时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-美国颂歌


  [00:02.02]It's Cuban. 古巴烟

[00:03.42]Hmm... I guess I can make an exception. 呃,这是例外

[00:07.70]Ah! Takes me back. 回去咯

[00:11.06]What the hell is this? 这是什么鬼?

[00:13.26]- Your home. Maloneville, Alabama. - I live in Alabama? - 你的家啊Alabama州的Maloneville - 我住在这儿?

[00:16.22]Didn't you hear? Around 1860, all the good jobs started to move south. 你没听说吗,自1860年以来所有 好的工作机会都到南方了

[00:21.82]Lincoln agreed with you. War was not the answer. 林肯同意了你的观点 战争不是解决方法

[00:22.14]- After the Civil War? - There was no war. - 南北战争后吗? - 压根就没那战争

[00:26.10]- Saved 600,000 American lives. - Well, that's good. - 这拯救了六十万美国人的生命 - 那挺好啊

[00:28.58]Good move for the economy here, too. 对这里的经济也挺好

[00:32.18]- What? Why? - Cheap labor 1. - 为什么? - 廉价劳动力

[00:33.22]Mass'a Malone! Mass'a Malone! Malone主人!Malone主人!

[00:35.54]I had the boys polish your trophies 2 like you told us. 我让那些孩子按照你的 要求清洗了你的奖杯

[00:40.34]Polish my trophies? 清洗了我的奖杯?

[00:40.50]I ain't know they gave awards for a documentary. 我不知道他们给纪录片发奖

[00:43.70]You know, for your information... Wait! Who are these people? 根据你提供的信息... 等等,他们是谁?

[00:45.86]You're the biggest slave owner in the state. 你是国内最大的奴隶主

[00:49.82]I's Rastus. 我是Rastus

[00:49.98]Mass'a Malone, you ain't recognized me? Malone主人,你不记得我了?

[00:51.62]What? Oh, this can't be happening. 什么?这怎么可能啊?

[00:55.10]Hey, isn't that... 那不是...

[00:57.98]Yeah, that's him, all right. 对啊,就是他

[01:00.38]Don't you worry, mass'a Malone. Malone主人,别担心

[01:03.06]We got them bacon stains out of the upholstery. 我们清洁了室内装潢的烟熏污渍

[01:04.98]It's a good thing ol' Mr. Lincoln never fought no wars. 林肯没有开战确是好事

[01:08.94]Oh... look, uh, Rastus, you know this isn't real, right? Rastus,你明白这不是真的

[01:14.10]Whatever you say, mass'a. Whatever you say, I guess this old ni... 主人,不管您怎么说 我想我这个黑...

[01:18.98]No! Don't! Stop! Don't say that. 别说那个词

[01:20.46]Mass'a Malone! Mass'a Malone! Good news! Malone主人 好消息

[01:21.46]Productivity is through the roof since you sold Daddy and the old folks! 自从你把我爸和那帮老人卖掉后 我们的生产效率提高了许多

[01:26.94]and start pickin' some cotton! 也可以收棉花了

[01:27.26]Now we can buy us about 20 new bucks 3 现在我们能再买二十头鹿

[01:28.58](Men, singing in harmony) ? The trouble I've seen... ∮ The trouble I've seen... ∮

[01:33.90]Rastus, tell me, how does old mass'a Malone treat his slaves? Rastus,你告诉我 Malone主人是怎么对待他的奴隶的?

[01:35.78]Mass'a Malone is the bestest, Malone主人是奴隶能够...

[01:39.94]most kindliest mass'a a slave could have. 拥有的最好、最和善的主人

[01:40.86]Oh, he don't beat us unless we awful bad. 除非我们做的太坏,否则他不会打我们

[01:45.94]And he don't sell the li'I children until they 6 months old. 他也不会贩卖小于六个月的婴儿

[01:46.62]No, no, no! I... 不,不,不

[01:48.90]Mass'a, don't beat me! I ain't healed from the beatin' you gave me yesterday! 主人别打我,你昨天打我的伤还没好呢

[01:56.14]No, I wasn't gonna be... Can you make them stop? 不,我不是要打你 你能让他们停下来吗?

