时间:2019-01-23 作者:英语课 分类:大家说英语


   Good morning, Ben. 早上好,本。

  Hi, Taylor. 嗨,泰勒。
  What are you reading? 你在读什么?
  I'm reading a cookbook. 我在读一本食谱。
  Why? 怎么了?
  I'm going on Chef Oscar's cooking show next week. 我下周要参加奥斯卡主厨的烹饪节目。
  Really? I love Chef Oscar! 真的吗?我很喜欢奥斯卡主厨!
  But I have a problem. 可是我有个问题。
  What's that? 什么问题?
  I can't cook! 我不会做饭!
  Don't worry. I can help you. 不要担心。我可以帮你。
  What's my first lesson? 我的第一课是什么?
  Let's learn some kitchen vocabulary. 我们一起徐一些厨房词汇吧。
  OK. I know one. This is a pot. 好的。我知道一个。这是一个烹饪锅。
  No. That is a pan. 不。这是一个平底锅。
  What's the difference? 区别是什么?
  Pans are thin and they have long handles. Pots are big and they can hold soup. 平底锅很薄,并且把手很长。而烹饪锅很大,可以盛汤。
  Oh, really? I have a lot to learn. 哦,真的吗?我有很多要学的啊。
  Hi, Ben. Let's bake some cookies! 嗨,本。我们一起来烤些饼干吧!
  OK! Thank you for teaching me. 好的!感谢你教我!
  You're welcome. OK. Do you have your apron 1? 别客气。好了。你有围裙吗?
  Yes. It's right here. 有。就在这里。
  Put it on and let's start. 穿上它,我们就开始吧。
  What do we do first? 我们要先做什么?
  First, we read the recipe. 第一步,我们读一下菜谱。
  OK. 好的。
  Then we prepare everything. 然后我们把所有东西准备好。

  • We were waited on by a pretty girl in a pink apron.招待我们的是一位穿粉红色围裙的漂亮姑娘。
  • She stitched a pocket on the new apron.她在新围裙上缝上一只口袋。
标签: 大家说英语