时间:2019-01-10 作者:英语课 分类:高中英语人教版高三


[00:-1.00]1.In which countries did Gandhi work for the liberation 1 of Indians?

[00:-2.00]India and South Africa.

[00:-3.00]2.What successes did Gandhi gain?

[00:-4.00]He became a lawyer;he won a victory over the pass law in south Africa;

[00:-5.00]he won a victory over the law that did not allow Indians to make slat;

[00:-6.00]he won independence for India.

[00:-7.00]*Born:1869,in India          *Married:at the age of 13

[00:-8.00]*Studied:in England for three years to become a lawyer

[00:-9.00]*Lived in South Afica:for 20 years Started a magazine:"Indian Opinion"

[00:10.00]*Fought for Indian independence:1915-1947

[00:11.00]*India gained independence:August 15th 1947

[00:12.00]*Died:January 30th 1948

[00:13.00]Language points


[00:15.00]Gandhi was born in West India and studied law in London.

[00:16.00]He became the supreme 2 leader fo the Indian National congress 3.

[00:17.00]His teachnique of non-violent resistance 4 was applied 5 in 3 campaigns.

[00:18.00]After independence he retired 6 from politices.

[00:19.00]He was assassinated 7 by a Hindu extremist,

[00:20.00]who thought that his attitude to pakistan and Muslims

[00:21.00]was a threat to Hindu interests.

[00:22.00]2.He was called"Bapu",meaning"father"

[00:23.00]-because he was father of the India nation of the twentieth century.

[00:24.00]3.Mohandas Gandhi was born in India in 1869 and was married at the age of 13,

[00:25.00]following local custom.

[00:26.00]be/get married      marry sb.       be/get married to sb.

[00:27.00]Joan is going to marry Hubert.

[00:28.00]Is he married or single?

[00:29.00]He is married.

[00:30.00]How long have you been married to Sheila?

[00:31.00]Following the docters advice,my father has given up drinking.

[00:32.00]We decided 8 to follow your suggestion in the design fo the machine.

[00:33.00]3.On his return to India

[00:34.00]be had the chance to travel to South Africa to work on a law case.

[00:35.00]I heard the news on my arrival at the airport.

[00:36.00]The children stood up on the entrance of the teacher.

[00:37.00]On reaching the city he called up Mr Jackson.

[00:38.00]work on

[00:39.00]We are working on a new plan for travel.

[00:40.00]They were working on a report of their experiment.

[00:41.00]He stayed in the lab and worked on till midnight.

[00:42.00]4.This experience was to change his life.

[00:43.00]be + to do

[00:44.00]The manager is to visit our factory next week.

[00:45.00]She was to meet Mary at the entrance of the theatre.

[00:46.00]The worst in still to come.

[00:47.00]We were sure that he was to become a very important person.

[00:48.00]You are to do your homework before you watch TV.

[00:49.00]Tell her she's not to be back late.

[00:50.00]5.Gandhi was thrown off a train

[00:51.00]and later a mail bus for insisting on traveling in the whites-only section.

[00:52.00]insist on/upon

[00:53.00]They insisted on their right to vote.

[00:54.00]I insisted on paying for my meal.

[00:55.00]6.He wrote about socialism in newspapers

[00:56.00]and started a magazine called"Indian Opinion".

[00:57.00]7.South Africa passed further laws designed to make life diffcult for non-whites.

[00:58.00]This weekend's party is designed to make life happy for the students.

[00:59.00]The playroom is designed for children's use.

[-1:00.00]8.The Indians declared that this "Pass Law"was unfair.

[-1:-1.00]Some of them publicly burnt their permits and many fo them were put in prison.

[-1:-2.00]desert              record               progress             transport

[-1:-3.00]9.He had a gift for thinking up ways of making political points.

[-1:-4.00]think up

[-1:-5.00]Children can always think up something interesting to pass the time.

[-1:-6.00]make a point=give a fact,idea or opinion

[-1:-7.00]10.Thousands joined him when he led a march to the coast

[-1:-8.00]with the purpose of"making a little salt"when he reached the sea".

[-1:-9.00]with the purpose of

[-1:10.00]They came here with the purpose of making trouble.

[-1:11.00]He went ot London with the purpose fo continuing his education.

[-1:12.00]We designed the new machine for the purpose of increasing production.

[-1:13.00]11.At that time only the British governament had the right to sell salt,

[-1:14.00]which was taxed,so Gandhi encouraged the whole nation to make their own salt.

[-1:15.00]12.Following this,60000 Indians,including Gandhi,were put in prison.

