时间:2019-01-31 作者:英语课 分类:2007年VOA标准英语(一月)

By Dan Robinson
19 January 2007

The Bush administration is coming under increasing pressure from members of Congress regarding any possible moves against Iran because of its role in Iraq. VOA's Dan Robinson reports, concerns intensified 1 after the president's speech last week in which he said U.S troops will be moving to interrupt support from Iran and Syria for insurgents 2 in Iraq.

US Capitol, Washington DC

US Capitol, Washington DC

Although the administration has downplayed suggestions the U.S. would take military action against Iran or Syria, concern about a possible escalation 3 across Iraq's borders with Iran and Syria is shared by Republicans as well as Democrats 5.

On Thursday, a group of House lawmakers introduced legislation designed to force the president to obtain specific approval from Congress before any such move could be taken.

North Carolina Republican Walter Jones, the most outspoken 6 anti-war Republican in the House:

"If the president is contemplating 7 committing our blood and treasure in another war, then he and his administration must come to Congress and make their case," said Walter Jones. "The Congress answers to the American people and must justify 8 why it would be in our national security interests to engage militarily with Iran."

Referring to what he called lies by the administration regarding the need to act militarily in Iraq, Massachusetts Democrat 4 Marty Meehan:

"It sends a strong message that Congress won't stand by idly, and won't be railroaded into another war, that will only make America and the world less safe," said Marty Meehan.

Legislative 9 steps in the House mirror those in the Senate, and come against the background of warnings by key Senate Democrats that President Bush should not consider the 2002 congressional authorization 10 for military action in Iraq justification 11 for any move against Iran.

Speaking in Bahrain (Thursday) Defense 12 Secretary Robert Gates said U.S. difficulties in Iraq have given Iran, what he called, a tactical opportunity in the short-term, but added there are many alternatives to military conflict:

"Nobody wants another conflict in this region," said Secretary Gates. "My view is that these matters, that there are many courses of action available that do not involve an open conflict with Iran. There is no need for that."

At the same time, Gates said Gulf 13 states have made clear their hope that the U.S. will take steps to contain Iranian ambitions.

His additional comment that Iran has been emboldened 14 by events in Iraq was echoed by other U.S. officials testifying before the House Intelligence Committee.

Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte, says Iran is looking at the region in what he called a much more assertive 15 way:

"They have been providing, through their intelligence services, lethal 16 assistance to some of the extremist Shia groups in Iraq, which is a factor contributing to the instability," he said.

The Bush administration has never taken the military option off the table when it comes to the impasse 17 with Tehran over Iranian nuclear ambitions, while emphasizing its commitment to a diplomatic solution.

Members of Congress who favor an outreach to Iran express frustration 18, meanwhile, with the Iranian government's refusal to allow them to travel there for discussions.

Congressman 19 Tom Lantos, Democratic chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, says he is ready to lead a congressional delegation 20 to Tehran, if only Iran would approve visas:

"The Iranian authorities in Tehran have denied visas to members of Congress, who have sought to visit there, for a conversation," said Tom Lantos.

Lantos says Iranian authorities bear what he called a very heavy share of the responsibility in preventing a dialogue with members of Congress.

On Thursday, the bipartisan House (of Representatives) Iran Working Group, held its first meeting in the new Congress.

Tom Friedman, author and New York Times columnist 21, told the group the U.S. needs to consider carefully what its objectives are regarding Iran.

"What is our objective, regime change or change of behavior? We really do have to make up our mind on that," said Tom Friedman. "If it is truly regime change, then is moving another aircraft carrier in[to] the Gulf, is that going to do it? What are the tools, if that is our goal, do we have the tools to achieve that? And do we have the allies to achieve that, and I don't think we do."

Two lawmakers on the House Iran Working Group, Republican Mark Kirk and Democrat Steve Israel, recently met with Iran's Ambassador to the United Nations.

