00:03.30]Part I
[00:05.74]Section A
[00:10.35]This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions.
[00:15.35]There are 5 recorded questions in it.
[00:18.32]After each question, there is a pause 1.
[00:21.21]The questions will be spoken two times.
[00:24.46]When you hear a question,
[00:26.21]you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) 
[00:31.88]given in your test paper.
[00:33.95]Then you should mark the corresponding 2 letter on the Answer Sheet
[00:37.44]with a single line through the center.
[00:41.00]You will hear:Mr. Smith is not in,would you like to leave him a message?
[00:46.60]You will read:A)I'm not sure.
[00:50.23]B)You're right.
[00:54.45]D)That's interesting.
[00:57.42]From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener 3 to leave a message.
[01:02.12]Therefoe, C) is the correct answer.You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet.
[01:07.82]Now the test will begin.
[01:10.29]1. How often do you write to your parents?
[01:17.52]How often do you write to your parents?
[01:35.01]2. What does Tony look like?
[01:40.42]What does Tony look like?
[01:56.85]3. Jack 4, I hear you've got a job. Congratulations 5.
[02:04.37]Jack, I hear you've got a job. Congratulations.
[02:22.45]4. Excuse me, how can I get to the railway station?
[02:30.11]Excuse me, how can I get to the railway station?
[02:47.70]5. Jack, what do you usually have for supper?
[02:55.13]Jack, what do you usually have for supper?
[03:12.60]Section B
[03:17.18]This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues.
[03:21.72]There are 5 recorded dialogues in it.
[03:24.48]After each dialogue, there is a recorded question.
[03:28.41]The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times.
[03:32.18]When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer
[03:35.73]from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D)  given in your test paper.
[03:41.07]Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet
[03:44.24]with a single line through the center.
[03:47.65]6. M: Didn't you say you should go to the conference 6 this morning?
[03:52.66]W: Yes, but it was postponed 7 until next Tuesday.
[03:56.81]Q: What does the woman mean?
[04:03.28]M: Didn't you say you should go to the conference this morning?
[04:06.04]W: Yes, but it was postponed until next Tuesday.
[04:10.25]Q: What does the woman mean?
[04:28.78]7. M: This lecture is so interesting.
[04:32.45]I can hardly tear myself away from it.
[04:35.10]M: I don't understand a word. What is he talking about?
[04:39.57]Q: What are they talking about?
[04:45.84]M: This lecture is so interesting.
[04:47.39]I can hardly tear myself away from it.
[04:50.08]M: I don't understand a word. What is he talking about?
[04:54.44]Q: What are they talking about?
[05:13.12]8. M: I am not so tired now. I have taken a bath.
[05:18.43]W: Oh, you should have a glass of tea then.
[05:22.10]Q: What did the man do?
[05:27.69]M: I am not so tired now. I have taken a bath.
[05:30.97]W: Oh, you should have a glass of tea then.
[05:34.67]Q: What did the man do?
[05:52.95]9.W: Excuse me, when will the library open?
[05:57.57]M: It will open at 9 o'clock. You have to wait for 15 minutes.
[06:02.76]Q: What time is it now?
[06:08.36]W: Excuse me, when will the library open?
[06:10.80]M: It will open at 9 o'clock. You have to wait for 15 minutes.
[06:16.10]Q: What time is it now?
[06:34.29]10.W: Hello! Is this eight six double five zero six two eight?
[06:39.92]M: Yes. Who is speaking?
[06:42.94]Q: What is the telephone number?
[06:49.55]W: Hello! Is this eight six double five zero six two eight?
[06:53.51]M: Yes. Who is speaking?
[06:56.35]Q: What is the telephone number?
[07:14.71]Section C
[07:19.25]In this section you will hear a short recorded passage.
[07:22.96]The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases 8 missing 9.
[07:28.45]The passage will be read three times.
[07:31.46]During the second reading,
[07:32.81]you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet
[07:37.28]in order of the numbered blanks according 10 to what you hear.
[07:41.28]The third reading is for you to check your writing.Now the passage will begin.
[07:47.51]Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters.
[07:50.86]They went out every day.
[07:52.64]Sometimes they killed animals; sometimes animals killed them.
[07:57.18]Life was hard and dangerous.
[07:59.32]Women had to go out every day, too.
[08:02.05]They collected roots, fruit and grasses.
[08:04.99]Then, one day, more than 10,000 years ago,
[08:08.81]a woman dropped some grass seeds.
[08:11.21]She dropped them near her home.
[08:13.50]They grew and the first wheat was born.
[08:16.37]The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit tree.
[08:21.27]Then they could stay at home
[08:22.62]and look after the children and the animals.
[08:25.42]Women liked baby animals.
[08:27.38]They kept the baby animals: dogs, cows, sheep and goats.
[08:32.53]That idea grew, too.
[08:34.56]Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meat.
[08:37.80]They stayed at home.
[08:39.19]They built villages and cities. Civilization began.
[08:43.57]Men began civilization after women invented agriculture.

