时间:2018-12-13 作者:英语课 分类:人教全日制普通高中英语(必修)高二


[00:05.80]A:Hello!Could you help me,please? I want to read some poems.

[00:12.28]B:Have you read any poetry before?

[00:16.04]A:Yes,we read some at school,but I didn't like it very much.

[00:22.80]I want to find something nice.

[00:27.48]B:There are different ways to choose a poem.

[00:31.56]If you have a favourite writer you can choose a book with his or her poems.

[00:37.90]But if you don't know any names,

[00:41.74]you'd better start with books that are collections of poems.

[00:47.07]In such books,you usually find poems by different writers.

[00:53.24]You see,here is a book called a garden of poems,

[00:58.49]or this one,1,001 Songs and Poems in English.

[01:05.04]A:Should I read all those poems?B:No,don't worry.

[01:11.92]what most people do is to go through them until you see a poem that you like.

[01:17.77]Maybe you like the title or the topic

[01:22.60] or you might like the first or last lines of the poem.

[01:27.85]A:I see,what else have you got?

[01:33.13]B:Some books bring together the work of writers from certain period of time.

[01:39.00]You see,English Poems of the Early 17 Century or Poetry between the World Wars.

[01:47.26]Other books have poems about the certain topic.

[01:51.83]The topic can be human feelings,such as humor 1 or love.

[01:58.39]There is also poetry about nature,

[02:02.54]you can look for poems about flowers,trees and plants

[02:07.69]or about the sea of the countryside.

[02:11.94]So,what would you like to read?

[02:16.41]A:I don't know,Shakespeare 2 maybe.

[02:20.96]B:I think Shakespeare is a little bit difficult for you.

[02:26.13]It will be easier if you choose something modern.

[02:30.67]What kind of topic would you like?

[02:34.23]A:I like reading about nature.

[02:38.38]B:Have a look at this book!

[02:41.33]It's called the Earth is Painted Green'.

[02:46.19]If you have anymore questions you can come and ask me.

[02:51.05]A:Yes,I'll do that. Thank you very much for your help.

[02:59.91]Work Book  Unit four  Listening

[03:06.25]People invented poetry as a help to remember things.

[03:11.50]Before the invention of writing there was no other way but to remember important things.

[03:18.16]People early discovered that the rhyme 3 and rhythm 4 are very helpful when they were trying to remember things.

[03:25.43]So they made poems to help them remember all the things they needed to know,

[03:31.49]and pass on from generation to generation.

[03:36.66]For example,to remember their history,

[03:41.34]they recited 5 great stories about their ancestors 6 and the wars that were fought.

[03:48.10]But people also needed to remember practical 7 things,

[03:53.14]such as where to find good caves to sleep,

[03:58.00]where to find water that could be drunk,or when to plant crops.

[04:03.67]We no longer need poetry to remember things,

[04:08.42]but that doesn't mean that we should not or couldn't use it

[04:13.47] to help us remember and learn things better.

[04:17.54]In fact,there are a number of quite famous short poems

[04:23.11]that can help us with things that are difficult to remember.

[04:28.07]We can learn and remember important dates in history using rhyme.

[04:33.53]The most famous of these is,'In 1492,Columbus Sail the Ocean Blue.'

[04:41.10]to remember that it was in 1492,the Columbus discovered the America.

[04:48.37]There are also short rhymes 8 to remember how many days each month has.

[04:54.84]30 days has September,April,June and NovemberAll the rest have 31.

[05:03.10]Fine,February,28 except when 29.

[05:09.29]We can even learn how to spell English words from a short poem.

[05:14.44]The word 'receive' sounds like 'believe but the spelling is not the same.

[05:21.59]Listen to the following short poem.

[05:25.56]It is very useful to help students learn

[05:30.11]and remember how to spells some difficult words in English and it always works 9.

[05:36.98]I before E except after C,or when sounding like an A As in'neighbor'and 'way'

1 humor
  • He is distinguished for his sense of humor.他以其幽默感著称。
  • American humor is founded largely on hyperbole.美式幽默主要以夸张为基础。
2 Shakespeare
  • Shakespeare is a giant among writers.莎士比亚是作家中的巨擘.
  • He read Shakespeare to help his English.他阅读莎士比亚的作品以提高自己的英语水平。
3 rhyme
  • I cannot find a rhyme to " hiccups ".我不能找到和 “hiccups”同韵的词。
  • The last two lines of this poem don't rhyme properly.这首诗后两句不怎么压韵。
4 rhythm
  • He has an ear for the rhythm of Irish speech.他对爱尔兰语的节奏很敏感。
  • His poem has a pleasing rhythm.他的诗有和谐的韵律。
5 recited
v.背诵( recite的过去式和过去分词 );详述,列举
  • She recited a catalogue of her husband's sins to me. 她向我历数了她丈夫的一连串罪过。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He recited Israel losses during the war. 他列举了以色列在战争中的损失。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 ancestors
n.祖先( ancestor的名词复数 );祖宗;原型;(动物的)原种
  • His ancestors had come to America from Ireland. 他的祖先从爱尔兰来到美国。
  • The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among these people. 崇拜祖先的风俗在这些人中是普遍的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 practical
  • He is a practical person.他是位很讲实际的人。
  • Your invention is clever,but not practical.你的发明很巧,但不实用。
8 rhymes
n.韵;同韵的词;押韵诗;韵文;同韵词( rhyme的名词复数 );押韵词;押韵的短诗vt.使押韵;作押韵诗;成韵v.(使)押韵,押…韵( rhyme的第三人称单数 );(词或音节)押韵,和…同韵;(诗歌)押句尾韵
  • Later, however, they delight in parodies of nursery rhymes. 可要不了多久,他们便乐于对它进行窜改。 来自英汉非文学 - 民俗
  • She almost proposed to her hero in her rhymes. 她差不多已经在诗行中向她的英雄提出了求婚。 来自辞典例句
9 works
  • We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。