时间:2018-11-28 作者:英语课 分类:李阳疯狂英语之国际肌肉三最短文


Good manners 1 are so important in today's society. A little effort of  being polite to everyone you meet can have great rewards 2. Of course there are other reasons for being polite as well. Everyone should be polite. Polite people show good manners. Moreover 3, they are popular. On the other hand, rude people are looked down upon. Rudeness shows poor education. Therefore, why not be polite? A simple "Please", "Thank you" or " You are welcome" can make a big difference. If someone says dirty words all the time, it shows that something is wrong with his mouth. You'd better persuade him to watch his mouth.


1 manners
  • You should mend your manners.你的态度应当纠正。
  • His manners are rough,but he is a kind man at heart.他虽然举止粗鲁,但心地善良。
2 rewards
n.报酬( reward的名词复数 );报答;赏金;酬金v.酬谢,奖赏( reward的第三人称单数 )
  • They are now reaping the rewards of all their hard work. 现在,他们的全部辛劳都得到了回报。
  • He harvested rewards in fame and wealth for his successful experiment. 他因试验成功而名利双收。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 moreover
  • The rent is reasonable, and moreover,the location is perfect.这房租合理,而且地点优越。
  • The task is difficult, and moreover,time is pressing.任务艰巨,并且时间紧迫。