时间:2019-01-09 作者:英语课 分类:河北加拿大版初中英语


Lesson 32:

[00:03.50]What Do You Know?Have You Seen 1 These Words?


[00:12.02]What's inside 2 a balloon 3?Air!

[00:16.69]basket       empty

[00:21.45]I have no food in my refrigerator 4.My refrigerator is empty!

[00:28.81]fill 5

[00:31.27]I fill my backpack 6 with books.Yesterday,I filled 7 my desk with books

[00:40.41]I have filled my backpack with books,and now it's heavy!

[00:47.26]full,be full of

[00:51.30]My backpack is full of books.Can I put my shoes in my backpack?No!

[01:00.58]My backpack is full!


[01:06.90]My teacher asks me a question.Do I know the answer?

[01:13.98]No,I guess the answer.Yesterday,I guessed an answer,but I was 8 wrong.

[01:23.72]I have guessed the answer,but I'm wrong again.

[01:29.89]I need to study harder!


[01:36.50]What's going 9 to happen?It's going to rain.What happened yesterday?

[01:43.94]It rained yesterday!It has happened again.It's raining!

[01:51.80]Now I need my umbrella!


[01:58.20]I hold a book in my hand.Yesterday,I held a book in my hand.

[02:06.75]I have held the book and now I am going to put it down.


[02:16.57]I like to think about numbers.Numbers are interesting!


[02:26.36]Go into the classroom.You'll find your teacher there.


[02:35.59]I put some water in the dish 10 now.Yesterday,I put some water on my plant.

[02:43.84]I have put the water in the dish.Now,I can do my experiment 11


[02:53.77]I'm ready for school

[02:57.32]Let's go!


[03:02.83]Science is a school subject.You do experiments 12 in science.


[03:12.71]You are walking by a tree.I am behind the tree.I jump out.

[03:21.06]I surprise you!

[03:24.62]Yesterday,I surprised 13 you,too.

[03:29.58]I have surprised you again,but you are mad 14!Sorry!


[03:39.59]I think I want to study science.

[03:44.13]Yesterday,I thought 15 I wanted to study math.I have thought about it now.

[03:52.20]I like science best!

[03:55.86]Time For a Quiz 16

[03:59.31]This is great!

[04:02.49]It's my turn to give you a quiz.

[04:06.75]Are you ready?

[04:09.81]1.I have three donuts 17,I give Jenny a donut,How many donuts do I have now?

[04:20.96]Jenny says "Two."I say,"Are you sure?"What does Jenny say?

[04:30.71]Please put up your hand for the right answer.I'm sure! I'm ready!

[04:39.54]I don't think so!

[04:43.01]2.What's the opposite 18 of "I'm sure"?

[04:49.46]When you hear the right answer,please say after me.I'm not happy.

[04:58.21]I'm not sure.I think so.

[05:03.57]3.I have asked Brian a question.Here is his answer.

[05:12.22]No, I don't think so

[05:15.87]What was my question

[05:19.53]When you hear the right question,please stand up.

[05:25.20]What does experiment mean?

[05:29.04]It's sunny this morning.

[05:32.51]Do you think it will rain this afternoon?I am looking after my plant.

[05:39.67]I water it every day.Do you think it will grow?

[05:45.23]4.Jenny has heard a weather report 19.

[05:51.40]It says it might 20 rain this afternoon.What does she say to my question?

[05:59.26]Please make an umbrella with your hands

[06:04.23]When you hear the right answer.No,thanks.

[06:10.18]Yes,I think so. I'm ready.

[06:15.25]5.I'm going to say some pairs of words.

[06:22.20]Three pairs are right.One pair is wrong.

[06:28.57]When you hear the wrong pair.Please cover 21 your ears with your hands.

[06:35.42]surprise                surprised

[06:40.27]guess                    guessed

[06:44.72]think                    thinked

[06:49.16]happen                   happened

[06:53.31]6.It is raining outside.Brian is wet.

[07:00.86]Please say this with me.Brian,what happened?

[07:07.13]What is Brian's answer?When you hear the right answer,please say "right".

[07:15.88]I hope 22 it windy this afternoon.

[07:19.95]I have put on my swimsuit.I forgot 23 my umbrella

[07:27.11]7.I am going to say some words for things.

