时间:2018-12-02 作者:英语课 分类:英语情景对话-工作


A: Could you help me prepare for my presentation 1 on Friday?

B: I would love to help you prepare for your presentation.

A: I hate to ask you to do something like that.

B: This will not interfere 2 with my work. I promise you that.

A: When could we get together?

B: I could easily give you some time tomorrow night.

A: Would you like to meet at the coffee house next door?

B: Yes, and could you write down anything you might be having trouble with?

A: I'll come prepared.

B: Goodbye until then. I promise you that you'll do well after we meet.


1 presentation
  • Last week we went to the presentation of a new play.上星期我们去观看了一场新剧的演出。
  • The manner of presentation is highly important.介绍的方式很重要。
2 interfere
  • If we interfere, it may do more harm than good.如果我们干预的话,可能弊多利少。
  • When others interfere in the affair,it always makes troubles. 别人一卷入这一事件,棘手的事情就来了。