[-1:16.00]Following heavy rains,the river was follded.

[-1:17.00]The city became a dark world following the earthquake.

[-1:18.00]1.What did Gandhi mean by "the force of truth"?

[-1:19.00]If an unfair law existed,it was the duty fo everyone to disobey this law,

[-1:20.00]but without using violence.

[-1:21.00]2.Which event is described in the text?

[-1:22.00]The Indian customs following his death.

[-1:23.00]1.believed in a fair society for all:

[-1:24.00]a determined 9 fighter for human rights.

[-1:25.00]2.honest:  admitted mistakes willingly

[-1:26.00]3.didn't want to make money:

[-1:27.00]refused to make any gain from his political work

[-1:28.00]4.valued ordinary people:

[-1:29.00]because a supporter of the poorest group in society;

[-1:30.00]traveled together with peasants and other ordinary people

[-1:31.00]5.did not have expensive tastes:

[-1:32.00]decided to live as a poor man and not to possess wealth;

[-1:33.00]traveled"hard-seat,unreserved";ate simply.

[-1:34.00]6.had a lot of energy; rose early and worked at his wheel

[-1:35.00]7.searched for truth:

[-1:36.00]my experiments with truth;reached out for the truths of spirits and gods

[-1:37.00]8.loved all people:

[-1:38.00]one should love the most ordinary being on earth as oneself

[-1:39.00]9.supported women: paid great attention to the equality of women

[-1:40.00]10.did not believe in violence: one should never take up arms to fight

[-1:41.00]Language points

[-1:42.00]1.Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer,

[-1:43.00]a fine speaker,a determined fighter for human rights and a political leader.

[-1:44.00]more than

[-1:45.00]This more than satisfied me.

[-1:46.00]Both of them are much more than schoolmates.They are close friends.

[-1:47.00]2.The secret lies in the title of the book which he wrote about his early life,

[-1:48.00]"The story of my experiments with truth".

[-1:49.00]lie in

[-1:50.00]I think the trouble lies in the keyboard.

[-1:51.00]The difficulty lies in their poor health.

[-1:52.00]3.All his life he reached out for the truths of spirts and gods.

[-1:53.00]reach out for

[-1:54.00]There are changes everywhere,but you must reach out for him.

[-1:55.00]Reach out for the rope,or you'll fall down.

[-1:56.00]4.Gandhi believed that one should be able to

[-1:57.00]"love the most ordinary being on earth as oneself."

[-1:58.00]human beings   a human being

[-1:59.00]She was the most beautiful woman on earth.

[-2:00.00]They consider themselves the wisest men on earth.

[-2:-1.00]There is no difficulty on earth which can't be overcome.

[-2:-2.00]5.The death of Gandhi gave India a chance to mourn

[-2:-3.00]and express how he had become"father"to all Indians.

[-2:-4.00]6.At the time of his death,one person praised him as follows:

[-2:-5.00]"Future generations,it may be,

[-2:-6.00]will hardly believe that such a person as this walked upon this earth"

[-2:-7.00]as follows

[-2:-8.00]Their suggestions are as follows...

[-2:-9.00]He received at note which ran as follows.

[-2:10.00]There is hardly any wine in the bottle.

[-2:11.00]He hardly works 10 at all.

[-2:12.00]They have hardly eaten anything.

[-2:13.00]The ice is as hard as rock.

[-2:14.00]Only hard work gives good results.

[-2:15.00]All his life Gandhi thought hard and worked hard.


[-2:17.00]Such men as these are dangerous.

[-2:18.00]Such a picture as this should be kept in a museum

  • We should help those who are still struggling for liberation.我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。
  • Many people died during famines every year before liberation.解放前每年有许多人在饥荒中死亡。
  • It was the supreme moment in his life.那是他一生中最重要的时刻。
  • He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送交最高法院。
  • There were some days to wait before the Congress.大会的召开还有几天时间。
  • After 18 years in Congress,he intented to return to private life.在国会供职18年后,他打算告老还乡。
  • Very little resistance was put up by the enemy.敌人没怎么进行抵抗。
  • An aircraft has to overcome the resistance of the air.飞机须克服空气的阻力。
  • She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.她打算学习应用语言学课程。
  • This cream is best applied to the face at night.这种乳霜最好晚上擦脸用。
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
v.暗杀( assassinate的过去式和过去分词 );中伤;诋毁;破坏
  • The prime minister was assassinated by extremists. 首相遭极端分子暗杀。
  • Then, just two days later, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. 跟着在两天以后,肯尼迪总统在达拉斯被人暗杀。 来自辞典例句
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
  • We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
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