时间:2019-02-07 作者:英语课 分类:英语单词荟萃


  今天我们要学的词是wreak 1 havoc 2。 Wreak, 动词,在这里是造成的意思,havoc, 指混乱破坏,连在一起,to wreak havoc, 意思是造成严重破坏。美国东岸很多地区周末遭遇暴风雪天气。 "The blizzard 3 conditions wreaked 4 havoc on travelers and forced some of the busiest airports to shut down," 风雪路况打乱了很多人旅行的计划,不少最繁忙的机场也被迫关闭。同时,美国西岸圣诞节前最后一个周末受到暴雨袭击。 "The rainstorm wreaked havoc on the West Coast and caused a major cleanup," 暴雨给西岸地区造成极大破坏,雨后清理工作严峻。好的,今天我们学习的词是wreak havoc...

  • She had a burning desire to wreak revenge.她复仇心切。
  • Timid people always wreak their peevishness on the gentle.怯懦的人总是把满腹牢骚向温和的人发泄。
  • The earthquake wreaked havoc on the city.地震对这个城市造成了大破坏。
  • This concentration of airborne firepower wrought havoc with the enemy forces.这次机载火力的集中攻击给敌军造成很大破坏。
  • The blizzard struck while we were still on the mountain.我们还在山上的时候暴风雪就袭来了。
  • You'll have to stay here until the blizzard blows itself off.你得等暴风雪停了再走。
诉诸(武力),施行(暴力),发(脾气)( wreak的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The earthquake wreaked havoc on the city. 地震对这个城市造成了大破坏。
  • They have wreaked dreadful havoc among the wildlife by shooting and trapping. 他们射杀和诱捕野生动物,造成了严重的破坏。