时间:2019-01-20 作者:英语课 分类:洪恩环境英语


  Lesson Five.

Listen to the conversation between Connie and some students at Stamford High.

What interests you?

I'm interested in,um,art.Painting in particular,impressionist painting.

I'm interested in music.

I'mm interested in playing the guitar.

I just started taking lessons about two weeks ago.

Now listen and repeat.

I'm interested        I'm interested in art.

I'm interested        I'm interested in music.

I'm intersted         I'm interested in taking

I'm interested in taking guitar lessons.

The opposite of I'm interested in is I'm not interested in.Listen and repeat.

I'm not interested

I'm not interested in art.I'm interested in music.

I'm interested in taking guitar lessons.

Now I say,"Art."And you say..

I'm interested in art.Or,if you're not interested in art,you say...

I'm not interested in art.

I say,"Taking guitar lessons."And you say...

I'm interested in taking guitar lessons.

Or,if you're not interested in taking guitar lessons,you say...

I'm not interested in taking guitar lessons.

Ready?Let's begain.Art.

Taking guitar lessons.Music.Joining the army.

Business. Studying English.History.

Now listen to the conversation.

Sam Finch 1 calls Maria from Denver.Hello.

Hi,Maria.How are you?Oh,hi,Sam.I'm fine.

Where are you?I'm in Denver,but I'm leaving for Hawaii this evening.

Hawaii! How exciting!Not very exciting,I'm afraid. It's business trip.

We're having some really serious problems at our bottle factory in Honolulu.

Your what?Ovr bottle factory.You know,a factory that makes bottles.

Anyway,I'll be out of town for two days.

At a bottle factory in Honolulu.Poor Sam.How boring....

Listen and repeat. How exciting!How boring.

How exctiting!is a way of showing enthusiasm 2.

How boring is a way of showing no enthusuiasm.Now you hear....

I'm leaving for Hawaii this evening.And you say....

How exciting!You hear...I'm spending two days in a bottle factory.

And you say..How boring.

OK?Let's begin.I'm leaving for Hawaii this evening.

How exciting!  I'm spending two days in a bottle factory.

How boring.We'll work all weekend.

How boring.Later we're going skiing 3 in Aspen.

How exciting!

Sorry,I can't go to the movies tonight.I have to clean my apartment.

How boring.Guess what!I got a job at Disneyland.

How exciting! I'm washing dishes in a restaurant.

How boriong.

Sam Finch is in Honolulu giving a speech in the cafeteria 4

to the employees 5 of the bottle factory.

Listen.Just listen. Thank you...thank you.

I must say I wasn't looking forward to this visit.

The situation looked bad.

I was very disappointed 6 in last month's report.

I expected to find things worse this month.

But I must say I'm surprised by your progress.

You've really turned the situation around...

I can see you're really excited about your work in the factory.

You're producing more bottles now,and better ones too.

You can be sure I won't forget you when teh question of bigger salaries comes up.

Listen and repeat.

I was disappointed

I was disappointed in

I was disappointed in last month's report.

I'm surprised

I'm surprised by

I'm surprised by your progress.

you're excited

you're excited about

You're excited about your work.

I say,"Last month's report disappointed me."And you say...

I was disappointed in last month's report.

I say,"Your progress surprises me."And you say..

I'm surprised by your progress.

I say,"Your work excites 7 you."And you say...

You're excited about your work.

OK?Let's begin.Last month's report disappointed me.

I was disappointed in last month's report.

Your progress surprises me. Im surprised by your progress.

Your work excites you.You're excited about your work.

The ruture of the bottle business really excites Sam.

Sam is really excited about the future of the bottle business.

Hawaii pleasantly surprises some people.

Some people are pleasantly surprised by Hawaii.

But Honolulu disappoints most people.

But most people are disappointed in Honolulu.

The vacation in Aspen excites Sam.

Sam is excited about the vacation in Aspen.

Your knowledge of English really surprises me.

I'm really surprised by your knowledge of English.

OK.Now listen and repoeat.

your knowledge of English

Your knowledge of English is really surprising.

You hear..Your knowledge of English is really surprising.

You hear...I'm very excited about the bottle business.

You say...The bottle business is very exciting.

Ready?Let's go.

I'm really surprised by your knowledge of English.

Your knowledge of English is really surprising.

I'm very excited about the bottle business.

The bottle business is very exciting.

I'm fascinated 8 by Sam Finch's business deals.

Sam Finch's business deals are fascinating 9.

I'm really bored with life in Honolulu.

Life in Honolulu is really boring.

I'm very interested in my guitar lessons.

My guitar lessons are very interesting.

I'm faschinated by you.You're fascinating.

Connie and Maria are in teh office.Listen to their conversation.

Isn't that Sam Finch? Oh,yes.

You have his picture? Maria,what's going on?

I think he's fascinating.We went to dinner last week,and we had a wonderful time.

He's really very interesting.

How nice.I'm happy for you.

Now listen and repeat.

I think            I think he's fascinating.

I think            I think she's exciting.

I think            I think it's interesting.

I think            I think it's boring.

Now I say,"What do you think of Julio Iglesias?"And you say...

I think he's exciting.Or...

I think he's boring.

Or whateve you think...fascinating,interesting.

I say,"What do you think of football?"And you say...

I think it's fascinating.Or....

I think it's boring.Or interesting or exciting...It depends on you.

Are you ready?Let's begin.

Julio Iglesias.

Football.Barbra Streisand.

Luciano Pavarotti. Jane Fonda. Big business.

  • This behaviour is commonly observed among several species of finch.这种行为常常可以在几种雀科鸣禽中看到。
  • In Australia,it is predominantly called the Gouldian Finch.在澳大利亚,它主要还是被称之为胡锦雀。
  • We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm.我们立刻兴致勃勃地干起来。
  • A team which is full of enthusiasm is more likely to win.情绪高涨的球队更可能获胜。
  • I'm a complete novice at skiing. 滑雪我完全是个新手。
  • to go skiing 去滑雪
  • In the cafeteria we serve ourselves.在自助餐馆我们是自己拿菜的。
  • I can't stand eating in the cafeteria.我实在不想在自助食堂吃了。
n.雇工,雇员( employee的名词复数 )
  • She is always polite and considerate towards her employees. 她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅。
  • The company has a strict dress code—all male employees are expected to wear suits. 公司有严格的着装规定—所有男职员都要穿西服。
  • He seemed disappointed when the man refused his request.当那个人拒绝了他的要求时他看起来很失望。
  • He was disappointed so often that he became hopeless.他屡次失望,以致变为了绝望。
v.使兴奋( excite的第三人称单数 );激发;刺激;使紧张不安
  • Strong coffee excites your nerves. 浓咖啡使你神经兴奋。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Strong coffee excites your nerve. 浓咖啡使神经兴奋。 来自辞典例句
  • China has always fascinated me. 中国一直令我心驰神往。
  • The children watched, fascinated, as the picture began to appear. 电影开始以后孩子们入迷地观看着。
  • Your ideas are fascinating to me.你的这些主意对我来说是有吸引力的。
  • The very style of the book is fascinating.这本书的风格本身就会引人入胜。