[01:57.94]Mass'a don't want to hear slave shit! Kick somethin' into 4l4! 主人不想听你们唱这些破歌 你们给我唱4l4去

[01:58.74]Look, here, y'all! 你们都听着

[02:03.22](Man) 1, 2, 3, 4. 1,2,3,4

[02:04.62]? Hava nagila, hava nagila ∮ Hava nagila, hava nagila ∮ 有此毒晰,有此毒晰

[02:06.70]? Hava nagila ve nis'mecha ∮ Hava nagila ve nis'mecha ∮ 有此毒晰,有此毒晰

[02:08.74]? Hava nagila, we are so happy ∮ Hava nagila, we are so happy ∮ 有此毒晰,吾其何乐

[02:13.46]? That mass'a owns us He is the best, yeah! ∮ That mass'a owns us He is the best, yeah! 他拥有我们,他最棒

[02:15.94]I gotta get out of here! 我要走了

[02:17.54]All right, mass'a leavin'. Everybody wave goodbye. 主人要走了,大家跟他挥手道别啊

[02:21.22]- Hope you can buy some more of us. - We sure could use a baritone. - 多买些我们的兄弟啊 - 我们还能唱男中音呢

[02:26.10]- Huh? - (Girl) Bye, Daddy. 爸爸,再见

[02:26.66]- (Malone screams) - (Boy) Bye, Daddy! 爸爸,再见

[02:29.34]- (Girl 2) Bye, Daddy! - (Girl 3) Bye, Daddy! 爸爸,再见 爸爸,再见

[02:30.06](Screaming) - 真恶心 - 但没有奴隶制恶心

[02:32.02]- Aw, that was sick. - Not as sick as slavery.

[02:39.02]Lincoln is revered 4 now for fighting that war. 林肯现在因为打了那场战争而受人尊重

[02:43.38]- Those rumors 5 about Lincoln bein' gay. - (Cell phone ringing) 有传言说林肯断过背

[02:44.34]Hey, you would know. 你应该知道吧

[02:47.62]Why don't I just shoot you now? 我干嘛不现在就毙了你?

[02:48.42]Well, maybe he just had a wide stance. 也许是他的坐姿吧?

[02:50.42]Hang on. I gotta take this. Hello! 等等,我要接这个电话

[02:52.02]Michael? Where are you? Michael?在哪呢?

[02:55.82]- Oh, I'm in, uh, D.C. - Yeah, right. Wherever you are, - 我在华盛顿 - 不管你在哪...

[02:58.90]you're supposed to be at Columbia in the morning. 你早上应该在哥伦比亚大学

[03:00.74]I know. Of course. 我当然知道

[03:03.46]- (Phone beeps) - Jane... Hello? Hello? Jane? Jane,喂喂?

[03:03.94](Off-the-hook signal)

[03:07.82]- Damn cell phones. - Here. Use mine. - 破手机 - 用我的

[03:13.38]But do your minutes roll over to the next month? 你这个手机可以用到下个月吗?

[03:13.78]But do your minutes roll over to the next month? 你这个手机可以用到下个月吗?

[03:15.78]- But do you get unlimited 6 texting? - You think I was born yesterday? - 但你有无限量的短信吗? - 你觉得我是昨天才生的吗?

[03:20.54](Door opens) 你们这类人

[03:20.66](Students conversing) 哥伦比亚大学  和平学习峰会 欢迎Michael Malone

[03:23.14]Your people. 嗯,学生都喜欢我

[03:25.22]Yep, the students love me.

[03:25.74]Love you? They don't even know you. 喜欢你?他们都不认识你

[03:27.62]You're unique. 你很另类

[03:29.98]A liberal director who can't even get laid 一个无法在哥伦比亚大学和平研究系...

[03:30.18]at the University Peace Studies Department. 找到工作的自由派导演

[03:35.14]- They flock to my movies. - They flock to slasher movies. - 他们非常喜欢我的电影 - 他们还喜欢电锯杀人狂那种电影呢

[03:35.82]They go to your movies 'cause professors tell them to. 他们去看你的电影只是 因为他们老师让他们去看

[03:40.74]This is where they get information to support the peace movement. 这是他们用来支持和平、运动的知识来源

[03:42.62]- It's called education. - It's called indoctrination. - 这叫做教育 - 不,这是灌输

[03:46.58]The American flag is a symbol of oppression all over the world. 美国国旗是其对于全球进行镇压的象征

[03:50.18]July 4th is a despicable celebration. 独立日是个可鄙的庆典

[03:52.98]I know that look. You're gonna try to teach me somethin'. 我知道你这表情 你又想教我什么了

[03:55.86]Where we gonna go now, back in time? 这回我们要去哪?回到过去?

[03:59.34]We don't have to. We're at a university. 用不着,我们在一所大学里呢

[04:00.62]? Nothing has changed ∮ Nothing has changed ∮ 什么也没有改变

[04:05.86]? We still think the same way ∮ We still think the same way ∮ 我们还是那样思考

[04:07.98]? And if you think the way we do ∮ And if you think the way we do ∮ 如果你的思维方式和我们一样

[04:12.22]? We'll give you an A ∮ We'll give you an A ∮ 我们会给你优秀

[04:15.50]? And you get extra credit ∮ And you get extra credit ∮ 如果你是穷人,黑人,或是同性恋

[04:17.82]? If you're poor, black, or gay ∮ If you're poor, black, or gay ∮ 我们给你加分

[04:25.46]? Yes, everything's the same ∮ Yes, everything's the same ∮ 一切都没有变

[04:28.50]- (Slap) - Aah! 2,3,4


[04:30.42](Man) Two, three, four.

