时间:2018-12-05 作者:英语课 分类:美国总统每日发言


President and Mrs. Bush Attend White House Easter Egg Roll

 THE PRESIDENT: Well, Laura and I welcome you to the White House for the Easter Egg Roll. How about the Jonas Brothers? Thanks for coming. (Applause.) We are sure glad you're here. We welcome you to the Easter Egg Roll.
  Pretty soon after a few remarks, I have the honor 1 of blowing the whistle to start the Easter Egg Roll. But we've got a lot of other people who are going to make sure today is a special day. We want to thank all our volunteers who have made this event possible. We thank our -- (applause) -- yes, there you are. (Laughter.) We thank our readers. For you Dallas Cowboy fans, it is a great honor to welcome Troy Aikman here to be one of the readers. (Applause.)
  We want to remind you that we're dedicating 2 today's Easter Egg Roll to our clean oceans. And there's a booth 3 here where you can find out how you can contribute to make sure that we're environmentally sound stewards 4 of our oceans. Ocean conservation is a important aspect of good public service, and it's certainly something that Laura has on her mind, as she comes up to address you. And so now it's my honor to welcome the First Lady of the United States, my dear wife, Laura Bush. (Applause.)
  MRS. BUSH: Thank you, darling. Welcome, everybody, to the White House Easter Egg Roll, the 2008 Easter Egg Roll. This event is one of the happiest traditions on the White House lawn 5. It's always fun to see the South Lawn filled with children. Thank you for coming. And I'd especially like to thank our entertainers, our readers, our volunteers, and our special guests.
  And two of the special readers today are my mother-in-law, Barbara Bush -- (applause) -- and my daughter, Jenna. So be sure and listen -- (applause.) Two very famous American children's writers and illustrators -- oh, here's Jenna -- and Barbara. (Laughter.) Rosemary Wells and Nancy Tafuri will also be reading in the reading nook, so look to see, when you can stop by the reading nook, to see them.
  Also members of the President's Cabinet 6 will join us. They'll be our special readers. And you might meet some of your favorite book characters on the lawn, as well, like Mickey Mouse, who is returning to the White House Easter Egg Roll for the first time since the 1980s. So thank you, Mickey, for joining us today.
  Like the President said, our theme today for the Easter Egg Roll is ocean conservation. I invite all of you to stop by the ocean conservation education area on the lawn to learn what you can do to make sure we keep our oceans clean and healthy for fish and other ocean life. The ocean artist, Wyland, is here to teach us how to paint -- (applause) -- some of the beautiful animals that live in our seas.
  I'd also like to welcome the volunteers who are here today from organizations like Ocean Conservancy, Keep America Beautiful, and Take Pride in America. Boys and girls have donated their time to help preserve our natural wonders for future generations. Thanks to all of the volunteers and the staff who are working so hard to make this event a success -- especially Amy Allman, in the White House Visitors Office, who put this great event together. (Applause.)
  Okay, now we're ready to start the Easter Egg Roll. President Bush and I wish each one of you good luck on the Egg Roll. Welcome to the White House, everyone, and Happy Easter. (Applause.)

1 honor
  • I take your visit as a great honor.您的来访是我莫大的光荣。
  • It is a great honor to receive that prize.能拿到那个奖是无上的光荣。
2 dedicating
v.奉献( dedicate的现在分词 );(为表示感情或敬意将著作、乐曲、艺术作品等)题献给(某人、某事业等)(to);(在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献辞;以…供奉
  • With confidence, you will find pleasure in serious dedicating life. 有了信心,你就会在严肃的献身生活中找到乐趣。 来自互联网
  • The Beauty Queen spends her time dedicating parks and bursing homes. 她为自己的事业贡献了毕生的精力。 来自互联网
3 booth
  • Where can I find a telephone booth?我在哪儿可以找到电话亭?
  • Let's walk around to each booth.我们到每个摊子转一转吧!
4 stewards
(轮船、飞机等的)乘务员( steward的名词复数 ); (俱乐部、旅馆、工会等的)管理员; (大型活动的)组织者; (私人家中的)管家
  • The stewards all wore armbands. 乘务员都戴了臂章。
  • The stewards will inspect the course to see if racing is possible. 那些干事将检视赛马场看是否适宜比赛。
5 lawn
  • The lawn was crawling with ants.草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。
  • They are lying on a grassy lawn.他们躺在绿草如茵的草坪上。
6 cabinet
  • I keep my collection of old china in the cabinet.我把古瓷器收藏品存放在橱子里。
  • He had held many important offices in the French cabinet.他在法国内阁中任过许多重要职务。
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