时间:2019-01-19 作者:英语课 分类:VOA双语新闻 Bilingual News


The United Nations food agency has announced it will terminate its assistance to increasingly prosperous China. China says it will increase its own foreign aid budget, as it shifts gears from aid recipient 1 to aid donor 2.


The U.N. World Food Program says it will phase out its donations to China by the end of next year.


Speaking in Beijing Friday, WFP chief executive James Morris said an increasingly affluent 3 China should begin funding its own poverty assistance programs. "China is not a place that needs us in the extensive role we've played historically," said Mr. Morris.

世界粮食计划署执行主任詹姆斯. 莫里斯星期五在北京说,日渐富裕的中国应该开始自行负责援助贫穷项目的基金:“我们已经不需要再像从前那样在中国扮演广泛援助的角色。”

Friday's announcement followed a five-day visit to China by Mr. Morris, who inspected WFP-supported projects and met Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.


The WFP's decision reflects China's enormous progress over the past 10 years. The agency started work here in 1979, providing food to poor families and funding local road-improvement and water projects.


But since the mid-1990s, China's economic growth has lifted more than 300 million of its people from extreme poverty. Mr. Morris says China is now in a position to join the ranks of international aid donors 4."I'm hopeful that China will partner with the World Food Program to help us do more to take advantage of the strength they have, the experience, to address these tough issues elsewhere," added Mr. Morris. He asked China to help the WFP in sending food aid to China's impoverished 5 communist neighbor, North Korea.


China contributed more than $20 million to the WFP last year, and said it will consider increasing support in the future. But the request puts Beijing in a difficult position - as it funds more international projects, other nations are likely to stop assisting China's own programs.Japanese officials said last month they are already considering major reductions in aid to Beijing. Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura cited China's economic growth as a primary cause for the proposed cuts.


And earlier this year in Ottawa, opposition 6 politicians tried to cut Canada's support for China. Critics there accused Beijing of accepting overseas contributions while spending billions of dollars to upgrade its military and expand its space program.


China is the world's second largest economy, but 20 percent of its people live in poverty.



a.接受的,感受性强的 n.接受者,感受者,容器
  • Please check that you have a valid email certificate for each recipient. 请检查是否对每个接收者都有有效的电子邮件证书。
  • Colombia is the biggest U . S aid recipient in Latin America. 哥伦比亚是美国在拉丁美洲最大的援助对象。
  • In these cases,the recipient usually takes care of the donor afterwards.在这类情况下,接受捐献者以后通常会照顾捐赠者。
  • The Doctor transplanted the donor's heart to Mike's chest cavity.医生将捐赠者的心脏移植进麦克的胸腔。
  • He hails from an affluent background.他出身于一个富有的家庭。
  • His parents were very affluent.他的父母很富裕。
n.捐赠者( donor的名词复数 );献血者;捐血者;器官捐献者
  • Please email us to be removed from our active list of blood donors. 假如你想把自己的名字从献血联系人名单中删去,请给我们发电子邮件。
  • About half this amount comes from individual donors and bequests. 这笔钱大约有一半来自个人捐赠及遗赠。 来自《简明英汉词典》
adj.穷困的,无力的,用尽了的v.使(某人)贫穷( impoverish的过去式和过去分词 );使(某物)贫瘠或恶化
  • the impoverished areas of the city 这个城市的贫民区
  • They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment. 他们因长期失业而一贫如洗。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.该党领袖在自己的党內遇到了反对。
  • The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition.警察设法制住了那个囚犯的反抗。