时间:2019-01-26 作者:英语课 分类:英语单词荟萃


今天我们要学的词是 counterpart 1. Counterpart 地位相当的人,对应的人。North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un has invited his South Korean counterpart to visit the North at the South Korean leader's earliest convenience. 朝鲜领导人金正恩邀请韩国领导人在方便的时候尽早访问朝鲜。Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanged Spring Festival greetings with his Vietnamese counterpart. 中国国家主席习近平与越共中央总书记阮富仲互致春节贺信。好的,我们今天学习的词是Counterpart, Counterpart, Counterpart ...

  • Canada's Prime Minister is the counterpart of the U.S. President.加拿大总理相当于美国总统。
  • Night is the counterpart of day.黑夜与白天相辅相成。