时间:2019-02-08 作者:英语课 分类:VOA标准英语2010年(一月)


The United States Women's Olympic ice hockey team will be relying on a mixture of youth and experience as they prepare for the 2010 Winter Games this February in Vancouver, Canada. Women's squads 2 from eight different nations will be battling for the gold medal.

Steve Schy | Washington 05 January 2010

Canada's Caroline Quellette and US Kacey Bellamy vie for puck during gold medal match at the IIHF Women's World Ice Hockey Championships in Finland, 12 Apr 2009

The United States Women's Olympic ice hockey team will be relying on a mixture of youth and experience as they prepare for the 2010 Winter Games this February in Vancouver, Canada. Women's squads from eight different nations will be battling for the gold medal.

The women's hockey tournament at the Olympics is a relatively 3 new development, with the first of the three tournaments contested thus far being played at the Nagano, Japan Games in 1998.  The United States beat Canada in the final to win the inaugural 4 gold medal.  But since then, Canada has topped the podium, beating the United States in Salt Lake City in 2002 and Sweden at the Turin Games in 2006.

 Jenny Potter, left, and Angela Ruggiero during US Women's Hockey press event

Defenseman Angela Ruggiero has been on the United States squad 1 from the beginning, playing in Nagano, Salt Lake City and Turin.  One of two players on Team USA making her fourth Olympic appearance, Ruggiero says they are playing more games than ever to prepare.

"We're absolutely excited.  We've had tremendous success in the last couple of years and we feel our program can still improve on that.  And so all of us can attest 5 to the fact that there are more games to be had with this team and so much more potential," she said.  

Team USA played in the 2009 Hockey Canada Cup last September, a test event at Olympic hockey venues 7 in Vancouver, and beat Canada twice on the way to winning the gold medal.


Forward Natalie Darwitz, who played on the national team for the first time at the age of 15 in 1998 and is preparing for her third Olympic tournament, said that was a big achievement.

"I think most important for our team was getting a feel of the Olympic venue 6.  You know, playing in the rink that is going to host the gold medal game is very important for the players to get a feeling for the ice, for getting a feeling for the locker 8 rooms and the crowds most of all.  We took some confidence coming away from that and I think standing 9 there in the gold medal position really put some goose bumps on some players and is going to be a huge motivational factor to be in that same exact spot come the end of February," she said.

Ruggiero says the Canada Cup was a great preview for the Olympic tournament.

"The U.S., Canada, Finland, Sweden are the dominant 10 teams in women's hockey.  Kind of what we can anticipate, I think, in the Olympics.  But again, you can't take any team lightly.  We saw that obviously and women's hockey does continue to improve and that's what is exciting about it, I think," she said.


In November, Team USA took second place at the Four Nations Cup in Finland, losing to Canada in the gold medal game, 5-1.

They are now taking part in the Qwest Tour, which consists of 10 games throughout the United States. 


The Olympic women's teams each have 21 players on their rosters 11, including three goaltenders.  Group-A contains Canada, Sweden, Switzerland and Slovakia, and Group-B includes the United States, Finland, Russia and China.

 US Hockey team member Julie Chu

Forward Julie Chu, who is the first Asian on the U.S. women's team and is making her third Olympic appearance, says this team is much different than the 2006 bronze medalists in Turin.

"After 2006 we had a great deal of turnover 12 in our support staff, our coaching staff and in our players.  So we only have six returning Olympians.  And when anyone sees that they think 'Wow, that's a huge turnover.'  But I think we saw that as a great opportunity to recreate ourselves," she said.

Goaltender Jessica Vetter is making her first Olympic appearance but has backstopped the University of Wisconsin to three national titles and won two World Championships with Team USA.  She's also on a five-game winning streak 13 against Canada -- and talks about playing Team USA's arch-rival.  

"You have to come in prepared, because if you aren't they will definitely take advantage of you.  Especially as a goaltender they will know when you are off.  But you know with the Canadians I think it's just not giving them second opportunities.   But in the end you just have to go out there and have fun and just make the saves you can and maybe some of the ones you probably shouldn't," she said.

Ruggiero says the Olympics contribute to the growth of women's hockey in the United States.

"We all talk about when we were little we had NHL stars to look up to.  And now we have little girls who come to the rink and they look up to us.  The more people can see us, the more people can read about us, the more little girls want to be like us.  And you'll see an increase in the number of girls registering and having new role models.  And I think everyone on our team is an outstanding role model," she said. 

Jenny Potter talks to reporters during US Women's hockey team media event

Among the other players to watch on Team USA is Jenny Potter, who is the team's oldest veteran at the age of 30 and playing in her fourth Olympics.  On the other end of the scale is scoring threat Hilary Knight 14, the youngest U.S. player at 20 years old.  She is just nine days younger than Jocelyne and Monique Lamoureux, who will become the first set of twins ever to play hockey in the Olympics.

While other teams are catching 15 up, women's ice hockey is still dominated by Canada and the United States, and the two teams are a good bet to meet for the third time for the Olympic title.

  • The squad leader ordered the men to mark time.班长命令战士们原地踏步。
  • A squad is the smallest unit in an army.班是军队的最小构成单位。
n.(军队中的)班( squad的名词复数 );(暗杀)小组;体育运动的运动(代表)队;(对付某类犯罪活动的)警察队伍
  • Anti-riot squads were called out to deal with the situation. 防暴队奉命出动以对付这一局势。 来自辞典例句
  • Three squads constitute a platoon. 三个班组成一个排。 来自辞典例句
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
  • We listened to the President's inaugural speech on the radio yesterday.昨天我们通过无线电听了总统的就职演说。
  • Professor Pearson gave the inaugural lecture in the new lecture theatre.皮尔逊教授在新的阶梯讲堂发表了启用演说。
  • I can attest to the absolute truth of his statement. 我可以证实他的话是千真万确的。
  • These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place. 这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。
  • The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions.大厅给婚礼和其他社会活动提供了场所。
  • The chosen venue caused great controversy among the people.人们就审判地点的问题产生了极大的争议。
n.聚集地点( venue的名词复数 );会场;(尤指)体育比赛场所;犯罪地点
  • The band will be playing at 20 different venues on their UK tour. 这个乐队在英国巡回演出期间将在20个不同的地点演出。
  • Farmers market corner, 800 meters long, 60 meters wide livestock trading venues. 农牧市场东北角,有长800米,宽60米的牲畜交易场地。 来自互联网
  • At the swimming pool I put my clothes in a locker.在游泳池我把衣服锁在小柜里。
  • He moved into the locker room and began to slip out of his scrub suit.他走进更衣室把手术服脱下来。
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
  • The British were formerly dominant in India.英国人从前统治印度。
  • She was a dominant figure in the French film industry.她在法国电影界是个举足轻重的人物。
n.花名册( roster的名词复数 );候选名单v.将(姓名)列入值勤名单( roster的第三人称单数 )
  • Teams have until Monday, Oct. 29 to set their rosters. 球队可以在下周一之前,即10月29确定他们的15人常规赛名单。 来自互联网
  • Rosters, R& R, FIFO or country-based lifestyle limiting your opportunities? 枯燥单调的生活方式限制了你的机会? 来自互联网
  • The store greatly reduced the prices to make a quick turnover.这家商店实行大减价以迅速周转资金。
  • Our turnover actually increased last year.去年我们的营业额竟然增加了。
  • The Indians used to streak their faces with paint.印第安人过去常用颜料在脸上涂条纹。
  • Why did you streak the tree?你为什么在树上刻条纹?
  • He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
  • A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed.一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
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