时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:自然百科2009年


 One of the most iconic animals of the Galapagos Islands is the Giant Tortoise. Charles Darwin wrote of this tortoise in his famed report , Origin of Species, published 150 years ago this month. The differences between the tortoises from island to island were instrumental for Darwin’s development of his theory of natural selection. And well Darwin used that notebook from his observations toward explaining his theory of evolution. Research tools have gone through their own revolution. 

Recently scientists have begun using one of those modern innovations to study the natural behavior of wild Galapagos tortoises: the cutting-edge technology of the National Geographic 1 Crittercam. 
As famous as these animals are, surprisingly little is actually known about their day-to-day behavior. And well it might seem simple to attach a camera to a slow moving tortoise, the Crittercam team ran into plenty of obstacles. 
These creatures are used to bulldozing their way through low-lying  vines and branches. And with their strength when the camera mount gets snared 2 on a branch, the mount gives away before the tortoise gives up. Crittercam adventurer Greg Marshall and Associate Kyler Abernathy were invited to the Galapagos Darwin Research Station by Dr. Steve Blake of the Max Planck Institute. Blake is coordinating 3 a research partnership 4 with the Galapagos National Park and the Charles Darwin Foundation. The researchers are conducting extensive studies of the behavior of Galapagos tortoises in the wild, all in the efforts towards conservation of this species. 
“This tortoise was around when Lincoln was alive probably, and have the ultra-high tech of criticcam meet a 150-year-old animal.. um.. is quite something, and to get this real-time video on this poorly understood, poorly known animal is just fabulous 5.” 
Blake’s team has outfitted 6 several tortoises with GPS monitoring devices, but location is only part of observation. The Crittercam were provided much needed data on what tortoises are actually doing as they roam. Harvested for meat and oil beginning in the 18th century, and preyed 7 upon by introducing predators 8 the tortoises suffered a steep decline in numbers. 
Today several of the living Galapagos species are listed as endangered and all are under strict protection. This video was recorded from the back of a tortoise called Lolo on Santa Cruz Island in May of this year. The Crittercam team hopes to return soon with an improved camera system that can survive scrapes in the wild and help in the survival of this threatened species.

1 geographic
  • The city's success owes much to its geographic position. 这座城市的成功很大程度上归功于它的地理位置。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Environmental problems pay no heed to these geographic lines. 环境问题并不理会这些地理界限。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
2 snared
v.用罗网捕捉,诱陷,陷害( snare的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He snared a job with IBM. 他以巧妙的手段在 IBM 公司谋得一职。 来自辞典例句
  • The hunter snared a skunk. 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。 来自辞典例句
3 coordinating
v.使协调,使调和( coordinate的现在分词 );协调;协同;成为同等
  • He abolished the Operations Coordinating Board and the Planning Board. 他废除了行动协调委员会和计划委员会。 来自辞典例句
  • He's coordinating the wedding, and then we're not going to invite him? 他是来协调婚礼的,难道我们不去请他? 来自电影对白
4 partnership
  • The company has gone into partnership with Swiss Bank Corporation.这家公司已经和瑞士银行公司建立合作关系。
  • Martin has taken him into general partnership in his company.马丁已让他成为公司的普通合伙人。
5 fabulous
  • We had a fabulous time at the party.我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。
  • This is a fabulous sum of money.这是一笔巨款。
6 outfitted
v.装备,配置设备,供给服装( outfit的过去式和过去分词 )
  • They outfitted for the long journey. 他们为远途旅行准备装束。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • They outfitted him with artificial legs. 他们为他安了假腿。 来自辞典例句
7 preyed
v.掠食( prey的过去式和过去分词 );掠食;折磨;(人)靠欺诈为生
  • Remorse preyed upon his mind. 悔恨使他内心痛苦。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • He had been unwise and it preyed on his conscience. 他做得不太明智,这一直让他良心不安。 来自辞典例句
8 predators
n.食肉动物( predator的名词复数 );奴役他人者(尤指在财务或性关系方面)
  • birds and their earthbound predators 鸟和地面上捕食它们的动物
  • The eyes of predators are highly sensitive to the slightest movement. 捕食性动物的眼睛能感觉到最细小的动静。 来自《简明英汉词典》
advances made to salesmen
affine film shrinkage
ammonioferric alum
arc welding process
autonomous specification
bostrychia tenella
brine leaching
cascade mixer-settler
catastrophic kills
checkpoint service facility
chervoni partyzany
Chinese intelligence terminal
colo(u)r filter disc
cooperating class
Cuban sandwiches
direct product Lie group
double gloucesters
epilepsia abortiva
give an eye to
graphite reflector
great unwashed
holcoglossum quasipinifolium schltr.
impediment in elevation
integration unit
interest in an enterprise
inversion loop
Jupiter magnetosphere
kammon strait bridges
lead hydrogen plumbite
lilliefors test
litocranius walleris
Manglietiastrum sinicum
mechanical peeling
mosquito boat
multivariate analysis of variance
osteoarthritis hyperplastic
photoemission microscope
photometric computer
plug selector
pocket office
poly 1-butene
positive chemotropism
proper value of matrix
prostate (or prostate gland)
pyridine (c5h5n)
quadruple figuration
ready made advertisement
reinserted carrier
remote maintenance
ridge type
riding land for cage
search-tube experiment
servitutes praediorum urbanorum
sextuple-flow turbine
shtip (stip)
single-lined belt conveyer
sound-energy density
stamp head
sucks up
sulfur cycle
summerheat strike (stroke)
switch tube
synthesis of work elements
time scheduling
travel(l)ing crane
visual percepts
Vostok ice core
with ... whole heart