时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:新编大学英语教程


Unit 1


Back from the Summer Camp

A: You know what? I've just come back from a wonderful summer camp.
B: You have? Where did you go?
A: Mount 1 Tai.
B: I've been there too. It's one of China's most beautiful mountains. There're many scenic 2 spots and places of historical interest. I was greatly impressed by its natural beauty when I took a study tour there two years ago.
A: It really is a very beautiful tourist attraction. But we went there as campers, not as tourists. It was a study programme organized by our local community committee.
B: I bet you had lots of fun there.
A: Yes, it was a wonderful experience. You know it was the first time I'd been to a summer camp in five years, and it brought back such sweet memories.
B: Were there any other camping groups when you were there?
A: Not when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. But soon we were joined by many similar camping groups from other cities. By the time we arrived at the campsite, night had fallen. And we were so happy to see that the campers who arrived there the day before were giving a performance by the campfire.
B: You remind me of my last trip there. I wish I had been there with you this time. What did you do at the summer camp?
A: Oh, lots of things. Most of the time we studied plants, rocks, insects... things like that. We also had lots of fun, hiking, climbing mountains, taking pictures...
B: I guess you had the life of a natural scientist.
A: And the life of an athlete, too.
B: I had a similar experience during the summer two years ago. I remember my summer camp was subdivided 3 into what we called "hobby groups", such as the music group, the drama group, and the model aircraft and ship group. People sharing similar interests and hobbies worked together. Were there any hobby groups in your programme?
A: Yes, of course. We had a number of hobby groups for campers with varied 4 interests. We called them "project groups" because each group worked on a particular project. At the completion of their projects, each group presented their "fruits" to all the campers. Some gave oral reports, some staged an exhibition, and others put on a performance.
B: You had a marvellous time this summer! Your story has really brought back happy memories of my own camping experience.


Sally Jones, an English language teacher from Oxford 5 University, has just arrived at Beijing Airport. She is going to spend three months here, lecturing and teaching at different colleges and universities. Miss Wang, Secretary of the English Department, and Mr. Yu, Vice 6 Chairman of the English Department, have come to the airport to meet her.
Miss Wang: Excuse me, are you Miss Jones?
Sally: Yes, that's right.
Miss Wang: Oh, how do you do? I'm Wang Xinfu, Secretary of the English Department.
Sally: Oh, yes, Miss Wang, hello. I'm very pleased to meet you. (They shake hands.)
Miss Wang: Miss Jones, may I introduce you to Mr. Yu, Vice Chairman of the English Department?
Mr. Yu: Hello, Miss Jones, I've been looking forward to meeting you.
Sally: How do you do? (They shake hands.) It's very kind of you both to come and meet me at the airport.
Miss Wang: Not at all. I hope you had a good flight.
Sally: Well, not too bad. It was a bit bumpy 7 as we came in to land; some low clouds, I think.
Mr. Yu: Yes, we had a storm here yesterday and the weather is still a bit unsettled.
Sally: Oh, dear! I was rather lucky then!
Miss Wang: You must be rather tired after your long flight.
Sally: Well, yes, I am actually... I've been travelling for 21 hours!
Mr. Yu: In that case, I think we should go straight to the hotel.
Miss Wang: Yes, I agree. This way then, ... if you'd like to follow me.


Herbert's Homecoming

Herbert Marshall was a student at Cambridge, but his hometown was St. Albans. It was August and the family had gone to the seaside. Herbert went to France for his holiday, but he ran out of money, and came home a week earlier than he had expected to.
His train didn't get into St. Albans until just before midnight. The last bus had gone, so he had to walk home. He let himself into the kitchen, and as he was feeling hot and sticky, he took off his shirt to have a wash.
Suddenly he heard heavy footsteps running up the path. The back door burst open, and he found himself surrounded by policemen. They pushed him into the living-room next door, made him sit down, and began asking him question.
"What's your name?"
"Where do you live?"
"What's in that case?"
"What are you doing here?"
"I live here," said Herbert, "I've been on holiday." But nobody listened to him. They just went on asking questions. Then suddenly one of the policemen said:
"Watch him, Frank — we'll go and search the house."
They left a tall, very young policeman to guard him.
"Can I put my shirt on?" asked Herbert.
"No," said the policeman, "stay where you are."
Then the others came back with an older man, a sergeant 8. He asked the same questions, but he listened to Herbert's answers.
"I live here," said Herbert, "and I want to put my shirt on." The sergeant looked at him thoughtfully.
"We'll soon settle this," he said.
He went out and came back with a small, sandy-haired man wearing a shabby, brown dressing-gown. It was Herbert's next-door neighbour. He peered 9 at Herbert intently 10 through thick spectacles 11.
"Oh, yes, sergeant," he said, "that is Mr. Marshall." Then he disappeared very quickly. The policemen all looked dreadfully disappointed. They were convinced they had caught a burglar 12.
"Did he ring you up?" asked Herbert. The police sergeant nodded.
"He saw a light and understood your family had all gone away to the seaside."
When they had all gone, Herbert made himself a cup of coffee.

1 mount
  • Their debts continued to mount up.他们的债务不断增加。
  • She is the first woman who steps on the top of Mount Jolmo Lungma.她是第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的女人。
2 scenic
  • The scenic beauty of the place entranced the visitors.这里的美丽风光把游客们迷住了。
  • The scenic spot is on northwestern outskirts of Beijing.这个风景区位于北京的西北远郊。
3 subdivided
再分,细分( subdivide的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The compound was subdivided into four living areas. 那个区域被划分成4个居住小区。
  • This part of geologic calendar has not been satisfactorily subdivided. 这部分地质年代表还没有令人满意地再细分出来。
4 varied
  • The forms of art are many and varied.艺术的形式是多种多样的。
  • The hotel has a varied programme of nightly entertainment.宾馆有各种晚间娱乐活动。
5 Oxford
  • At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了。
  • This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London.这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。
6 vice
  • He guarded himself against vice.他避免染上坏习惯。
  • They are sunk in the depth of vice.他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。
7 bumpy
  • I think we've a bumpy road ahead of us.我觉得我们将要面临一段困难时期。
  • The wide paved road degenerated into a narrow bumpy track.铺好的宽阔道路渐渐变窄,成了一条崎岖不平的小径。
8 sergeant
  • His elder brother is a sergeant.他哥哥是个警官。
  • How many stripes are there on the sleeve of a sergeant?陆军中士的袖子上有多少条纹?
9 peered
  • He peeled away the plastic wrapping. 他去掉塑料包装。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The paint on the wall has peeled off. 墙上涂料已剥落了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
10 intently
  • He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression. 他认真地注视着她的脸,捕捉每一丝细微的表情变化。
  • He was looking at her intently but she stared him out. 他专注地看着她,可她盯得他移开了目光。
11 spectacles
  • a pair of spectacles 一副眼镜
  • People wear spectacles so that they can see better. 人们戴眼镜是为了看得更清楚。
12 burglar
  • The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.当夜盗开窗时,警察冷不防地捉住了他。
  • The man glanced the burglar climbing out of the window.那人瞥见小偷从窗户爬出来。
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