时间:2019-01-11 作者:英语课 分类:英语口语每天说


  70. Traffic

  1. How could we avoid traffic jam?

  2. How about the traffic there?

  3. Are there any traffic problems in that city?

  4. How can we solve the traffic problem?

  5. What your bus services like?

  6. The flight 736 has been delayed 1 because of air traffic, is that right?

  7. Is the road ahead blocked?

  8. Would you please drive slowly?

  9. When will be the railway open to traffic?

  10. What are the traffic rules there?

  Dialogue 1

  M: Taxi! Taxi!

  W: Where to, sir?

  M: I’d like to go to the railway station please.

  W: Please hop 3 in.

  M: Is it a long run to the station?

  W: It’ll take about 20 minutes.

  M: The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of a day, are they?

  W: Yes, they are.

  M: Is it the rush hour?

  W: Yes, it is. Are you in a hurry sir?

  M: No, I’m not. Would you please drive slowly and carefully?

  W: Yes, sir.

  Dialogue 2

  W: How far do we have to go?

  M: About 50 miles.

  W: The traffic is not very heavy on this high way, is it? So I’m sure we’ll make it.

  M: No, but we’ve got a hurry. It will be the rush hour soon.

  W: Don’t worry. There’s plenty of time yet.

  M: But it’s Friday today. This road is always jam packed during the weekend, isn’t it?

  W: Right.

  Dialogue 3

  W: Hi, John. What brings you to town?

  M: Hi, Mary. Lily wanted me to buy her some things for the party.

  W: What do you think of the traffic today?

  M: It’s pretty bad.

  W: Yeah. You can say that again. It’s noisy too.

  M: I am glad I did not drive a car.

  When John and Marry first arrived in China from America, they were not used to the traffic. They found streets were so busy, the traffic was heavy and really noisy. That was not really a problem to them in New York where the traffic is also noisy and heavy. The main problem facing John and Mary was the different traffic rules in China. They were used to crossing the street at the crossing while the traffic stopped for the pedestrians 5. Now, they had to learn how to dodge 6 the traffic not only when they crossed the road but sometimes even on the sidewalks.

  1. There’s a lot of traffic on the roads.

  2. We can ease 2 traffic problems by building more roads.

  3. There’re traffic jams everywhere.

  4. The traffic is very heavy now.

  5. We can go this way to avoid a traffic jam.

  6. The road ahead is blocked.

  7. We should be able to make it unless we get car in the traffic jam or something.

  8. We’ll be alright if there’re no hold-ups.

  9. I think we can make it if we can get a move on.

  10. It’s always the rush hour at this time of a day.

  Dialogue 1

  M: There’re traffic jams everywhere.

  W: I think something must be done.

  M: Yeah. We should have more roads built.

  W: I agree with you. Only in this way can we ease the traffic problems.

  Dialogue 2

  W: This is the rush hour.

  M: I noticed there’s a jam a few blocks away.

  W: Let’s drive off this road.

  M: I’m afraid I’ll be late.

  Dialogue 3

  M: Do you like traveling, Kathy?

  W: I like traveling for pleasure to get places for vacation for instance 7. But I don’t like traveling to work, waiting for buses, or…

  M: Or getting stuck in traffic jams when you’re driving.

  W: Exactly.

  Every day as I leave my hotel room for work I feel like I am holding my life in my hands. In the UK, there’re generally 2 lanes 9 for traffic, one in either direction. But here in Beijing, there seem to be 2 or 3 lanes each way on most of the roads. Drivers swarm 10 in or out of the lanes and make it difficult to me to feel safe when I cross the road. Not only this, but in major cities in the UK, it is illegal 11 in many residential 12 areas for cars to drive at more than 30 miles per hour. In Beijing, it seems to be a lot faster. Cars must also stop at zebra crossings if a pedestrian 4 is waiting. So I stand at the road waiting for cars to stop for me only to find that not one single driver does this. My feeling of safety is not increased even when I am in a car. Taxi drivers here seem more willing 13 to risk moving into another lane 8 full of speeding traffic if they see even the smallest gap 14.

adj.延时的,定时的v.(使)耽搁,延误( delay的过去式和过去分词 );推迟;使延期;使延迟
  • Deliveries of mail could be delayed because of cost-cutting. 由于削减成本,邮件的递送可能会延迟。
  • The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed. 最可能的解释是他的飞机晚点了。
n. 安乐,安逸,悠闲; v. 使...安乐,使...安心,减轻,放松
  • His mind was at ease and he felt confident in the future. 他心情舒畅,对前途很有信心。
  • You should ease up on the child and stop scolding her. 你应该对那个孩子宽松些,不要再骂她了。
  • The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest.孩子们举行比赛,看谁单足跳跃最快。
  • How long can you hop on your right foot?你用右脚能跳多远?
  • The criminal pushed a pedestrian down and ran away.罪犯推倒了一个行人逃跑了。
  • The city built a pedestrian overpass over the highway.城里在公路上建了一座过街天桥。
n.步行者( pedestrian的名词复数 )
  • Several pedestrians had come to grief on the icy pavement. 几个行人在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Pedestrians keep to the sidewalk [footpath]! 行人走便道。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over.她向树后一闪,才没被车从身上辗过。
  • The dodge was coopered by the police.诡计被警察粉碎了。
  • Can you quote me a recent instance?你能给我举一个最近的例子吗?
  • He's a greedy boy,yesterday,for instance,he ate all our biscuits!他是个贪吃的孩子――比如,他昨天把我们的饼干都吃了!
  • There is a shop at the end of this lane.这条胡同的顶头有一家商店。
  • The champion is running in lane five.冠军跑在第五跑道上。
n.小路( lane的名词复数 );车道;航道;分道
  • A headless rider haunts the country lanes. 一个无头骑士常出没于乡间的小路上。
  • He made a kamikaze run across three lanes of traffic. 他不要命地冲过了三条车道。
  • There is a swarm of bees in the tree.这树上有一窝蜜蜂。
  • A swarm of ants are moving busily.一群蚂蚁正在忙碌地搬家。
  • I don't want to get mixed up with any illegal organization.我不想与任何非法组织有牵连。
  • It's illegal for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain.在英国,不满17岁的人驾驶车辆是违法的。
  • The mayor inspected the residential section of the city.市长视察了该市的住宅区。
  • The residential blocks were integrated with the rest of the college.住宿区与学院其他部分结合在了一起。
  • We never lack food and clothing if we're willing to work.如果我们愿意工作,就不会缺吃少穿。
  • He's quite willing to pay the price I ask.他很愿意照我的要价付钱。
  • We must see that there is no gap in our defence.我们必须确保我们的防御没有漏洞。
  • There is a gap of five miles between towns.镇与镇之间相隔五英里。
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