时间:2019-02-01 作者:英语课 分类:音乐咖啡厅


音乐咖啡厅:We Will Get There:一起走-孙燕姿

孙燕姿(Stefanie Sun)2002年专辑《离开》(Leave)中的一支单曲,一首关于成长的歌。——还记得我们坐在一起雄心勃勃的日子吗?还记得我们认为未来一片坦途的美好时光么?如今,生活改变了太多,我们已走了太长的路。但是,只要我们肩并肩,只要我们分享一点点的爱,最终,我们会到达那里,与家人与朋友一起,到达我们人生旅途的终点,到达我们心之所系的目标……

We Will Get There

Stefanie Sun

Remember the days we sat out together with faith?

Remember the times so fine

When we thought that nothing could stand in our way?

Then things weren't the same. The life that we knew had to change

We've struggled through the darkest storms.

We thought we couldn't tame 1

Together we've tried as we stood side by side

I knew we'd build a new world, a world of hope forever after


Deep in my heart I just know right from the start we will grow

Look where we are we've come so far

And there's still a long long way to go

All of my heart I will care. I'll play my part, I will share

With family and friends together we'll stand

And in the end, hand in hand, we will get there

So now we begin, working together to win

Believing in trust, it must be possible to overcome anything

There's so much to do. There's so much we can contribute 2

By sharing just a little love we will start again a new

So why don't we try? If we stand side by side

I know we'll build a new world, a world of hope for ever after

(Chorus) (Repeat)

  • His job is to tame lions.他的工作是驯狮。
  • He is so tame that he agrees with everybody.他很随和,总是顺从他人的意见。
  • The rich will be asked to contribute money;the strong to contribute labour.有钱出钱,有力出力。
  • The three sons also contribute to the family business.这3个儿子也为家族事业做出了贡献。
标签: 英语歌曲 get there