[08:49.94]Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters.
[08:53.32]They went out every day.
[08:55.06]Sometimes they killed animals; sometimes animals killed them.
[08:59.60]Life was hard and dangerous.
[09:01.93]Women had to go out every day, too.
[09:06.58]They collected roots, fruit and grasses.
[09:09.85]Then, one day, more than 10,000 years ago,
[09:15.23]a woman dropped some grass seeds.
[09:17.59]She dropped them near her home.
[09:19.92]They grew and the first wheat was born.
[09:24.85]The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit tree.
[09:29.67]Then they could stay at home
[09:30.96]and look after the children and the animals.
[09:35.86]Women liked baby animals.
[09:37.94]They kept the baby animals: dogs, cows, sheep and goats.
[09:42.95]That idea grew, too.
[09:44.99]Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meat.
[09:48.15]They stayed at home.
[09:51.60]They built villages and cities. Civilization began.
[09:56.11]Men began civilization after women invented agriculture.

[10:02.31]Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters.
[10:05.68]They went out every day.
[10:07.46]Sometimes they killed animals; sometimes animals killed them.
[10:12.00]Life was hard and dangerous.
[10:14.35]Women had to go out every day, too.
[10:16.97]They collected roots, fruit and grasses.
[10:20.28]Then, one day, more than 10,000 years ago,
[10:23.61]a woman dropped some grass seeds.
[10:26.00]She dropped them near her home.
[10:28.28]They grew and the first wheat was born.
[10:31.11]The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit tree.
[10:36.06]Then they could stay at home
[10:37.55]and look after the children and the animals.
[10:40.27]Women liked baby animals.
[10:42.35]They kept the baby animals: dogs, cows, sheep and goats.
[10:47.29]That idea grew, too.
[10:49.38]Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meat.
[10:52.58]They stayed at home.
[10:54.00]They built villages and cities. Civilization began.
[10:58.07]Men began civilization after women invented agriculture.

1 pause
  • After a little pause, he went on with his speech.稍停一会儿后,他又继续讲演。
  • He made a pause and then went on reading.他停顿了一下,然后又读下去。
2 corresponding
  • We shall take the corresponding measures.我们将采取相应措施。
  • Finally,some corresponding advices are put forword based on the above experiments.最后提出了几个相应的建议。
3 listener
  • I'm a regular listener to her show.我经常收听她的节目。
  • She became an attentive listener.她变成了一个专心致志的聆听者。
4 jack
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
5 congratulations
  • I send you my warmest congratulations on your success. 我对你的成功致以最热烈的祝贺。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Please give her my congratulations when you see her. 见到她时请转达我的祝贺。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 conference
  • We're having a conference and we'd like you to sit in.我们将举行一次会议,希望你来旁听。
  • The conference will come to a close this afternoon.今天下午会议闭幕。
7 postponed
vt.& vi.延期,缓办,(使)延迟vt.把…放在次要地位;[语]把…放在后面(或句尾)vi.(疟疾等)延缓发作(或复发)
  • The trial was postponed indefinitely. 审讯无限期延迟。
  • The game has already been postponed three times. 这场比赛已经三度延期了。
8 phrases
n.短语( phrase的名词复数 );成语;说法;乐句
  • Sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam. 体育解说员翻来覆去说着同样的词语,真叫人腻烦。
  • Television sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam. 电视体育解说员说来说去就是那么几句话,令人厌烦。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 missing
  • Check the tools and see if anything is missing.检点一下工具,看有无丢失。
  • All the others are here;he's the only one missing.别人都来了,就短他一个。
10 according
  • According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam.根据《圣经》所说的,我们都是亚当的后裔。
  • We must cut our coat according to our cloth this year.今年我们必须学会量入为出。
Abies nordmanniana
Auricularia auricula
backward and bidirectional
balanced allocation of risk
be compelled to
be sure and
bond-type diode
broad categorizer
bur tawfiq (port tewfick)
Chlorpyrip hos
cocktail purpura
company directors
compatible television
cost sb dear
crawler bearing length
cryogenic absorption
double seal manhole cover
dynamic operation
Egyptain clover
eight hour shift
enthalpy diagram
for aught I care
genus perseas
grapefruit seed oil
grow tender of sb
hardwood plywood
heather grass
high temperature hot water pump
hollow electrode
hypsibarbus pierrei
I. & N.
Impatiens lucorum
insulin shock treatment
isomeric fission
leukoplakia penis
Lichtheim's sign
Ligusticum kingdon-wardii
low tide water datum
management personnels
medullary chemoreceptor
multiple fender piles
netting hanging
non-linear feedback control system
odd-toed hoofed mammals
over-feed device
phosphatidylserine decarboxylase
pleurostoma candollei
porous body
process method of cost-finding
rawinsonde station
reverse-current metering
rigid shock
single roll stripper
smooth finish
splashing device
static press
stationary platen
sunk costs
Symplocos hainanensis
tangle orchids
thigh slapper
took the piss
tube sorting machine
Turfan Depression
undersaturated fluid
variable note buzzer
vestibule curtain