v.(使)增强, (使)加剧( intensify的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Violence intensified during the night. 在夜间暴力活动加剧了。
  • The drought has intensified. 旱情加剧了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.起义,暴动,造反( insurgent的名词复数 )
  • The regular troops of Baden joined the insurgents. 巴登的正规军参加到起义军方面来了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Against the Taliban and Iraqi insurgents, these problems are manageable. 要对付塔利班与伊拉克叛乱分子,这些问题还是可以把握住的。 来自互联网
  • The threat of nuclear escalation remains. 核升级的威胁仍旧存在。 来自辞典例句
  • Escalation is thus an aspect of deterrence and of crisis management. 因此逐步升级是威慑和危机处理的一个方面。 来自辞典例句
  • The Democrat and the Public criticized each other.民主党人和共和党人互相攻击。
  • About two years later,he was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter.大约两年后,他被民主党人杰米卡特击败。
n.民主主义者,民主人士( democrat的名词复数 )
  • The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday. 民主党昨天在国会山召开了竞选誓师大会。
  • The democrats organize a filibuster in the senate. 民主党党员组织了阻挠议事。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He was outspoken in his criticism.他在批评中直言不讳。
  • She is an outspoken critic of the school system in this city.她是这座城市里学校制度的坦率的批评者。
深思,细想,仔细考虑( contemplate的现在分词 ); 注视,凝视; 考虑接受(发生某事的可能性); 深思熟虑,沉思,苦思冥想
  • You're too young to be contemplating retirement. 你考虑退休还太年轻。
  • She stood contemplating the painting. 她站在那儿凝视那幅图画。
  • He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.他想用站不住脚的借口为自己的缺席辩解。
  • Can you justify your rude behavior to me?你能向我证明你的粗野行为是有道理的吗?
  • Congress is the legislative branch of the U.S. government.国会是美国政府的立法部门。
  • Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.今天的听证会只是展开立法程序的第一步。
  • Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。
  • You cannot take a day off without authorization.未经批准你不得休假。
  • There's no justification for dividing the company into smaller units. 没有理由把公司划分成小单位。
  • In the young there is a justification for this feeling. 在年轻人中有这种感觉是有理由的。
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
  • The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged.两位领导人之间的鸿沟难以跨越。
  • There is a gulf between the two cities.这两座城市间有个海湾。
v.鼓励,使有胆量( embolden的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Emboldened by the wine, he went over to introduce himself to her. 他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍。
  • His success emboldened him to expand his business. 他有了成就因而激发他进一步扩展业务。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • She always speaks an assertive tone.她总是以果断的语气说话。
  • China appears to have become more assertive in the waters off its coastline over recent years.在近些年,中国显示出对远方海洋的自信。
  • A hammer can be a lethal weapon.铁锤可以是致命的武器。
  • She took a lethal amount of poison and died.她服了致命剂量的毒药死了。
  • The government had reached an impasse.政府陷入绝境。
  • Negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse.谈判似乎已经陷入僵局。
  • He had to fight back tears of frustration.他不得不强忍住失意的泪水。
  • He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration.他沮丧地用手打了几下方向盘。
  • He related several anecdotes about his first years as a congressman.他讲述自己初任议员那几年的几则轶事。
  • The congressman is meditating a reply to his critics.这位国会议员正在考虑给他的批评者一个答复。
  • The statement of our delegation was singularly appropriate to the occasion.我们代表团的声明非常适合时宜。
  • We shall inform you of the date of the delegation's arrival.我们将把代表团到达的日期通知你。
  • The host was interviewing a local columnist.节目主持人正在同一位当地的专栏作家交谈。
  • She's a columnist for USA Today.她是《今日美国报》的专栏作家。
ablieninic acid
alligator-skin glaze
at interval
blue pill
Brunswick, Pen.de
bursae subhyoid
Calophanoides xantholeuca
changtsai-do (changjae-som)
Cheyenne River
consuming public
consumptive co operation
copper(ii) amidosulfonate
cranberry trees
dam type
dashes off
dimethyl succinic acid
drift of gravimeter
drill steel
Eritrichium hemisphaericum
erz berg
extensible conveyor
external angle head
grind the face
Ham stone
hemicranic equivalent
high fidelity processing
horizontal windlass
hot critical
ill use
increased exertion
it's not funny
Lawrence of Arabia
lift the ban on
lifting cam
liquid purification process
listwise deletion
made ya
make and break current
market hours
meadow pine
Passerini reaction
polyribosomal helix
predicate calculus logic
prionovolva pudica
priority interrupt table
pyogenic bacteria
relative retardation
root rots
rotary wings
sandwich matrix
screws something up
semi-streamlined body
Serra dos Aimorés
single-end square straight wrench
slitting up
state of operation
stemonitis virginiensis
sulphur ore
TIPS (terminal and host interface processor)
tveitite- (y)
washing tank
way base
wet slag