[04:31.90]? The president's stupid, our soldiers are thugs ∮ The president's stupid, our soldiers are thugs∮ 总统是蠢材,士兵是恶霸

[04:36.42]? The government's dirty ∮ The government's dirty 政府腐败

[04:38.18]? Our cops are on drugs ∮ Our cops are on drugs ∮ 警察涉毒

[04:38.30]? But we still like our co-eds with blond hair and jugs 7 ∮ But we still like our co-eds with blond hair and jugs ∮ 我们还是喜欢那种爱爵士乐的金发学生

[04:41.86]? And America's to blame ∮ And America's to blame ∮ 要怪就怪美国

[04:47.14]? Just like in 1968 ∮ Just like in 1968 ∮ 就像1968年

[04:49.02]- Are you kidding? A musical number? - ? 1968 - 你在搞笑吧?一个音乐剧的数字? - ∮ 1968 ∮

[04:52.10]A little entertainment. 娱乐罢了

[04:52.38]? We were smart when we had something to part ∮ We were smart when we had something to part∮ 在要分开时我们聪明

[04:55.98]What kind of a soldier are you? 你到底是哪一种军人啊?

[04:57.34]Startin' to understand the boots and the whip. 我开始理解你的靴子和皮鞭了

1 labor
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
2 trophies
n.(为竞赛获胜者颁发的)奖品( trophy的名词复数 );奖杯;(尤指狩猎或战争中获得的)纪念品;(用于比赛或赛跑名称)奖
  • His football trophies were prominently displayed in the kitchen. 他的足球奖杯陈列在厨房里显眼的位置。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The hunter kept the lion's skin and head as trophies. 这猎人保存狮子的皮和头作为纪念品。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
3 bucks
n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃
  • They cost ten bucks. 这些值十元钱。
  • They are hunting for bucks. 他们正在猎雄兔。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 revered
v.崇敬,尊崇,敬畏( revere的过去式和过去分词 )
  • A number of institutions revered and respected in earlier times have become Aunt Sally for the present generation. 一些早年受到尊崇的惯例,现在已经成了这代人嘲弄的对象了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven. 中国人将谷物奉为上天的恩赐。 来自辞典例句
5 rumors
n.传闻( rumor的名词复数 );[古]名誉;咕哝;[古]喧嚷v.传闻( rumor的第三人称单数 );[古]名誉;咕哝;[古]喧嚷
  • Rumors have it that the school was burned down. 有谣言说学校给烧掉了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Rumors of a revolt were afloat. 叛变的谣言四起。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 unlimited
  • They flew over the unlimited reaches of the Arctic.他们飞过了茫茫无边的北极上空。
  • There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris.在技术方面自以为是会很危险。
7 jugs
(有柄及小口的)水壶( jug的名词复数 )
  • Two china jugs held steaming gravy. 两个瓷罐子装着热气腾腾的肉卤。
  • Jugs-Big wall lingo for Jumars or any other type of ascenders. 大岩壁术语,祝玛式上升器或其它种类的上升器。
a snowball's chance in hell
air pipe collector
analog-to-digital conversion rate
antiglare shield
automobile industry
available water holding capacity
bath containing common salt
beautiful design
bolted three-phase fault
branching network
Bridgewater Canal
case leak
caustic line
conjugate elements of a group
connecting tubule
counterfort wall
cycle-time efficiency
diabase spessartite
diamertral pitch
divergent parabola
dust-borne radioactivity
electrically tuned attenuator
Firmiana hainanensis
fitting of a model
French Standard
general work
globular discharge
industrial psychiatry
invertory cost selection
keratoma plantare sulcatum
lilioceris formosana
metal finishing waste
naked ovum
nilpotent Lie algebra
Onobrychis pulchella
parasitic wasps
pivot pin cap
Podocarpium leptopus
prior approval
programmed stop
put one's finger s in the fire
pyritic sulfur
quartz clocks
relational development stage
repairing basin
right track
rod feeding
slab keel
stretch measure
suction volume
summer damask rose
symmetric equilibrium
syncope due to immoderate drinking
take seriously
time-base error
transmission times
two-daylight press
vent one's spleen on sb
vertical drawing machine
Walker phase advancer
wave antenna
wind damage