时间:2019-02-16 作者:英语课 分类:柯南脱口秀


 Don't care about your kids,huh?,I got two,Alright. 你是不怎么关心你家的孩子吧 我有俩呢 好吧

iPhone users 1,this is in the news, iphone users are reporting that 新闻报道 iPhone用户报道称
Siri will correct them if they try to say Bruce Jenner instead of Caitlyn 如果他们说布鲁斯·詹纳 会被Siri纠正为凯特琳
In an alleged 2 story,siri is now asking to be adressed as Steve. 相关新闻 Siri要求别人称他为史蒂夫
Time,once again, ladies and gentlemen,for something that America can't get enough of. 女生们先生们 又一次到了美国欲罢不能的节目的时刻了
Something we call, shut up.something we call fan correction. 我们称之为 闭嘴 我们称之为 粉丝纠错
This is a segment 3 where viewers try to find mistakes on our show. 这一节中 观众们将试图找我们节目的错误
Real viewers try to find real mistakes. 现实中的观众 真来挑错
We are the only show that Dares our viewrs to find an error.Ok? 只有我们节目敢让观众们来挑错 好吗
That has the courage to do it. 只有我们有这个勇气
So far hundreds of challengers over the last several years, not one winner. 几年来已有几百人挑战 但无一人成功
Not one. No one's found a mistake. 无一人 没人挑到过错误
Tonight a fan named Braxton Anderson thinks he caught a mistake. 今晚一名叫布鲁克斯顿·安德森的粉丝 自认为发现了错误
He said that happened during one of our shows at Comic-Con last week. 他说是发生在我们上周漫展节目的一期上
Hey Conan, Last week's episode 4 you had a segment where you dressed a killer 5 whale as Yoda from Star Wars.  嘿 柯南 上周的一集中有一节 你把一只虎鲸扮成了《星战》的尤达大师
Pretty cool costume for Comic-Con. Who are you? Who are you supposed to be?  好酷的漫展服装啊 你是谁 你扮演的应该是谁
Yet,you gave him a red life saver.Everyone knows volda carries a green lifesaver. 但是你给了他一根红色电光剑 人人都知道 尤达大师的电光剑是绿的
This is why I rcommend you go home,isolate yourself from friends and family 所以我建议你回家 跟家人和朋友隔离开来
and read, watch, the trilogies and may the force be with you. 好好把三部曲重新看一遍 愿原力与你同在

用户,使用者( user的名词复数 )
  • The new software will prove a boon to Internet users. 这种新软件将会对互联网用户大有益处。
  • Ramps should be provided for wheelchair users. 应该给轮椅使用者提供坡道。
  • It was alleged that he had taken bribes while in office. 他被指称在任时收受贿赂。
  • alleged irregularities in the election campaign 被指称竞选运动中的不正当行为
  • The company dominates this segment of the market.这家公司控制着这一部分市场。
  • Give me a segment of a tangerine to taste.给我一瓣柑橘尝一尝。
  • The episode was a huge embarrassment for all concerned.这段小插曲令所有有关人员都感到非常尴尬。
  • This episode remains sharply engraved on my mind.这段经历至今仍深深地铭刻在我的心中。
  • Heart attacks have become Britain's No.1 killer disease.心脏病已成为英国的头号致命疾病。
  • The bulk of the evidence points to him as her killer.大量证据证明是他杀死她的。
标签: 柯南脱口秀