时间:2019-02-14 作者:英语课 分类:VOA双语新闻 2009年6月


  U.S. Envoy 1 George Mitchell is in Israel, meeting with officials in an effort to restart the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. His aim is to turn the message of President Obama to the Muslim world last week - a message that included the U.S. call for a freeze of Jewish settlements and the creation of a Palestinian state - into a practical plan. Mitchell faces a challenge, as government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposes those measures.


U.S. Special Envoy George Mitchell met with Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense 2 Minister Ehud Barak, Tuesday.


After meeting with President Shimon Peres, Mitchell said his goal is to set the stage for a prompt resumption and early conclusion of peace talks between Israeli and Palestinians.


The Obama administration wants a total freeze on settlement expansion - something Mr. Netanyahu has said Israel will not do. The Israeli leader wants to avoid entering full-fledged peace negotiations 3 with the Palestinians that would require Israel to make concessions 4 on sensitive issues such as the status of Jerusalem and Jewish settlements in the West Bank.


Mitchell reassured 5 Israeli officials that the United States remains 6 committed to Israel's security. The same message was conveyed by President Obama to Mr. Netanyahu during a telephone conversation on Monday.


In Jerusalem Tuesday, Mitchell said any disagreement between Washington and Israel are not disagreements among adversaries 7. He says the United States and Israel remain close allies and friends. However, he says Israel and the Palestinians must both stick to the terms of the "roadmap" to peace.


That 2003 plan calls for an independent, democratic and viable 8 Palestinian state to emerge and exist side by side in peace and security with Israel.

Analysts 9 say Mr. Netanyahu knows it is not in Israel's interest to antagonize Washington - the Jewish state's biggest ally and supporter. Akiva Eldar, a senior columnist 10 with the Ha'aretz newspaper in Tel Aviv, says U.S. pressure may force Mr. Netanyahu to make tough political decisions.


"Israel will be left with the choice of saying 'no' both to the United States and to the Palestinians, and to the Arab world, or to say 'yes' and confront the settlers and his constituency," said Eldar.


Many Israelis and Palestinians interpreted Mr. Obama's speech, last week, as a sign that the United States is serious about moving the peace process along. Eldar says Mitchell's job is to make sure Israeli officials understand that message.


"Perhaps it is time for the U.S. to talk directly to the Israeli public and make it clear that they are serious and this old game that we've been playing for many years of this so-called peace process that does not lead to anything is over," he said.

The U.S. envoy is to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank, Wednesday.


His trip to the region includes stops in Lebanon and Syria.

Prospects 11 for including Lebanon in the peace process have improved with the victory of a Western-backed coalition 12 in elections, this week.

Both Syria and Lebanon host and hold influence over armed Islamist groups that threaten the Jewish state.

  • Their envoy showed no sign of responding to our proposals.他们的代表对我方的提议毫无回应的迹象。
  • The government has not yet appointed an envoy to the area.政府尚未向这一地区派过外交官。
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
协商( negotiation的名词复数 ); 谈判; 完成(难事); 通过
  • negotiations for a durable peace 为持久和平而进行的谈判
  • Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground. 谈判未能达成任何妥协。
n.(尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权( concession的名词复数 );承认;减价;(在某地的)特许经营权
  • The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike. 要想避免罢工,公司将不得不作出一些让步。
  • The concessions did little to placate the students. 让步根本未能平息学生的愤怒。
adj.使消除疑虑的;使放心的v.再保证,恢复信心( reassure的过去式和过去分词)
  • The captain's confidence during the storm reassured the passengers. 在风暴中船长的信念使旅客们恢复了信心。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • The doctor reassured the old lady. 医生叫那位老妇人放心。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
n.对手,敌手( adversary的名词复数 )
  • That would cause potential adversaries to recoil from a challenge. 这会迫使潜在的敌人在挑战面前退缩。 来自辞典例句
  • Every adversaries are more comfortable with a predictable, coherent America. 就连敌人也会因有可以预料的,始终一致的美国而感到舒服得多。 来自辞典例句
  • The scheme is economically viable.这个计划从经济效益来看是可行的。
  • The economy of the country is not viable.这个国家经济是难以维持的。
分析家,化验员( analyst的名词复数 )
  • City analysts forecast huge profits this year. 伦敦金融分析家预测今年的利润非常丰厚。
  • I was impressed by the high calibre of the researchers and analysts. 研究人员和分析人员的高素质给我留下了深刻印象。
  • The host was interviewing a local columnist.节目主持人正在同一位当地的专栏作家交谈。
  • She's a columnist for USA Today.她是《今日美国报》的专栏作家。
  • There is a mood of pessimism in the company about future job prospects. 公司中有一种对工作前景悲观的情绪。
  • They are less sanguine about the company's long-term prospects. 他们对公司的远景不那么乐观。
  • The several parties formed a coalition.这几个政党组成了政治联盟。
  • Coalition forces take great care to avoid civilian casualties.联盟军队竭尽全力避免造成平民伤亡。