[07:33.56]What things can I hold?Please stand up for the right answers.

[07:40.33]Please sit down for the wrong answers.


[07:56.34]8.Let's fill a dish with water.

[08:02.22]We have filled the dish.What can we say about the dish now?

[08:09.59]Look at the sentences 24 below 25.

[08:14.16]Let's say the right answer together.

[08:18.81]The dish is empty.The dish is full.The dish is ready.


  • Since I left college, I have not seen him.自从我离开大学以后,就没有见过他了。
  • I hope to have seen the film next week.我希望下星期能看到这部电影。
  • Two minutes later we were inside the taxi.两分钟以后我们已经坐在出租车里面了。
  • He will be back inside two days.他将在两天内回来。
  • The balloon rose up slowly in the sky.气球冉冉升上天空。
  • This is a hot air balloon.这是一个热气球。
  • We keep food in a refrigerator.我们把食物存放在冰箱里。
  • There's a very nice refrigerator in the kitchen.厨房里有个相当不错的冰箱。
vt.填充,弥漫,供给,满足,供应;vi. 充满,装满;n.满足,装满,充分,填方
  • Fill the tank with water.把水槽灌满水。
  • Many people find it difficult to fill in a form.许多人发现表格填写困难。
  • Is this your new backpack?这是你的新背包吗?
  • This backpack belongs to me.这背包是我的。
adj.满的;填满的;充气的;加载的v.(使)充满, (使)装满,填满( fill的过去式和过去分词 );满足;配药;(按订单)供应
  • He was filled with anger at the way he had been treated. 他因遭受如此待遇而怒火满腔。
  • two wine glasses, filled to the brim 两只斟满的酒杯
  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • He hates leaving the office and going on holiday.他不愿离开办公室去度假。
  • Did you break the whole dish?盘子被你打碎了?
  • This dish is very delicious.这道菜味道鲜美。
  • We decided to begin the experiment in the evening.我们决定晚上开始那个实验。
  • Why did he do that experiment once again?为什么他再次做那个实验?
n.实验( experiment的名词复数 );试验;尝试;实践
  • a petition against experiments on animals 反对用动物做实验的请愿书
  • Subsequent experiments failed to replicate these findings. 后来的实验没有得出同样的结果。
  • Is that anything to be surprised at?那有什么可怪的?
  • The news greatly surprised us.这消息使我们非常惊异。
  • Don't fight with him, he is a mad man.别跟他打架, 他是疯子。
  • Mother gets mad with me for coming home late.妈妈为我回家迟了而发火。
  • It was just a thought.这仅仅是一个想法。
  • She thought he had a cold.她认为他感冒了。
  • They are having a quiz now.他们正进行小测验。
  • He took part in a television quiz and won a prize.他参加了一个电视知识竞赛并得了奖。
n. 炸面圈
  • As McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts and other fast-food chains moved upmarket, Starbucks looked less distinctive. 随着麦当劳,Dunkin'Donuts以及其它快餐联锁店朝着上流市场发展,星巴克失去了自己的特色。
  • You can walk to the bakery to buy donuts! 你可以步行去面包店买油炸圈饼!
  • The post office is opposite (to) the station.邮局在车站的对面。
  • Black and white are opposite.黑与白是截然相反的。
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon.今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • I shall report to you.我将向你汇报。
  • It looks as if it might snow.看起来好像要下雪了。
  • Might I ask a question?我能问个问题吗?
  • Under cover of the dark,the dog was stolen.在黑夜的掩护下,狗被偷走了。
  • The book needs a new cover.这书需要装个新封面。
  • We hope you can come.我们希望你能来。
  • Hope you'll enjoy yourself there.愿您度过愉快的一天。
  • The boy forgot where he put his textbook.那男孩忘记把课本放在什么地方了。
  • I forgot how to do it.我忘记怎样做了。
n.[律]判决,宣判,课刑;句子( sentence的名词复数 );宣判,判决v.宣判,判决( sentence的第三人称单数 )
  • Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. 判处长期徒刑可对违法者起到强有力的威慑作用。
  • The example sentences in this dictionary are printed in italic type. 本词典中的例句都是用斜体排印的。
  • I looked down at the hall below.我瞧了瞧下面的大厅。
  • The temperature is below zero.温度在零度以下。